
Chapter 7

On his way to his to U.A, Izuku was having a conversation with Gwen about his copy power.

'Gwen, is there any limits to what I can copy'

[The only limit that you have is that you can only copy 8 things per world. And once you reached that limit you can still copy other things but you will have to get rid of one of the things you have copied'

'Wow, I am nearly at my limit with the quirks (A/N: Bat-like wings, explosion, regeneration, frost, Full one for all, blank one for all and invisible) so I can copy one more quirk before I have to replace them'

'… wait. You said Worlds?'

[Yes, you can travel to other worlds when ever you like]

'Oh that is so cool'

Arriving at the front of U.A. He spotted Toru's clothes floating.

"Hey Toru" Izuku said as he got close to her.

"Hey, are you nervous? Because I sure am. I can't wait to make new new friends." Toru replied, feeling nervous about making friends.

"I am feeling nervous as well, but you just have to push through it like a hero would do. And don't worry about making friends, I bet you will have one in the first hour and if you don't you always have me" Izuku stated even though he is way more excited then nervous.

"Yeah I guess you are right"

Toru and Izuku made their way to the class from for class-1A students. They could already hear a lout of noise for two people having an argument in the classroom from the beginning of the corridor they were in, that was leading to the classroom.

Just as they entered quietly, Izuku's eyes landed on blue haired, robot like person chopping is arm and the explosive Lord of anger himself, Bakugo arguing.

"Good morning, I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida. You're the one who got the highest score on the exam." Said Iida as the whole class looked at him.

"Izuku Midoriya and this is my girlfriend Toru Hagakure" Replied Izuku, being friendly to Iida and ignoring everyone else.

"Izuku, stop being embarrassing" Toru said behind Izuku as he stated his relationship with her.

"Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends" said a cold person behind them.

"This is the hero course" said person, carried on saying as he started to have drink of something.

"Okay, it took eight seconds before you were quite. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough. I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you. It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field" the man, the myth, the legend said before walking away.

"A quirk assessment test?!" Exclaimed everyone.

"What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation" Asked the brown haired girl, who doesn't need an introduction.

"If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how teachers run their classes. You kids have been doing these since junior high, too, right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your quirks. The country still uses averages taken from students not using there quirks. It's not rational. Well, the ministry of education is procrastinating. Midoriya, you finished at the top of every exam, right? In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?"

"69.8 meters" Izuku replied

"Then, try doing it with your quirk. You can do what ever you want as long as you stay in the circle. Hurry up, give it all you've got." Izuku made his way into the circle as Aizawa said this.

'I should probably use the filled One for All, luckily I have trained my self to get Full Cowling and getting used to the power because of regeneration' Izuku thought as he was getting ready to throw the ball.

'I will put all of my power into this through and for a bit of extra, I will use explosion too' he thought as he focused the entire power onto his hand.

Activating One for All, Izuku launched the softball, using a One for All powered explosion the moment it was leaving his hand to accelerate it faster.


The softball got sent so fast, it caused wind to push everyone away from Izuku. The ball even left the atmosphere with how fast it was going. Looking to Aizawa, Izuku can see him holding his device up so everyone can see the score, it didn't show a number. It showed the infinity symbol. Shocking everyone.

"Infinity? Seriously?" Said the human pikachu.

"This looks so fun" said miss pinky.

"We can use our quirks as much as we want, as expected from the hero course" said the knock off Spider-Man.

"'It looks fun' huh? You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the entire time? All right. Whoever comes in last placed in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion. We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. Welcome to U.A.'s hero course" Aizawa said with a big shit-eating grin


A/N: This is longer than my other chapters, I hope it's good enough. Just to let you all know after the USJ fight Andrew will be leaving this world to go to a new one. I haven't decided if Toru will go with him though so I will cast a vote of Toru going or not.



Not going

Also give me ideas of which world to go to next and I will choose the best option in my opinion. (Leave a comment here)

As well if you recommend any eight quirks that Izuku can leave with let me know (here)

Thank you for reading

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