
A New Team

The Order of Cosmos has taken over half of the world enslaving everyone Blizzard and Creature went into hiding when a pod came from space Blizzard and Creature went to check it out when the door opens and a female alien with purple skin walks out. "What planet is this said" the alien "the planet is earth" said creature "what's you name" said Blizzard, "my name is Luna" said the alien, "we could use more people to help in this fight" said creature "what fight" said Luna 'the world is enslaved by a giant army and we're fighting back" said Blizzard. "All right, I'll help since I have nothing else to do on this planet." "I have an idea in mind for another team member" said Blizzard, "who" said creature, "Venom the snake, I know where his lair is, " said Blizzard. Once they arrived at the snake lair they walk in when a long snake shoots out of nowhere  slamming Blizzard in the wall and hanging creature and Luna upside down in the Air "why are you here Blizzard" said Venom "we need your help" said Blizzard "the mighty Blizzard need my help" said Venom "that's rich" "the world is enslaved by the order of cosmos and we need all the help we can get" "why should I help" said Venom because "I'll kill you if you don't" said Blizzard, "fine I'll help".