
Chapter 4: Reconstruction and Rebirth

In the meeting room of the Continental, the soft lighting gave an air of seriousness and gravity. The dark tones of the table and chairs contrasted with the lighting, creating a formal atmosphere. Michael was seated at the head of the table, while Laura, his assistant, took a place beside him. Marcus, ever equanimous, sat across from them, and John Wick, the legend, took the seat next to him.

Michael opened the meeting. "We need to find the right staff for the Continental. People who understand our way of working, who understand our rules and values, and who can be trusted."

Laura began to describe the list. "Our loyal receptionist, Charon, has been working in a security company in this world. He was the first face you saw upon entering and the last when leaving. I believe his return is essential."

"Then we have the chef Alessandro. His culinary skills are exceptional, and his discretion is invaluable."

"Then there's our tailor, Edgar. He was known for his skills in creating custom-made suits, including bulletproof ones and those with hidden compartments for weapons."

"Our weapons specialist, Victor, appears to be linked to a sports shop. His knowledge in armament was crucial."

Michael nodded. "Excellent job, Laura. These are the foundations of our Continental. With the Blood Medallions, we can help them remember who they were and what they represented." (I looked up the name of the medallions, and that's what I found)

Marcus then leaned forward, interlocking his fingers. "We must discuss an equally crucial matter: security. The old Continental was based on respect and fear. Respect for the rules and fear of the consequences of breaking them. To maintain that reputation, we will need a strongly trained staff."

John Wick stared intently, understanding the magnitude of what was being said. "How many do you think we'll need, Marcus?"

"Between 40 and 60," Marcus replied without hesitation. "We have to cover the entire hotel 24 hours a day. Every entrance, every exit, every hallway. We cannot allow any failures."

Michael frowned. "That's a large amount of staff. Are you sure we need so many?"

Marcus nodded. "Completely. Remember, the Continental is not just a hotel; it's a sanctuary for our community. Security is more than surveillance; it's a symbol of our strength, our inviolability. If we want the Continental to be respected as before, the security must be flawless."

"I'll call some old friends," Marcus added, his voice laden with confidence. "We don't need soldiers; we need assassins. The best of the best. People who will not only protect the Continental but also send the message that we are not something to be trifled with."

"Good," said Michael, his gaze hardening. "This is what we are. This is what we do. We cannot compromise the integrity of the Continental."

He paused, looking at everyone in the room before continuing. "John, I need you to take charge of recruiting the new staff. Charon, Alessandro, Edgar, Victor; we need them back. I know you can persuade them."

John Wick nodded with a serious expression. "I will."

"Marcus," Michael continued, turning to the impassive man. "Your task will be security. I want you to recruit only members or former members of the Continental from the original world. They must know our rules, our expectations. I can't emphasize enough how critical this is to our mission."

"I understand," said Marcus, his voice calm but firm. "There will be no mistakes."

Michael opened a drawer and pulled out a small, elegant box. Inside, there were Blood Medallions, glowing with a mystical shine.

"These are for you, Marcus, and for you, John. Use them to help them remember who they were and what they represented for the Continental. What we do here is not just recreating a building; it's restoring a community, a culture."

Both men took the medallions, and there was a moment of unspoken understanding among the three.

"Laura," said Michael, turning to his assistant. "Your job will be to recreate the Accounts Payable. We need that structure back in place. Not just for administration, but to send the message that we are back."

"I will, Mr. Michael," Laura replied, her voice full of determination.

There was a moment of silence as each absorbed the magnitude of the tasks ahead. Then Michael stood up.

"We are restoring more than a hotel," he said, his voice filled with passion. "We are restoring a way of life, an ethic, a code. What we build here will define who we are and what we stand for. We cannot fail."

With a final nod, he ended the meeting. Each went to their tasks, bearing the weight of responsibility and the hope of a new beginning.


John Wick stared at the file in his hand, a dossier containing all the information about Charon, the loyal receptionist of the Continental in a world that no longer existed. Now, in this universe, Charon was working at a reputable security company, and his reputation as one of the best in his field hadn't changed.

Adjusting his tie, John stood in front of the mirror, inspecting his appearance. He was wearing an impeccable black suit, as always, but his reflection returned a look filled with unease. It was not the mission that disturbed him; he had carried out more dangerous tasks in his life. It was the idea of facing someone he once knew but who was now a complete stranger.

Charon would not remember the Continental. He would not remember the rules, the etiquette, nor the strict neutrality that defined that place. He would not remember John.

Taking a deep breath, John closed the dossier and left his room, heading to the security company where Charon worked. The car ride was quiet, with only his thoughts and the soft purr of the engine to accompany him.

He remembered the first time he met Charon in the original world. Always formal, always respectful, Charon had been more than just a receptionist. He had been a constant source of guidance and wisdom, someone who understood the intricate threads that wove their world.

But now, all that was lost. Charon was a stranger.

Arriving at the company, John parked his car and walked to the entrance. His step was determined, but his mind kept fluttering, searching for the right way to approach Charon, to convince him of something as incredible as his past life at the Continental.

He entered the building and was greeted by a friendly receptionist who directed him to the department where Charon worked. With every step, John felt a growing knot in his stomach. How could he explain the unexplainable? How could he convince Charon of something that sounded so absurd?

He passed through a maze of corridors, following the directions he had been given. Finally, he reached a glass door that had Charon's name engraved on a golden plaque. Taking a deep breath, John knocked on the door.

A man rose from the desk on the other side of the door. A familiar face, a familiar figure, but in a completely different context.

It was Charon. But not as he remembered him.

The door opened, and Charon extended his hand, a polite smile on his face. "Good morning, sir. I'm Charon. How can I assist you?"

John took his hand, feeling a strange mixture of recognition and unfamiliarity. The words caught in his throat for a moment before he replied.

"Hello, Charon. My name is John Wick. I need to talk to you about something very important."

Charon's eyes narrowed slightly, a spark of curiosity in his gaze.

"Of course, Mr. Wick. Please, take a seat."

Charon sat back down at his desk, his gaze fixed on John, waiting for him to begin. His expression was polite, but there was a tension in the air that did not go unnoticed by either of them.

John took a seat, placing the dossier on the table but keeping it closed. He looked at Charon, searching for the right way to start. The words were elusive, and he knew that each one had to be carefully chosen.

"Thank you for seeing me, Charon," John began, trying to keep calm. "I'm here because I need your help with something very particular. Something that may seem... unusual to you."

Charon tilted his head slightly, his curiosity piqued. "I'm willing to listen, Mr. Wick. Please, continue."

John cleared his throat. "What I'm about to tell you may sound strange. But I ask that you keep an open mind and consider the possibility that what I'm telling you is true."

Charon's eyes narrowed slightly, but he nodded. "Go on."

John opened the dossier, revealing a series of documents and images depicting Charon's life at the Continental. "This place," he said, pointing to a photo of the old hotel, "was called the Continental. It was a haven for people like us. People with very particular skills."

Charon looked at the images, his expression changing from curiosity to confusion. "I don't understand, Mr. Wick. What are you talking about? What is the Continental?"

John continued, choosing his words carefully. "The Continental was a unique place, Charon. A place where the rules were sacred, and where loyalty and discretion were valued above all else. You were part of that world. You were the receptionist, the first face everyone saw upon entering and leaving."

Charon leaned back in his chair, his face showing disbelief. "That sounds intriguing, but also completely foreign to me. I have no memory of such a place or such a life."

"This is a lot to process, Mr. Wick," Charon finally said, his voice trembling. "I need time to think. To understand."

John nodded, then reached into his pocket, pulling out a Blood Medallion. He placed it on the table, in front of Charon. "This medallion may help you understand. It may help you remember."

Charon looked at the medallion, his expression changing from confusion to recognition, although he didn't know why.

"The Continental needs someone with your skills, your honor, and your integrity. It needs you, Charon," John said, his voice firm. "Please, take the medallion. Let it help you remember."

He stood up, extending his hand to Charon once more. "Thank you for listening. I'll be waiting for your response."

Charon took his hand, his eyes still fixed on the medallion. "I'll think about it, Mr. Wick. I'll think about it."

With that, John left the office, leaving Charon with the dossier, the medallion, and a decision that could change everything.


Charon remained in his office, his gaze fixed on the Blood Oath Medallion that now lay on his desk. John Wick's words resonated in his mind, leaving him in a state of confusion and bewilderment. The life that Wick had described seemed so distant, so foreign to his current existence as a provider of security and escort services.

The life he had built in this world was filled with respectability and control. He had a routine, a structure. Each day was a series of well-defined tasks, each interaction with clients measured and professional. There was no place for violence or chaos in his current world.

But the Blood Oath Medallion was there, as a tangible reminder of something more, something he couldn't ignore. Could what Wick had told him be true? Had he really been a key piece in an exclusive hotel for assassins, in a world where the rules were different and the stakes were deadly?

Charon spent hours pondering these questions, lost in thoughts about his life and his identity. He remembered his childhood, his upbringing, the decisions that had led him to his current career. Everything felt real, logical. But it also felt incomplete, as if something was missing.

Finally, with trembling hands, he took the medallion. Its touch was cold and firm, and something about it resonated deep within his being. An echo of something he had forgotten, a whisper of a life he had lived.

Memories began to surface, slowly at first, then with overwhelming force. He saw the grand lobby of the Continental, the elegance of its decor, the underlying tension that pervaded the air. He saw his reflection in the mirrors, dressed in a flawless suit, greeting guests with a professional smile.

He saw the violence too, the confrontations that had taken place outside the Continental's doors, the bodies that had been eliminated with brutal efficiency. He understood the rules, the importance of his role in maintaining order and structure in a world where everything could change in an instant.

The memories kept flowing, and Charon found himself caught in an internal battle. Two worlds clashed within him, two lives that couldn't coexist. But as the memories settled, a truth began to emerge. The Continental was his home, his true place in the world. He had been ripped from it, and now he had the opportunity to return.

Charon made a decision.

With the decision made, Charon felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He had accepted the truth of his former life, and now he was ready to assume his place in the world that belonged to him.

After some arrangements and preparations, he found himself driving to the Continental. The familiarity of the road was a constant reminder of his former life. The building, majestic and elegant, stood like a beacon in the city, a symbol of power and sophistication.

As he approached the hotel, a mixture of emotions overcame him. There was a sense of nostalgia, mixed with a renewed sense of purpose. The doors of the Continental opened before him, and he entered the lobby that had once been his domain.

Everything seemed the same, but there was also a freshness in the air, a renewal that was underway. The hotel was awakening from its slumber, preparing for a new era.

At that moment, his eyes fell on a scene that made him stop. Marcus, the veteran and cunning assassin, was in the middle of the lobby, surrounded by a group of suited men and women. Their faces were firm and determined, their postures showing disciplined readiness.

Charon approached, recognizing in their eyes a familiar spark. They were assassins, the best of the best, and Marcus was preparing them for their role in the Continental.

Marcus looked up and saw Charon. An understanding smile crossed his face, and he extended his hand in a silent greeting.

"Welcome, Charon," Marcus said in a voice that resonated with authority and respect. "Your return is a crucial step in our rebuilding. These are our new guardians, the elite who will protect the Continental."

Charon looked at the men and women before him. Though he didn't know them, he felt a connection with them. They were part of the same brotherhood, the same tradition.

"So it must be," Charon replied, his voice firm. "I am here to serve, to restore the honor and glory of the Continental."

Marcus nodded, and then turned to the group.

"This is Charon, our loyal receptionist. His return marks a new beginning for all of us. Together, we will rebuild what was lost and forge a new path forward."

The determination in his words was palpable, and Charon felt a fire grow within him. He was back in his home, and he was ready to take up his role in rebuilding the Continental.

With a final salute to Marcus and a nod to the new guardians, Charon headed to his station at the reception desk. As he took his place behind the counter, a sense of fittingness and belonging filled him.

The Continental was awakening, and he was in his rightful place, ready to serve and protect once again.

I think so far everything has gone well. With many errors too, it is my first novel after all.

But at the same time I don't know, I feel like it lacks more. I will write up to chapter 10-15 and based on that I will consider rewriting everything while I improve my writing.

Blackstarborcreators' thoughts
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