

"Wha…What!! They never really died?". Maya exclaimed.

"Those b*tches fled the country". Evelyn muttered.

"I f**king don't understand, everyone saw Lisa jump off the rooftop of King's Suite right after visiting Dylan". Maya said.

"Yes that's what I also thought at first". Evelyn gritted her teeth in spite, as she brought out her phone to show Maya a pic of her last visit to Miami and at the far end of the pic, both Lisa and Claire can be seen clearly. They were dressed moderately as they were also exiting a shopping mall. Maya's eyes widened when she saw the picture.

"Does these means she didn't really die after pretending to commit suicide…and wait what about Claire whom Dylan knocked down with his car? Gosh! I'm so lost!".

"I don't know how they pulled it off but all I f**king is that i saw them in Miami last summer, while I was shopping for shoes". Evelyn said.

"Last summer? Wasn't that when Frankie and his friends got expelled because they were the main suspects? Wait…did she do all that intentionally?". Maya asked and Evelyn just rolled eyes.

"I'm not surprised. She's not as innocent and caring as everyone sees her to be, she's a f**king pretender and only i have seen that side of hers". Evelyn said walking out of the restroom and Maya's phone pinged. It was a video from the school's blog that popped up.

Someone was currently making a live video on the happenings in their class. It was a video of a hot argument between Dylan and Frankie.

"Eve come check this out!". Maya called out to Evelyn with widened eyes and the moment she saw Maya's screen she instantly ran straight to their class, while Maya tried to meet up with her pace.


The class was dead quiet as Dylan and Frankie stood glaring deeply at one another.

"I never thought you would make it to school again today". Frankie smirked at Dylan.

"It's understandable thinking you've finally gotten to me, but all the same it still counts as nothing". Dylan replied and Frankie frowned.

"Where is Lisa?". Frankie asked unexpectedly and Dylan scoffed, while everyone faced him eagerly waiting for his reply. Lisa was also expecting Dylan to say something regarding her name sake's whereabouts as she glanced at him from where she sat on her seat, but rather than answering Dylan just chuckled lightly which pissed Frankie off.

"Why question me when we all saw what she did to herself that day". Dylan said.

"What exactly did you do to her that made her take her own life?!". Frankie yelled glaring.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you so it's best I don't bother wasting either of our time and let this end here. Whatever happened two years ago with Claire was nothing but a huge mistake, I never intended to sleep with her in the first". Dylan said and Frankie let out a growl.

"Do you think I f**king care about Claire? Everyone here knows her death story. We all know how she kept on approaching you harshly for causing her friend's death and that's why you ran her over with your car the night she went shopping for groceries. You're not going to deny that also right?". Frankie glared and Dylan sighed while Lisa's eyes widened.

"Can't believe I'm crushing on someone who's not over his dead girlfriend yet". Lisa muttered, smacking her head.

"I don't care if you believe me but all i know is that i f**king didn't kill anyone!". Dylan shouted.

"And that's final!!". Lisa added banging her two hands on her desk and everyone turned to face her.

"Have you ever seen a pretty girl defending a dumb guy before?". Lisa glared at the students as some chuckled at how she called Dylan dumb.

"You know nothing about what's going on. Don't try to get involved". Frankie shunned Lisa seriously and she scoffed loudly before getting up and walking towards Dylan before placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yes I know nothing about whatever you guys are referring to. But one thing I know is that Dylan's not gonna leave this class wrongfully accused!". Lisa said and Dylan faced her with widened eyes and Lisa whispered a 'What?'. At him.

Frankie's gaze on her became cold, while Dylan still gave her that warm look. Right now, he didn't know why but he was super happy. Maybe it's because this was the first time Lisa will be calling him by his name and not the usual fool, momma's pet, dummy and many more she does call.

To him his name sounded best in her mouth and he would if she kept on calling him by his name, but that would be hard since Lisa was always unpredictable and you never know what she's up to.

"Do you have a good reason for siding with him?". Frankie questioned as he took a step closer to Lisa.

"Of course I do! We're both house m…

Lisa made it to finish but Dylan was quick to cover her mouth.

"Are you crazy!". Lisa managed to muffle out some words even with Dylan's hand still on her mouth and the entire class watched with so much amazement while Frankie glared at them.

"You're the one who's crazy this time around. Are you trying to make us the talk of the whole school? F**king say nothing about us being housemates otherwise you might be their next target". Dylan cautioned.

"I don't f**king care. Let them bring it on, I'm ready to paint some people red!". Lisa snapped biting Dylan's hands and he immediately let go of her.

"Are you a f**king vamp or what?!". Dylan spat as he nursed his reddened hand.

"Are you two done playing lovebirds?". Frankie asked and Lisa walked up to him giving him a sharp but hard smack on the head and Frankie glared at her.

"Why the glares? You're not going to hit me are you?". Lisa scoffed at him annoyingly and Dylan pulled her back before whispering into her ear.

"What happened to us agreeing on me to handle this?". Dylan inquired.

"Yes we agreed on that but since I saw it won't take time for you to break down in tears, I had to jump in so you wouldn't think of disgracing me".Lisa whispered back before shrugging herself off Dylan's grip and Dylan sighed deeply.

"So? Any valid reasons as to why you're siding with a criminal? You know I really never expected this from you Lisa. Dylan's a murderer but you still…

"Dylan's not a murderer!". Evelyn said loudly barging into the class alongside Maya and both Kingston and Frankie glared at them.

"I have the proof here, check it out. You're stupid girlfriend and her worthless friend are still living peacefully in Miami!!". Evelyn said as she connected her phone to the projector screen which displayed the huge picture on her phone for everyone to see and everyone immediately gasped when they saw it.

Dylan, Frankie and Kingston's eyes were widened when they saw the pic and as if trying to catch up with time Frankie ran out of the class instantly and Kingston also followed him.

"I never planned on mentioning this before since it has been long forgotten but I hate when things go bad for my baby so I had to make everyone see what I see". Evelyn said loudly and Lisa rolled eyes before walking out of the class while Dylan just flashed her a little smile before going after Lisa.

"Can't believe I did all that revealing for nothing! How dare he go to her right in front of me!". Evelyn snapped and Maya just shook head before going to settle down on her seat.


Being the biggest Airport in the whole country of Mexico it's also a place where numerous shoots take place and currently one of its biggest ambassadors is currently rounding up her shoot.

🗯Lady Camila!! Please glance at the camera over here!

🗯Lady Camila please another style!

🗯One more shot remaining now try to do something unique like a fabulous undescribed post…Yes!..That's it!

"And it's a wrap! That's all for today's shoot everyone, let's get parking!!". The director announced and everyone began parking while beautiful Lady Camila adjusted her golden hair and her secretary approached her with a chilled bottled water.

"You did great as usual my lady!". Her secretary Christine in her early twenties gushed and Lady Camila flashed her a smile.

"Have you got the car ready?".Lady Camila asked and Christine nodded.

"I did that before rushing down here". Christine smiled and Lady Camila latted her on the head before walking away.

Christine just started work a few weeks ago and has been finding it hard to cope alone in the entertainment industry but things soon changed when she encountered Lady Camila on one of her shoots and the lady, after growing so much liking to her, took her as her new appointed secretary.

"I still don't get why we're heading to Senator Clearn's mansion". Lady Camila's secretary said as she opened the car door for her boss to get in.

"I left something valuable over there a long time ago when I had nothing. But now that I have enough I want it back". Lady Camila smiled as she made to enter the car but she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Camila Dario?!". The voice called and Lady Camila frowned recognizing the voice so well and she turned only to see that she wasn't so bad of a guesser.

"I'm staring at the once poor Camila Dario whose father was a farmer in the suburbs of north Mexico?". Lorena uttered rudely with a smirk on her face and Camila glared at her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Fave_Goldcreators' thoughts
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