
Wake Up and See What Is as it is

(His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam has delivered almost 20,000 hours of recorded talks till date. As part of the talks, He shares simple small stories that give powerful cognitive shifts to the listener. Following is one such story.)

Some one asked J. Krishnamurti*, the famous Indian philosopher, how to fall in tune with what IS. He beautifully says, 'Just don't name it, you will find you are in tune with it!' Usually, when we see something, we either try to identify with it or we try to condemn it. For example, if you are told you are arrogant, you either accept it or you try not to be arrogant! You never understand or go beyond

arrogance. You can only understand within your frame of reference, what you are familiar with. Because of this, you are caught in a limited view of possibilities. To really understand, you need to go beyond this limited point-of-view. To do that, you have to stop naming it arrogance, that's all! There will be no more arrogance. Only by naming it, you start the conflict. That is how you see what IS – by not naming it.

One man got onto a bus and sat down

next to a young man. He could see that

the man was a hippy. He was wearing

only one shoe.

He asked him, 'You have lost one shoe?'

The young man replied, 'No, I have

found one shoe.'

Stop naming any situation, person, or thing! Just see, that's all. Don't give room for condemning or accepting thoughts.

If you understand that everything is auspiciousness you will drop expectation.

Initially there's a compulsion to pass judgment on anything that you see because that is your habit. But when you experience the great energy released in you by seeing what IS, you want to remain that way –free from thoughts, worry, and suffering. When you see what is as it is, you are in heaven.

When you want to see what you want to see, you are in hell. If you understand that everything is

auspiciousness, you will drop expectation and see things as they are, because everything is auspiciousness.

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