

"I didn't know you were foolish enough to do that!"

At the top of the hundred-story office building, he looked at the young man opposite with a mocking expression as the strong wind swept his clothes.

The young man, whose name was Xander, raised his chin arrogantly and mocked.

"Ha! Mr. Cow has spoken, thanks to your hard work, I am one step closer to becoming an heir."

Ian stared at Xander with a slight smile on his face until he felt uneasy. After causing enough discomfort to the other party with his silence, he broke his silence.

"What, you think I can't prove you stole my project?"

Frustratingly, Xander looked into the other person's eyes to see if he was telling the truth, and all he saw was the gaze of a fox about to catch its prey.

"Y-you're just bluffing."

His smile deepened and continued solemnly as Ian noticed Xander's growing alarm.

"Am I bluffing? The diaries that record the progress of my project say different things, but what will you present when I show them to the board of directors? Will you write a letter of apology to your father?"

Xander's face paled as Ian revealed the bomb in his hand.

"Why should they trust you instead of the boss's son? Maybe you're trying to set me up by stealing the "journals"." he said, still standing on the defensive.

"You're right, but... Do you think I only have these diaries?"

He took out his phone from his pocket, opened a video and showed it to the other party. In the video, Ian gets up from the table and walks away, then Xander sneaks up on him, plugs a USB stick into the computer, and starts tampering. When the camera zooms into the computer, familiar game graphics are reflected on the camera.

"In case there are idiots who don't understand what they're doing in the video, I also have footage of myself that I recorded while designing the game graphics."

He showed the videos by swiping his finger on the screen of the phone.

"Well, even if it turns out that you are guilty, I cannot stay in this company any longer, but you can say goodbye to your heir status…"

Hearing quick footsteps, Ian looked up from the phone to look at Xander, a few feet away from them by the time their eyes met.

With all his might, Xander pushed Ian towards the railing. Unlike Xander, who weighed 75 kg, Ian was a skinny man weighing 50 kg, so before he could resist Xander's strength, he started to fall over the railings and plummet.

Xander muttered as he watched Ian fall.

"No one! Nobody! It cannot prevent me from being an heir…"

Ian's heart rhythm quickened enough to keep up with the pace of his fall as Ian slumped off the roof. Fear and panic took over him in the first few seconds. He turned his eyes to the office building he had left above and desperately tried to find a way to save his life. However, he could find no remedy, and his despair grew as he neared the crash.

As he fell, he felt his life suddenly flash before his eyes. Memories, loved ones and all the important moments in his life passed quickly like a film strip. His thoughts had become scattered, like the tragic speed of his fall.

Ian felt a sense of emptiness inside him. He felt that his destiny was no longer in his hands, he thought that he could no longer change anything. The time that passed in a flash during his fall seemed like an eternity. Thousands of thoughts in his head were getting lost among thousands of "if only" and "why".

As the cold breath of death approached, he waited for one last glimmer of hope before hitting the ground. Maybe a miracle would have happened and he would have survived. But that was unlikely to happen, and Ian focused on the rapidly approaching ground.

And that moment was like a moment when time slowed down. In the slowness of time, he could see each step of his fall more clearly. His eyes caught the passing details: the coldness of the concrete, the air current, the height of the office building, the screams of the people passing by on the street... All his emotions were instantly awakened.

His heart was beating wildly one last time, he felt as if he were in the last moments of his fall. It was perhaps the fastest fall of his life, but it felt like a lifetime to him.

Finally, it hit the floor and everything went black.


At the time of work, the crowd of people was flowing like a river in the street. Everyone had a different story and loved ones to catch up with. At least that was the case before someone screamed and shouted.

"Ahh! Someone is falling!"

Those who heard the voice turned quickly to look at the shouting woman, and when they followed where she was pointing, they saw the unfortunate man falling freely from the sky on them.

"Oh my god, we need to open the tarpaulin, the man is going to die!"

"Call 911 quickly"

"Get away, it will fall on us"

"Iyy, I don't want blood to spatter on me!"

"Bro, I'm willing to bet my monthly salary that they'll lift the guy off the sidewalk by scraping him up."

"Don't exaggerate, at most, his head will be scattered like a watermelon."

Ian quickly crashed to the ground after the noisy crowd quickly retreated.

Sensitive-hearted people quickly closed their eyes, while some really wanted to see if the falling person's head would explode.

"Bro...his head is really messed up like a watermelon"


"Waah mom"

"Oh I think I'm going to faint!"

After a minute or two, some sensitive people will buy tarpaulin from the nearby shop and cover the cooling corpse.

While all this was going on, no one saw the ghost standing on top of the corpse. The ghost with a transparent appearance was none other than Ian.

Before Ghost Ian could realize his situation, a golden lightning bolt fell from the sky onto him.


[Soul awakening detected]

[System is loading...]




[System installation complete]

When lightning struck, Ian was sucked into a golden cocoon, the inside of the cocoon was like a completely different dimension. Suddenly he had an experience that transcended the boundaries of his entire consciousness. Bright lights, colors and shapes danced around him. The concepts of world and time were intertwined. He felt as if he was in a dream, his consciousness was beginning to blur.




[The soul becomes unstable]

[Soul stabilizing]

Ian felt as if he was being dragged through a current of energy. Around him, the mystical beings he could not understand seemed to be singing to him, telling him to have a comfortable sleep. It was something he had never felt before.

Unable to stop himself from sleeping, Ian fell into a deep sleep.

[Stabilization complete]

[Proceeding to soul storage process]




The invisible golden cocoon quickly shrank and disappeared.

[Storage successful]




[The interference is accelerating the collapse of the universe]





[Calculation complete!]

[Determined that the collapse of the current sub-universe will trigger the collapse of other universes]

[The intervention begins...]

[Current sub-universe disconnecting from other universes]

[Two ports discovered]


[When the interdimensional connection is severed, the data exchange between the main server and the host will cease]

[Waiting for approval from the main server...]














When the number reached zero, a monstrous scream echoed throughout the universe, as if the universe had come to life and started screaming for its life.

With this heart-shaking scream, ripples began at every point in the universe. Light and colors danced, time and space mingled. There was an explosion of energy and the entire universe was shaken.



[The universe is falling apart]

[Counting countermeasures...]




[Calculation complete]

[PlanAθ956: Resetting the universe with great collapse]


[The plan will absorb all remaining energy in the system and the system will go to sleep]

[Plan in progress]








When the system finished counting and shut down, everything merged into a single particle before humanity on earth could understand what was going on.

All of a sudden everything went quiet. The ripples in every corner of the universe ceased and calm prevailed. The energy gathered in a single spot vibrated with tremendous power. The universe was illuminated with a great white light and everything was mixed together.

At this point where time, space and dimensions disappeared in a meaningless unity, the entire universe became the core.

In this phase where time has lost its validity, it is a great mystery when the universe will reach its former glory."

Next chapter