
Chapter 1: spreading chaos

In a strange city: Verse 376

"Don't let him escape!" a strange man was running between alleys, jumping over trash cans. All of a sudden, a gray katana with red neon line running from it's handle to it's tip was stabbed in his chest. He fell to the ground, left there to die, and two strange people were standing above him, started to talk.

"Our mission is done."

"Next time, don't kill him. We need to extract information."replied the other one with a cold voice

"Okay, fine."

"It's not a joke; we need to know the moves of the M.V. Protectors."

One of the figures raised his hand in front of his shoulders, then all of a sudden, a strange portal in black and red opened in front of them.

Meanwhile, inside a strange factory: Verse 9072418

A man with yellow hair, completely blue eyes, and a mouth that reached his eyes even when it was closed was lying on the ground. Two boys who seemed to be 15 years old and looked exactly the same surrounded him.

"Look, you strange creature that doesn't have a nose, answer me: how do you breathe and who taught you to travel through multiverses?" One of the boys was screaming at him.

"Haha, you will regret making fun of me. Now say 'boom'!" The factory started exploding.

"Run, save yourself, N.A.15338!" the other boys screamed.

But everything went black as soon as he finished his sentence.

Verse 15338

"When will he wake up? It's been three months." The boy asked

"I've told you before, my healing powers can't help him anymore. Either way, we need to kill him." A doctor answered

"Never! He is my friend." Replied the boy

"Shut up! He is evil." Screamed the doctor

"My partner will never turn-." The hand of N.A. was pierced inside the chest of his partner. The doctor ran as fast as he could, grabbing a watch from his desk, opening a portal that was yellow and white, escaping to an unknown universe.

Verse 176

The doctor arrived at a strange laboratory, in front of him strange person in his twenties. The individual had captivating brown eyes, black curly hair, and was dressed in a white t-shirt. Over the t-shirt, he wears a black jacket adorned with two horizontal white lines positioned at the chest level. Completing his outfit with black pants and white sneakers. As soon as the man saw him, he pulled out a gun that looked upgraded with advanced technology.

"No, please don't shoot. I know I said I would never come back but this time we have a massive problem. One of the M.V. protectors has the ability to take the power of those he kills." (Flashback) He was on a mission when he killed a creature with the ability to possess the person who kill it Now the creature knows all the secrets of the M.V.protectors and have the ability to steal other power . (Flashback ends) So please, we need your help to stop him. The multiverse depends on you, Cyno." The doctor told the story in hurry and fear

"Shut the hell up! You talk too much. Screamed Cyno than added saying First thing, I told you before, don't drag me into your problems. Second thing, you came here without a request from the M.V. Protectors." Before Cyno could finish his sentence, the doctor interrupted him, saying with a dirty smile on his face, "Consider it a favor for not disassembling you."

"Oh, so every time a person needs someone to do there dirty work, they come to me and say it's a favor for keeping me alive. It's not like you humans can kill me, so f**k off and never come back here."

The doctor left to another unknown universe. (Boom) A wall exploded , and N.A. was floating in mid-air.

"Activate protocol 139." All walls became metal and fixed themselves.

"So, you're N.A.15338. Cyno ran quickly, grabbing some strange batteries and putting them inside his watch.

"Yes, you're right, it's me and I will destroy you!"

"Well, you need to catch me first. Protocol SD [self-destruct] and V337."

"Self-destructing in six seconds," said the computer.

A portal opened in the center of the room, but N.A. broke the walls using a laser beam that came out of his mouth. However, Cyno threw a strange disk that teleported him next to the portal, allowing him to escape to another universe just one second before the explosion.

Verse 1336

Cyno found himself in a lab that looked the same as the one he was previously in. Cyno said, "System reboot, prestige W, lab protection fully automatic, assistance CW304 [computer of war number 304], activate."

"Activation war measure, lab rebooted and on full protection mode. CW304 is now under your command."

"Change all the batteries in the lab with the ones in my watch and start creating more of them. Also, produce C.Y. robot capsules."

"What about the secret basement?"

"Oh, free all the test subjects inside and shut the power off. Now, open a portal to the M.V. Protectors' base." CW304 opened a portal, and Cyno took many gears and entered.

M.V. Protectors' Base (the base is situated in an artificial universe created by M.V. Protectors)

When he arrived, Cyno saw the destruction of the place. CW304 spoke, "May I ask how did he do this much destruction and leave so fast? He was at your base; it's only been 15 minutes."asked CW304

"Because he attacked before he came to my base. He knew I would've beaten him if he came directly to me."

"Another question, why did he fear you?"

"Well, I'm the smartest robot to be created."replied Cyno

Cyno entered a huge building while walking, dead bodies surrounding him. All of a sudden, a person attacked him from behind, but Cyno was able to knock him to the ground. The strange person tried to attack him with a dagger while screaming, "You psychopath! How dare you kill all those people?" Cyno dodged him and said, "I didn't kill anybody. I came here to save them."

"Really? Where were you when the opponent attacked?"

"I'm Nino C.Y.176. I have been on a secret mission for 3 years. I received intel that the M.V. base was going to be attacked, so I came to warn the leaders."

"They already escaped, leaving the others here to die. I'm one of them, but I stayed here to defend..."

"Shut up, it's enough. Let's leave."

"No, I won't leave. I'm not a traitor like you. Do you think I won't recognize the past letter G?"

"Yes, of course you recognized me. You're the letter D [the letter D is for death] after all."

"No, I'm the..."

Cyno screamed, interrupting Mister D. "360° shield!" An energy shield appeared around the two men, protecting them from a laser beam.

Next Chapter 2: Like Old Times...

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