
The present becomes the past

WARNING! This Episode maybe disturbing for some Reader Proceed with caution!

James walks through the door with a couple of boxes and sets them down next to an open window he turns around and sees Aaron sitting down by himself and it seems as if he was talking to himself James decided to walk up and ask

James: Hey dude you're really quiet. Don't you like to-

Aaron cuts James off mid sentence

Aaron: I only talk when I know the person and you, I don't know who you are, so I suggest you leave me alone. Just because we're both in the same dorm doesn't mean anything

James: Oh... Well, my name is James and I am from Illinois, Elgin to be specific

Aaron: *sighs* I'm Aaron

James: Sup Aaron nice to meet you, well can't help to notice some stuff in your case-

Aaron: What did you see?!

James: Why do you ask?

Aaron: There is personal shit I don't want anyone to see especially a dumbass like you

James: I saw some pictures when you were younger and I wanted to know why you weren't  smiling.

Aaron: It's a long story

James: What do you mean?

Aaron: I've dealt with shit that you won't even believe

James: Can you tell me I'm really curious to know

Aaron: Alright, you don't seem the type of person to tell personal stuff to everyone anyways.  From a young age, I never wanted to go to school because many many people would bully and call me so many god painful names. I still remember them. They called me Low life, Ugly, Walking Dead, Deadeyes, and many more but the most painful one was Scar faced. The reason that hurt me more than the other names was because I had a scar on my lip at that time I was very self-conscious about it. I never told anyone how I got it. There were many rumors about me. People kept asking me if I murdered someone. And that is only the beginning of the story. Days later my parents were murdered because someone broke into our home. My parents wanted to make sure I was safe and hid me under a floorboard in the closet, and I still remember how everything happened. My dad was defending himself by trying to keep the door closed, and my mom was trying to get me to stay calm. She was able to hide me before they got through. They burst through the door and shot my dad. The bullet was so loud my ears began to ring and all I was able to hear before another bullet was shot, was my mom crying loudly and yelling my dad's name. And the bullet shot again. I thought I was going to die but they ran out because they heard the cops outside. But they never caught them, they escaped. But the reason wasn't because the cops were bad, they tried to do their job. It was because crimes were so common there in that neighborhood, people know how to fool the damn cops. The neighborhood was so fucked up that there were Gangs, Daily Shootouts, Knife Fights, Kidnappings, break in's, and children who get fucking beaten by someone they look up to. That neighborhood was so horrible that it would be impossible to have a day without sirens. But life after childhood was worse. I had a job, worked there for two years and just one little mistake I accidentally made, got me fired. And on that same day, since I lived alone and I had trouble paying bills, I was evicted from my home. At the time my Cousins, Uncles and Aunts always told me that. All of that! Was. my. fault! And we both argued for so long it was me against them. Until my Uncle said the most fucked up shit. He said "If you had helped your father he would still be alive right now!".... And every single damn thing turned into hell, Because not only had I just been given hell throughout my life, but my uncle who always claimed to be there for me had fucking BLAMED the death of my parents on ME! So I just left. I went home and drank hoping that I would just forget everything. But I always end up crying in the end, the pain was so unbearable that I would hurt myself hoping that once I was used to the pain. I would be happier. But it never worked. The dose of pain kept getting stronger and stronger and the cycle just repeats and repeats. Until I wanted to end it. I decided that if I had ended all I would forget every pain I felt. But I never did cause even though no one cared about me, I wanted to keep pushing through, pushing through the pain I had been dealing with, and only then I can show others that even though the pain may seem unbearable you get through with time. And trust me when I say this James but when you had lived a life so low. You won't feel anything when you find it again, you can't feel others pain either because you know that they haven't dealt as much as I had. So tell me James. How do you do it? How do you have so much hope in a world that's filled with hate and horrible things? Because people say, "train your mind to see the good in everything!" that's not true what I'd say is, "Train your mind to see the truth in everything!" Good and evil will always exist. However, when we condition ourselves to see only the good, we tip the balance by leaving the door open for the evil to rise. And that can fuck everything up in life. So that's it. My story, that's the shit I had dealt with. 

James: you've must have been nearly close to- I know that you can help people with your experiences and save lives I know it. 

Aaron: I know that to… let's just take a break of this because I don't want to talk farther about this let's head to the arcade and fuck around.

James: You sure? I'm willing to help you all I can.

Aaron: No, It's fine let's just go get our minds off of it.

James: Alright. I'll drive and pay for the games.

James and Aaron head to the arcade they play a few games and eat some snacks there they are standing near the counter in the food court with their drinks until James sees Luna walk in and sit down on the table

James: Dude Aaron.

Aaron: What.

James: Look at the girl that just walked in

Aaron: Ok and?

James: She seems sad. Like the arcade is the most fun place to be in right?

Aaron: Some people don't find the arcade fun James

James: Imma go talk to her

Aaron: No don't leave her- *sighs*

James: Hey! you alright you seem alone.

  Luna stays quiet

James: Not much of a talker are ya?..... Guess not.

Aaron: Hey! James Stop trying to pick up women we all know that you can't pick up shit

 James: Shut the fuck up Mate

     Luna secretly grins

 Aaron: I'm so sorry Ma'am. Sorry for my annoying bird disturbing you 

 James: Shut Up!


     James Notices her arm and signals Aaron that she cut herself

James: Hey you down to like be friends?

Luna: Hm?

James: Like I'm down to be your friend if you're down

 Luna: I- Don't know

Aaron: Ah.. A hesitant one. Welp James, you can't be friends with this one

Luna: Oh No. He can it's just that I have been dealing with things

James: Can I ask what things?

Luna: Uh It's personal

James: Well I think I have an idea. I see that you have quite a few deep marks on your arm

 Luna puts her arms deeper in her sleeves

Luna: Yeah guess you do.

Aaron: Yeah. You may think that life is bad but trust me it'll get better. I had a few people leave me and it hurt. A lot. Not gonna lie. But I met James and he said he promised to be there for me. If you want to. You can join our friend group!

Luna: No I don't want to bother you

James: No you won't be a bother trust me you'll fit right in with us You just need friends what will stay by your side

Luna: You sure?

James: Yeah definitely I'm pretty sure you'll fit in better than Aaron

Aaron: What you just say?

James: What? It's just a joke

Aaron: I don't take that shit as a joke!

James: Calm down. Like do you hear yourself damn

Aaron: Have you ever been severely bullied in your fucking life!

James: Oh shit I wasn't thinking I'm so sorry

Aaron: You know, fuck off.

James: Dude! I'm really sorry! Like I know I fucked up ok look just. Calm down.

Aaron: It's fine. Just don't do that stupid shit again.

James: Alright Promise

Aaron: Sorry to see the angry side of me I just hate when people do that shit

Luna: It's fine I understand

Aaron: So what's your name?

Luna: My name is Luna

Aaron: Well nice to meet you

James: See it's easy to get along

Aaron: Shut the FU-

Luna: I'll be right back

    Luna walk's off and reaches into her pocket and tries to secretly pull out a switchblade

Aaron Immediately notices it and runs to her

Aaron: Hey! What are you gonna do with the blade?

Luna: What do you think?

Aaron: Well, I know imma say this again and imma repeat myself Life isn't that bad ok 

Luna: How do you know you've never gone through the shit I've been through have you

Aaron: I have when I said lost a few people in life I meant both emotionally and physically My parents were murdered and I heard bullets I was born in the wrong neighborhood a horrible one and I still have the courage to say that life can get better like what James said you need friends that will stick by your side we're strangers I know but I'm willing to help you because everything will get better it just takes time.

Luna: I don't have enough time! I just want to feel better.

Aaron: You aren't going to feel better if you just keep resisting help!

Luna stays quiet

Aaron: Give me the blade

Luna gives up the blade and sits back down with James

James: What the hell just happened?

Aaron: it's something

Luna: Yeah I don't wanna talk about it

Aaron: So you wanna hang out at our place it ain't big but it's something to do right?

Luna: Um I don't feel too comfortable. I don't know you guys

Aaron: That's fine here I'll give you my number we'll hang out tomorrow

Luna: Ok

Aaron: Alright see you tomorrow. And please don't do it ok because I've been through that pain too trust me

Luna: Ok

Episode 2 end

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