
The Control Curse

Fumi Sendai, a soon to be college student dies and meets and entity beyond her comprehension who offers her a new chance. How will this turn her life?

ZetzuSensei · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Battle for Special Grade

"I think I have an perfect idea!" I say as a large grin grows across my face at the prospect of growth.

As of recently, as my cursed energy continued to grow, I had to keep my control over it as well. In the process, ive been trying to find a way to evolve from a cursed womb. Although being a cursed womb has its advantages as having a higher growth rate. It would be a great asset in battle if things are going wrong.

But there's something else. My cursed technique truly showed its possibilities with the combination of Enslave, Deal and Command. After killing a cursed spirit, I create a deal with them. But because of enslave, I do not have to give anything in return. So if I beat a curse and see myself as superior to them, they can become a slave and offer their cursed energy or cursed technique to me.

This obviously has its limitations as my body cannot hold multiple cursed techniques. So rather than storing them in myself, I use the cursed spirit as a medium and use their cursed technique via Command.

"Anyways, that's enough planning for now." I say clapping to myself as I enter the graveyard. I quickly dispatch the low grade curses in the entrance, not even batting an eye as I punch a hole through a grade 2 curse chest before attaching a chain to its head.

I continued doing this for about 5 minutes, that way I can create as many "body sheilds" as I can. With the lower grade curses I offer a deal to transfer damage from me to them.

If the damage is too much for one shikigami it will share it with another. This process will infinitely divide untill it can no longer transfer damage leading to my death of course. Aswell as the function that my chain's transfer their cursed energy onto me when they die.

"Okay this should be enough." I say looking st the mass of chains coming together like a cloud in the sky, full of curses of varying ranks. Most of them were grade 5 but in the mix were a couple of grade 2 and 3 curses and one grade 1 which I was lucky to find. Added that with the Grade 1 I obtained from a hospital beforehand that makes 2.

And because they're grade 1, they often than not have a cursed technique of their own which they can use.

The 2 curses I gained I named after their cursed technique. The first, originating from the Hospital was the Needle curse. It can make needles of varying sizes. Simple enough.

The second, which I got recently had a rather surprising technique. It even managed to cause me some damage.

It was the Velocity curse. It can speed up or slow down its own or other's velocity via touch.

Looks like I truly lucked out. Now turning my attention to the center point of the cemetery, i see a pitch black sphere with cursed energy oozing from it.

"I guess its time to do this. Needle curse. Pierce that barrier." I say pointing at the possible domain expansion Its either that or their innate domain. Both would be troublesome so It would be best to destroy it first.

The curse, with long arms, a short torso with wolf like legs and small head placed its hand out as a long needle, the size of a javelin appeared out of thin air. I reinforce it with my cursed energy before shooting it out as it shot straight through it like butter.

Following up, I dash closer before landing a devastating blow on the barrier, causing it to completely shatter and fall in on itself to reveal the curse. It didn't resemble a human, rather a slug with long muscular arms, green ooze dripping off its body and an enlarged head.

Seeing me, it instantly sprung into action, sending a wave of acid in my direction. Seeing the massive wave corode the graves around us, I jump up to dodge the attack. But this wasn't the end of its attack. It curled up its body like a spring before launching itself at me mid air. "Tch! Velocity curse!" I yell out bringing a curse now turned shikigami foward who was smaller and slender than the one before. "SloWW~ DowN!" He yelled as he put both hands out, touching the curse on its side before reaching me. The curse slowed down significantly, allowing for me to do a counterattack.

I punch the curse back down to the ground before barking out an order to the needle curse. "Create a trap of needles!" I bark out before slamming down onto the curse, noticing the acid is no longer here. Strange. Then a pain surges up from my leg spikes up as I grunt, realizing the acid oozing off its body will still affect me when im attacking. "Die already!" I yell out before slamming my fist into its chest, creating a hole instantly. I grunt once again due as I watch acid burn my entire fist off before it regrows with my leg, signifying some of my curses have died.

Seeing as the cursed spirit is focusing on regenerating, I grab it, ignoring the pain before throwing it to the needle curse who promptly throws multiple needle in the air to meet it. "Velocity curse!" I yell before I feel my speed take a sudden increase, appearing before the curse once again.

'I have to finish this before he has the chance to cast a domain! Thats the key to my victory!'

I launch a barrage of fist, leaving holes in the curse after every impact before kicking him backwards into the trap the needle curse set previously. "GraAaAAaaEeeEH!" It yelled out in pain before putting its hands together.

[Domain Expansi-

Quickly taking advantage of the time needed for their cursed energy to rise, I summon two bladed chains and grab onto him like a whip. "Im almost there!" I yell with a large grin on my face as I yank the curse towards me. "Needle curse!" I say as a needle is summoned floating infront of me, sinking into the curses skin.

"If I want to win this, im going to have to chain you up like the dog you are!" I yell as I kick the needle deeper into the curse before driving it into the ground. "GaEgH!"

"Be mine, Acid curse." I say as I sink a chain into its head. But this was my biggest mistake, letting my guard down against a special grade curse.

[Domain Expansion]

It says in a distorted voice, causing me to look in shock. "But I won!" I yell out in confusion before my surroundings change. One similar to the graveyard we we're currently in.

[Decomposing Escape!]

I quickly wince in pain as I look down to see all the muscle off my legs be melted in an instant before quickly regenerating. But thats not all. My shikigami aswell!

This created a cycle of me regenerating and being melted in an instant. Being able to do nothing but slowly come closer to death, inch by inch.

"Now…this looks unwinable…" I say lamenting on my situation.

I look up to the cursed spirit as my eyes widen. I quickly leap to the side as massive beam thata bigger than my body goes past my head, taking half of my upper body with it. "AGH! Damnit!" I curse out as I try to think of any possibility to get out of this.

"There is no way out. Thats logical that is. Even forcing my evolution would help much. But there is something illogical I can do!" I say as I form a set of handsigns.

[Domain Expansion]

I say as the chains on my body explodes from me, hitting everything in a 50 meter radius. I focus the chains to ensair the cursed spirit, to atleast stop the torrent of attacks.

"It's incomplete and doesn't have a barrier yet, but." I say pausing as I bring the 2 grade 1 shikigamis closer to me. "Now I can do this much easier!" I say as my speed suddenly explodes with the help of the velocity curse.

With the curse spirit being held down by the chains, he didn't have a chance to dodge as I landed a devastating blow to its torso with a needle fall down into the hole right after. "You wont be regenerating either!" I say with a sadistic grin on my face before throwing a overhand onto the curses head. "GRAAEH!" It yelled as it tried shooting another beam of acid at me, completely missing its target. " It looks like you never faught someone else with a domain either huh! Now, become mine!"

I say summoning a mass of chains with blades at the ends as I rain them down on the curse.

After a few seconds, the domain finally came undone, causing us to fall back onto the ground.

"Hah- I win…" I say while trying to catch my breath. Looking at the last 2 shinigamis remaining, I release a small grin. In that domain, I barely survived. With being burned slowly from his sure hit and that acid beam taking half of my body off, it was evident that the weaker cursed spirits would take too much damage for me to regenerate from.

"I had to abandon the idea of sacrificing them and healing to finish the job, but I got it done it seems." I say looking down to my completely melted legs. All that remains were bones before I started to pump cursed energy to them to heal.

"Lets get this over with. Acid curse. You've finally been domesticated it seems." I say sinking a chain into the decaying curse before it disappears.

What happened next was a sight I grew accustomed to, a bright light shone from the curse as my cursed energy dipped, showing that the technique was successful. The previous midnight black chain was now a ethereal white. "Welcome to my collection, Acid Curse." I say with a wide smile as I look upon the floating shikigami above my head.

-End of Chapter-

Makima current strength is that of a low special grade.

The curse she fought was a freshly born special grade that hadn't mastered its domain.

In terms of physical AP, she is quite literally up there with Toji, but what she lacks is speed and reaction time. And with the velocity curse she would still be slower than without his arm Naobito.

In cursed energy, her reserves are that of a special grade curse like Hanami, but she uses less due to her cursed technique having absolute control over it. Also a reason on why she havent been discovered by Kyoto Jujutsu High (the closest one) or any Jujutsu sorcerer.

And lastly. She won't have a complete domain untill she evolves.

Hope you enjoyed, stay safe everyone!