
Changes in plans

Jade woke up to the noise outside, she was so tired last night that she didn't know when morning came, checking her time it was already 10:00 a.m.

She opened her curtains to view what the noise was all about and as the sun shone on her face she looked so fragile and beautiful, her golden hair falling backwards exposing her straight face and those pink lips one would die to kiss,she got her huge sea green eyes from her dad while some of her looks came from her mum.

Gazing outside to check the cause of the noise jade saw her mum bringing out groceries from the back of her car,looking up her mum shouted "jade dear come help me out with these,I didn't know you are already awake".

jade just nodded and rushed downstairs before asking her mum about their housekeeper as she collected the remaining stuffs from the back of the car,

"mum what about Mrs violet the housekeeper I thought she's the one to buy the groceries since you'd be busy with work today"before her mum could reply jade paused in her tracks

"now wait a minute" staring at her mum questioningly

"you're supposed to be at work now, why are you home?"

keeping quiet the whole time while jade talked her mum just smiled and said

"you'd be surprise your dad's also home" walking past jade she added "stop staring at me like that dear, I'll make us some coffee while I brief you" taking in air she added

"its not like its a very bad thing you know, but your dad would discuss it with you later, cheer up girl your face has gone so pale" laughing at her daughter Stacy walked into the house leaving jade behind with the rest of the groceries.

Jade caught herself and followed her mum to the kitchen still thinking what the discussion was all about.

Dropping the groceries on the table jade stared at her mum heating water for the coffee,ignoring her stare her mum asked

"jade dear how was your night?" not expecting a reply she shrugged

"its good to be home don't you think so?" she made the coffee adding much sugar and poured both a cup, ignoring jades silence and sipping her coffee she said

"jade dear I know you must be thinking what the discussion is all about but don't worry, mum and dad just wants to spend their day with their baby girl and also discuss a slight change in plans" taking another sip from the cup she added "a slight change won't hurt you know, its all for your good baby"

taking jade by the hands and leading her out the door

"now let's join your dad in his study for the little information". jade just slipped her hands from her mum's grasp and said "go ahead mum let me pour a cup of coffee for dad I'll join you two in 5mins". her mum nodded and went ahead.

Douglas in his study was still reflecting on the discussion he had with his best friend Pritchard.

clearing his throat Mr Pritchard said

"Douglas we've been very good friends since birth and we help each other in times of need no matter what, I still want it to remain that way"

looking Douglas straight in the eyes he asked "I have an issue here and its for the good of both of our families, can I go on?"

"go on" Douglas nodded giving more attention

"I don't know how you may see this but I want my son George to marry your daughter" mr pritchard said stopping for the words to sink in he continued "my son is always busy and doesn't have time for girls....." Douglas chipped in

"that's exactly my point here, how can we make them get married since they both can't spare a second with each other cause my daughter will be working in my company and as you can see we still have lots of project to cover so she would end up also with a busy schedule"

Mr Pritchard picked up again "that's what I wanted to explain before you chipped in,you see"

stopping to grasp air he continued "I want you to tell your daughter that she has to undergo some interview before managing your company and that is to work under someone in another company, and having spoken with me,I volunteered to employ her as my sons personal assistant (P.A) in my company and since my company is also a book manufacturing industry,I don't see any reason she won't accept the offer,then they would get to know each other more and may fall in love but if not, with our pressure they would get married".

Douglas had agreed and they both promised not to tell their wives it was their idea but that friends suggested so.

Hearing a knock at the door which drew him back to the present he replied with a thick voice "come on in".

Stacy opened the door and came in,sitting opposite her husband with the coffee in her hands she asked with concern "you look so pale are you alright?"

Douglas sighed "I don't know how jade would feel about this,she may even hate me for it cause she'd wanted this all her life but am still making it far from her reach"

"no don't think that,you can't keep on suffering yourself like this,its all for her good cause she has to know how it feels to work under someone so when she starts managing your company, she would know how to handle others who work under her,besides its not like she's going to be a servant,she would still be respected" Stacy encouraged her husband.

just then the door opened and jade came in, two cups of coffee in her hands,she handed one to her father

"there you go dad" and gave him a peck, Douglas nodded "thanks baby,you can sit next to your mum".

Douglas began by asking how her night was

"dad it was splendid"jade replied then added "can we please go on to the discussion"

eyeing her mum she added "mum has already kept me in enough suspense"

Douglas chuckled and began

"you have to wait till I finish talking before you reply,i'll have to make it short.

you know how I started my company,thinking my dreams would never come true and feeling like its always prolonged, I and my good friend later came together and built a company and not many years later we got footed each and had to separate the company,I made mine and he made his"

stopping to sip his coffee he continued

"I just want to let you know that you have to work under someone before I make you my manager,you have to know how it feels to work under someone,not given that much privilege and to work to your masters satisfaction"

Douglas stared at his daughter for a response. "dad but you promised I would start work when I graduate"

jade said tears filling her eyes "but not to worry am okay with it"

Douglas said "Mr Pritchard had volunteered to employ you as his sons P.A"

"what??" jade shouted feeling surprised.

"dad I really appreciate his concern but I can't work for his son,he might be a mean type and that's the last thing I need now" Jade poured out.

sipping his coffee Mr Pritchard continued

"then do you prefer working for someone who isn't close to this family? well that isn't possible cause Mr Pritchard has already volunteered to help which I've accepted and there's no going back young lady so you better make up your mind or we do it the hard way"

with that Douglas stood up and walked out of the study leaving jade in shock.

"mum why would dad do this to me,it isn't fair" jade cried out.

"jade dear as you can see I have no say in this,but you really have to listen to your dad" Stacy said and kissing her daughters cheek left the study also.

Jade was left with no other option than to follow her dad's instructions,she was resuming work at Mr Pritchard's company.

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