
The City Of Basics

A God once stood in a void separated from time, where nothing existed, not even the so called "void" was a thing but it's the easiest explanation given to us by the Higher Ones. Looking over the successfulness of Gods maybe greater than himself he, The All Powerful One, decided to participate in the creation of all universes. The God by the name of Egg "created" 3 realms which he holds together in a world far prettier than anything imaginable. The first realm that took the looks of a normal city was the lounge of the newborns and oldborns. The newly born birds curiously explored the extends of the city while ones that have existed and transcendent that realm come down from the skies and mostly chat with the other birds. A place where infinite universes dance together in perfect synergy. Each one's dance prettier and closer to perfection to the one before. They stood in a hierarchy where the one above is looking at the one below as a beginner, as a joke, as a mirage or illusion created by a magician at a kids birthday as if it doesn't physically exist while the one below can only vaguely imagine what it is like to be on a higher plane of existence and perfection as that. The "people" that exist inside them are constantly fighting competing with each other for more fame and strength. The "newborns" existing in that realm are referred to as Pigeons. Birds of infinite potential that strive greater strength, they are still clueless about their surroundings and unknown to most of the other ones.

But the same way there are newly introduced to this world people, there are old ones that have demonstrated great feats and have been put as one of their trusty "staff" - people that mostly oversee, train and entertain everyone in the thing they like to call "trainings". Thats a place created by those "staff" where they control everything happening. Thats their narrative, that's where they write the story however they like it to go. They can kill, they can injure, they can do everything they want by simply thinking of it or even not, it can all happen automatically. That narrative of theirs might not be the strongest leading people to be able to escape at first but it slowly takes over until its inevitable.

To the normal person those staff seem "godlike" as if they have reached the furthest extend of the possible capabilities to this universe but they are yet to find out how much stronger they can get. The staff being inaccessibly above the city and everything inside it makes them seems almost like Gods that can easily alter the design achieved through the logic thought of as abstract, that leads the events through themselves. The logic abstract from "real world", as a creation from Egg, keeps things in order just enough so they can occur.

The staff have a hierarchy of their own but not much has been given to us by themselves. Just about how each rank of strength is called and how they refer to each other. The ranks are as follows: Basan, Stymphalian, Griffin. Even the normal person can become one of them through time but for that he goes through a trial which tests his competence to execute commands given to him and his professionality in given situations of the "trainings".

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