
Chapter 2

I float closer to the castle and examine it on all sides, but the part that's puzzling me is the Fark is completely abandoned. Why would they make a castle and not use it?

Expanding all my senses I smell and taste the air. How did I not notice this before?! The Fark stinks with blood, supernaturals and the thick rotten taste of corpses. That little castle is filled with people either dead or dying, and the strong smell of magic.

I float down to the door beside the unneeded drawbridge, and touch it with the pads of all five fingers. The magic caresses me and I caress it back. I close my eyes and figure out why the fates magic is covering the Fark, the magic is like a big reversed shield, trapping the castle's occupants and magic. Why the fates is there a magical prison in my island!

"I take a five year nap and this happens," I grumble under my breath. "Next, I'll find out that this island is 'owned' by a farking demon."

I guess I'll open the door and question the people in there. The door screams open in a hiss and my eyes take in the details in front of me. The large hallway is filled with stone rooms on both sides. Three rooms over is where you can continue going forward to the next floor, left for more rooms or right for more rooms. The castle is filled with rooms and rooms. Rooms filled with dying people...


Half dead people surround me. Their bony bodies crushing against my lanky frame as they try to rush out of the bright stone room, pounding against the single stone door.

"Let me out!"

"I don't want to die!"

They screech, hoping that maybe it isn't the Slaughter. Hoping that they don't have to kill each other. I know better though, I know that the Slaughter is inevitable. That's why I stand there still as a statue and uncaring of the pushes and shoves. They will teleport us to the ring and we fight. That's our destiny, we can't stop destiny.



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