
Chapter 1

"Ser Haldor Stithulf, you are the kingdom's most capable warrior and the most loyal man. On account of all the years you have served and the prestige you accumulated I wish to trust you with the most difficult and important task of your career."

The sunlight shone through the hall, and reflected on his armor. It was warm and tempting to just turn around and leave, to no longer listen to this fake king.

Haldor was loyal. Loyal to his country, to his people and to the former king. The brat's father.

The previous King wanted a perfect Paradise, they all knew he wouldn't be able to complete his project, but he tried. He was a true king, caring for his people but he knew the horror of war.

One day, the King came to talk to him, not unusual but it's always a surprise. He asked his opinion about how we should punish 'sick' people. People who just want to love and feel loved by someone like them. People like our brave warrior. He asked him,

"Do they deserve to be punished with death? Do they deserve punishment?"

The blunt in the King's eyes said it all. He knew, the man who decided who lived and died *knew* and was being kind to him.

A great King and man indeed.

His death was too sudden, but the ceremony to crown the new King was faster. The conditions of his death were kept hidden. So naturally, his son took his place. In only 6 momths he undid most of what he father managed to do in 7 years. But what can the loyal soldier do, without losing everything he has? He can only bow.

"I want you to take a traitor, to Eulobea to be judged by the centaurs. My late father was trying to have peace treaties signed with them."

The king was not a man to care for peace. He tried to send warships to Udea to try to get the Griffons to "ally" with them.

If being an ally means being chained and killed for your feathers, that is.

Haldor clenched his jaw, the smallest, the most insignificant little mistake or wrong look towards the king could get him in serious trouble.

But he needed to know why he was going there and who he needed to deliver.

"Your Highness, please forgive me if I seem rude or disrespectful, but who is this traitor? And what does he have to do with your father's treaties?"

The look that crossed the king's eyes was not anger -- to the surprise of many -- but a glint of cockiness and even pride left the old soldier confused, he hid it well, years as a soldier helps to that.

The king raised his voice, clearly now he was not speaking to the Dukes and Duchesses anymore but to all present in that hall, lesser nobles, soldiers, common folks, the entire kingdom. Maybe even to the heavens and the gods.

"The traitor killed your previous king!"

Gasps and whispers were heard around the hall. Unbelievable that someone could actually kill such a man. Such an untouchable man. Who was the creature that could get through all the soldiers and defenses of the castle.

"The murderer is Prince Ludicael Aldhard."

Silence. Stunned, shocked silence. Even the birds seemed to have been silenced by the accusation. Then, roaring rage, every man and woman noble or peasant, screaming bloody murder, yelling for justice and explanation.




The king nodded at two guards that disappeared further to the castle. The remaining ones tried to keep the peace in the hall and courtyard. They didn't have much success.

A few minutes of yelling went by, they seemed like years to Haldor but finally silence reigned again. The metallic sound of the chains stunned the public. This entire situation was unbelievable.

"My people, I know how you feel, when I found out I was unconsolable. My own brother had murdered our father. I tried to find proof he wasn't to blame, that is why I am only presenting him to you today, unfortunately I haven't found anything to prove his innocence."

Haldor had stopped listening to the king and focused on the disgraced Prince in front of him. Unlike other criminals and murderers he didn't look scared for his life, nor did he look calm. He looked annoyed, inconvenienced even. Like this whole situation was a bad dinner he could leave. He must think highly of himself, he his a Prince after all, he was raised to be like that.

"This is a dangerous man. That is why, Ser Stithulf, I trust you to get this criminal to trial. He will receive judgement from the people he wronged and I believe our people already decided his fate."




"Do you, Haldor Stithulf, accept this request from your King?"

Hesitation wasn't something he could afford right now. And so he didn't dwell on his awnser. With a bow and all the confidence he could fake,

"Yes, Your Highness."

Again, the King motioned fort the soldiers to take the prisoner back from where he was held.

"You will depart in three days. I wish you luck on your journey be very vigilant with that man, if you ever feel he is a threat you have permission to defend yourself, even if you have to kill him."

He only gave a short nod, and was dismissed. The crowd dispersed soon after.

Once arrived at his house, all the weight of the ceremonial armor he wore and the news of the King's death was heavy on him. Around the time they annouced the King's death he was away, on a mission with a few other soldiers. Exploring the last places on the continent that had gone unconquered. For a while the entire Kingdom was sad, broken, very fragile. It was pure luck that no one had attacked them.

"The Heir to the throne, a murderer? Can that brat even hold a knife?"

Truly, he wouldn't even have dreamt it even in his wildest dreams.

The last months his favorite place has been the tavern by the port. He always thought that the sailors had the most interesting stories to tell. He had never traveled outside of the continent, but those men, they traveled so far, saw so many things. It was fascinating. Their stories were fascinating. They were fascinating. And he needed a good distraction right now.

So, that's where he decided to go.

-the shattered sun-

The dirtiest, nastier, and most disgusting tavern in the kingdom. Perfect for Haldor.

"Look who it is!"

All eyes turned to him. Half of the people at that tavern were cadets he trained, he was proud of the engagement they showed. Of course, he'd never tell them.


He was proud, sure, but it does not mean that he wouldn't kill them if he could. Laughter filled the tavern, the mood seemed to have lighten. Not his though. He was to leave to another continent and take a traitor with him. A traitor he had permission to kill from the king. A king who seemed eager for that to happen.

His thoughts were broken by the sound of a mug being set in front of him. Oak Cider, his favorite. A strong alcohol made with the sap of a oak tree. It was popular among poorer citizens. You also need to have an acquired taste. The first time he did drink it he vomited 3 minutes later. After a good 16 years of drinking it he liked to think he could hold his liquor.

After spending more time in the tavern, he eventually began feeling like the room was spinning. With the laughter of his fellow soldiers behind him he left the dirty old tavern and walked into the city. Looking up, he could see the top of the buildings that made the capital what she was. And the moon. It shone bright and there were no clouds. It was beautiful. Even from behind the bars of a cell it was breathtaking.

"Never thought we would have the courtesy of having royalty in here."

The other men occuping the cells were not as friendly as the guards at the tavern. Prince Ludicael had the pleasure of seeing it with his two own eyes. He tore his gaze from the window to the ground. Was it remorse he was feeling? Not at all. Frustration of having been outplayed? Yes. Extremely frustrated.

How could he have been so foolish. His own brother caught him. And he could do nothing about it. The new king has been merciful enough. Giving him six months to confess his crime and giving him a actual room instead of a cell for six months.

What a sweetheart.

"So, Your Highness how does it feel like knowing you will die so young?"

Laughter erupted in the cells. Much to the guards dismay. Poor things were trying to play cards instead of doing their jobs. And with the noise they have to actually do their jobs and keep an eye on the prisoners.

Ludicael could only scoff and roll his eyes. This was the guard of the most powerful race in the world? You had to be kidding.

"What's the matter Your Highness? His your cell not comfortable enough? Want some pillows and some warm tea?"

Once again laughter was heard, from both guards and prisoners. Ludicael made a good job at keeping his mouth shut while being mocked by the criminals. But the guards? They should be punishing this behavior not joining it.

"Had I been king, you would have lost your work long ago."

"Good thing you are an incompetent assassin and got caught."

"Listen here you son of-"

The strident sound of the bars being hit made Ludicael jump back. That gave the guards more reason to laugh and mock him. He had decided it was enough. He bit back his pride and swallowed his words and went back to his previous activity. Watching the moon and counting the stars. Has he had done so many times before, when he couldn't sleep. Ever since he was a child, the stars were soothing.

He doubted that even the stars would ease his worries now. Still he tried. Hoping it would be enough.

Next chapter