
Helping a Hobo

After a few minutes of walking around the city, Alex found a restaurant who is called "Tomy's Food". His stomach decided to yell at Alex because he is starving, so he entered the place, and then he sits at one table alone. In the restaurant where two people and a waiter. The two people at those restaurants who are dressed in green clothes with orange vests and wearing green and black caps. At first glance, you might realize that those people are deserters playing basketball, but they don't look like deserters, but they are mature men with a shaved beard, wearing men's earrings and gold and silver rings.

The waiter of this restaurant approaches the table where Alex is sitting and ask what he wanted to order at this restaurant. Alex responds to the waiter he wanted a sandwich. Then the waiter asks Alex what kind of sandwich wanted, so Alex asked the waiter the popular one. Then, the waiter writes on the notebook that the waiters use to write the order and goes to the cook to give the order to help him prepare the food for Alex.

While Alex was waiting for that order, he decides to take out his phone and playing a mobile game until the sandwich will arrive at his table. Alex played a game called "Brawlhallia", a game where you have to wrestle every wrestle around the American Cities.

After a few minutes, the sandwich arrived, and Alex decided to dig in. He eats that sandwich in almost eight minutes without problems. When he finished eating the sandwich, he goes to the counter where the waiter takes care of the cash register. Alex hand to that waiter three dollars and then he left without saying anything nice to the waiter.

When he left the restaurant, he saw a human, who is dressed like a man without home or, in short, hobo. That man has long hair, a beard and his clothes are so ripped and smelly. The hobo face resembles the one old and addicted to drugs and beer. Alex doesn't want to get involved in something like that, but when he was about to leave, that hobo noticed him, got up from the asphalt he was sitting on and waited for someone to come with a penny or better with a nail of good grass (marijuana).

"Hey!Hey!Hey! Do you have some spare change, man?" ask the hobo coming to Alex like it was a superstar being followed by paparazzi.

"Sorry, man. But I don't," says Alex to that hobo.

"Come on. Don't leave me like this because today I didn't have any luck. Please, man! Please, man!" beg the hobo to Alex.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have money."

"You don't have money? Then how did you entered the building and ordered the sandwich? Have you sold a kidney or your balls?" says the hobo who almost touched the balls of Alex to be sure he sells them to that sandwich?

"Dude!... Alright!" says Alex stopping that Hobo who almost has touched Alex balls, who have to be kept for important business.

Alex take from his wallet, a ten dollars bill and handed to that hobo. Who takes the money like they are some kind of fragile baby. After that, Alex put his wallet back to his vest pocket and leave that place.

"Thank you! I will never forget you!" says the hobo feeling so happy because he got a bill from a good guy.

Even though that is just ten dollars bill, that is gold to the people called hobo. That bill can make some hobos buying food and even a little smoke of weed if you know where to find those kinds of stores. The Hobo looked that ten dollars bills to his wallet, who is almost full with ten and even fifty dollars bills. That hobo is really a big liar. With so much money he could have afforded to rent a three-room apartment in a crowded area with a very bad reputation.

When Alex has left the area, the Hobo decided it will be a good idea to follow him. But Alex wasn't going to head to his home as the Hobo taught, Alex was thinking to head at other places, but first of all, he goes to a bus station and wait there until a bus would arrive. The Hobo was at eight meters to Alex and he was watching him like a dog seeing his owner leave their house dressed in a military uniform.

The bus has arrived in eight minutes. Alex entered the bus together with two other people from that bus station. Alex had put the one-dollar bill into a machine where every bus had for passengers to pay their destination. If the passengers don't pay, they will immediately get put on a wanted list at the Police Station. That's how Ruby City works for thieves and people who don't know the definition of pay, respect and good manners. After that, Alex goes to take a seat on the bus. He talked the one behind the bus and sit relaxed on that one. While Alex was sitting on the bus, he saw at the window the Hobo who was approaching the bus with two dollars bills. Alex, it's about to begin question himself why he did help that poor old man.

The Hobo gets on the bus and he was approaching Alex. While the Hobo was walking to Alex seat, the people on the bus started to look disgusted and about to throw-up because of the smell that Hobo was carrying around for a way to much time. When the Hobo has taken the seat close to Alex he said to him.

"Strange, huh? We were taking the same bus, huh?"

"D-Did you paid?" asked Alex to that hobo.

"Good question." says the hobo get up from his seat and going to that machine to put the money to let him travel in peace and don't have the trouble with the cops later.

After he paid the machine, he was going again to that seat. When Hobo arrived at that seat, Alex's nose was about to die because of that walking corpse who is still alive. The started to move from that station to the next one.

"Where are you going?" ask that hobo looking Alex who is not even looking at him but looking at the window to avoid the eye contact.


"Where exactly?"

"I don't know. It's my first day here. But why are you here?"

"What? A hobo cannot take a bus to a destination?"

"Since when hobo's need a bus to go somewhere without using the walking?"

"When you are going to old enough you will understand, you child."

"Child? I have almost twenty years old."

"Really?! ... How the hell you have twenty if you look like you are fifteen?"

"Biology I guess."

After that reply, the hobo didn't say anything and was looking around to find another subject to discuss with Alex, but in the end, he didn't because the Alex was about to leave the bus, and the hobo decides to not give up and follow him again until he will arrive somewhere.

When the bus has arrived at that station, Alex was leaving the bus together with other people and with even the hobo, who was going in a different direction where Alex was headed. "What a weirdo," says Alex to himself while he entered a supermarket to buy a pack of cigarettes for himself. When he has bought that pack, he left the supermarket and was heading to another direction. But he left the supermarket, the hobo started to follow him again for no reason.

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