
The Creator's preparation

Trillion years passed by after the annihilation of humans, Reason; They destroyed themselves, because of their greed for land and resources. After that, I started to think and form a plan, Create human again and Prevent them from self destructions. I spent millions of years just to think, failures after failures of result but, they still got destroyed.

I sighed and ready to give up and just create other races in other worlds I created to spend my boring time, I got satisfying results but, Still it's not enough. It's bland and tasteless, Yes, They created Advanced technology that beyond human creation but really, I don't like the progress. Because they are not interesting at all.

Then an idea struck me, Why not create stronger life form of humans? I mean, Make humans stronger and gave them the ability to protect themselves, Like giving them the ability to grow stronger and sturdier. I remember one of the Novels I read created by humans. The ability to make human stronger in both physically and mentally. That was Cultivation technique. Yes, at that time I always read this kind of Entertainment. Humans imagination can't really be underestimated. I clicked my nonexistent tongue.

I came back to Earth and Starts Rebuilding the planet, I cleared the harmful air, I purified the Impurities around the world, Making the radius and mass of the Earth bigger, I reshaped the lands. I created Qi or Energy that can be absorbed by humans and other livings. The Qi around is like an Air, it cannot be depleted because I built a structures that can produce Qi. Then I created Livings that contain Qi energy, This creatures are called monsters. Every part of these creatures is valuable for cultivation progress. Monsters are necessary. Then I created Plants contains Qi energy. After that, I created Elemental Qi for various types of abilities.... I created here and there. Making it more perfect.

Before I knew it, Hundred years passed by and The organism I created became stronger and reached the peak of the world... Oh! speaking of power level I forgot to create Ranking system. Yes! Without ranking system, How could Everyone tell they are stronger..... There is a monster called dragons and they have gain conscience and knowledge. Wow the same as humans but still, it's imaginative ability is lacking somehow. There are variouss types of dragons I created, Western Dragons and Eastern Dragons. Western dragon is a big fire breathing lizard with hard scale and wings, As for Eastern dragon, a long like serpent with 4 claws and Mane near the neck and a long Whisker. Somehow, This creatures started to rule lands and other low level livings. I made them base on Human's history and legend.

After Making a ranking system, I also added Status profile system. Status system can be viewed by intelligent species. It's like their own Identity and such, So they can view their power stats and so they can balance their abilities and etc.

After all and done, I started making Humans again, also other Races. I also created a race that is responsible of guarding the Qi Structures, Qi structures produce Qi energy. Just like Air, it comes from the vaporization of the Plants. For example of Qi structures is World Tree produce Earth and Nature QI, Tower of Babel produce Wind and Thunder Qi, Nether Crystal produce Dark and Curse Qi, Flying Island Produce Light and Blessing Qi, The Antarctic produce Water and Ice Qi, Sun volcano produce Fire Qi. Every Structures have Guardians.

I watched the humans again, I was happy because instead of pursuing science again that kind of practice would only destroy themselves, They Pursue strength more and studied various Cultivation techniques. I was honestly surprised that humans can create such techniques. Although, Some pursue science it's only minimal and Alchemist is more on the progress. Alchemist focused more on making Qi pills and elixirs.

The Strong Dragon is on a verge of breakthrough to another level but the problem is The Earth is unable to bear it's strength and I need to fix this faster.

I started to remember the contents of the novels I read and I found the missing piece. I should just create another dimension inside Earth at the same time not on Earth. They are called Realms.

I make a Realm and named it Sage Realm, After the Dragon made a breakthrough It will be forced to transfer to the sage realm. Sage realm is like Another Earth but different Size, Shape and Time. Here It's 2 times bigger than Earth, 2 times faster than Earth time. I also set an Absolute law, Higher beings cannot go back to lower realm. Lower beings needs to Become higher being to enter High realms. But I underestimated humans so much, In the future they found a loophole to this law.

I also created Another Realms besides Sage realm. The three Main realms are Sage Realm, Immortal Realm and God realm. Also I made Sub realms in each Main realms, They are called Hidden Realms by humans in the future.

After that I busied myself again and enjoy watching my creations ran amok. If I see some kind of problems in the world, I would cover them up and fix it. It's like making a game, A beta version to be exact....

Then it took me billions of years and completed the world, I can't believe how hard it is to make this world, After all the world defied the logic of physics. Physics is natural across the Universe. The Logic of a planet cannot be tampered easily.

When I made planets, I only followed the procedure of making it. It's already on my mind or something after I existed. But Renovating a planet overall is hard.

After completing Earth, I realized humans change the name of the world again. Now it is called Atlas, Apparently its the name of the saviour of the world. Ah! That one, I think it's 1 billion years ago. An Evil Race Called demons appeared, No i did not make them at all. How? an Evil Entity called himself Evil God declared he is the ruler of the race I created. It's definitely a Con man, Hilarious if he is really a god, why is he still at Mortal Realm. He should be sent to God Realm instead.

But those Race believe in his bullshit and started ravaging the world, That con man start saying nonsense that if they destroyed the tower of babel and world tree They would become the strongest in the world.

After all Humans and Elves respectively guard the two Qi structures. The one who guard the world tree is a race called elves, They have long ears and beautiful figure. They are like fairies in human story.

But destroying Qi structure is a fools plan, If it got really destroyed then prepare to get destroyed too. It's suicide, It will explode and create mass destruction and creates calamity. How idiotic is this con be?

Fortunately Humans and elves with the help of other races, They defended the Qi structures. A man named Atlas became the center of attention by Cutting the head of the con. People started worshipping him and even name the world after him.

Why are they do that? It seems the demons are terrifying, They plunder and destroy every living habitats they encoubter, Spared no one and shaming Women. Many Humans and other race was enrage by this sight.

I need to say thanks to these laughable creatures known as demons, because of them Human kigndoms stop themselves from waging war againts each other and even other race. They focused on demons now, Although the leader of demons is dead, doesn't mean all demons cannot make another leader again.

So that is how the World name changed.

After completing the world and enjoy watching the world I created, I let out a satisfying sigh. Finally done, I hope humans won't destroy themselves again.





I looked at the containers beside me, The one beside me is a beautiful container. Are you wondering what's inside? When the first generation of humans got destroyed, The soul nirvana or heaven fades away and all the souls inside got disintegrated.

The ones beside me are soul containers. Each container have one soul. Why did I preserve this for many years? The reason is simple, I only pick a believer of mine that is.

The beautiful container beside me is the very first believer of mine. Kukuku I'm hilarious aren't I. But I would do anything I wanted. Human Emotion influenced me too much.

Now it's the time for pitiful souls to reincarnate. Most of this souls have memories of their past life. Because they send me a message while still living. So I marked them, When they die I would recieve their souls not in those nirvana or something. Unfortunately, The others died before I could mark them. Just like my very first Believer.

After thinking such things. I proceed reincarnating one by one, There are 100 containers beside me. I don't wether they would live well in this world. I just need to givr them a chance.

The livings in Atlas, Worshipped me now. Why? because in every Qi structures I wrote a message inside it. Kukuku what a perfect plan of mine. Hmph I just don't want another fictional gods they would worshipped.

Most of the population of the world worship me and I'm so happy that I was dancing in joy. Kukuku even though I don't have a physical body.

There's also other humans worship another fictional gods again but it's only minimal. What I'm angry about is, They believe more on fictional characters instead of the one's already existed.

Just like your hero and saviour Atlas, He became a god and now he is inside the God's realm and is alone in there. He keeps on Searching for my shadows. What the hell is wrong with him? I don't have physical body of course you can't find me. I'm one with the universe after all....

I did not Reincarnate all the souls at the same time. So many years have passed and I saw humans doing the impossible possible again. I was throughly dumbfounded this time...

A certain Group of people from Immortal realm created a teleportation array called Realm transfer. It can transfer people to the lower realm but not higher realm. I was speechless of humans imagination. I let out a nonexistent tears. My hardwork for Billions of years destroyed by this humans. Aah, How could they do this too me. How could they do it?

I grimaced. Then an idea struck me, Why not come down to the world and observe humans? Hmm good idea let's do it...Before that I need to reincarnate this poor souls first.

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