
A New Day

In the year 2059, january 2nd, the sun had just arisen on the horizon, It was a new day for the people of the Hope base located 20 km northwest of the bakhuysen crater, People had already started their routines with biologists tending to the greenhouses, chemists deep in their experiments, engineers checking up the life and so on. It was an early day for everyone except maybe for one deep sleeper.

**kn* *knock* *knock* Marieeeee

huh huhh hmmm *** yawn*

A 20-23looking girl with short red haid a light brownish skin tone and blue eyes was seen sleeping on the bed

"Who the hell is calling me in the middle of the night?" said Marie, trying to wake up from her sleep.

*Knock Knock* MARIEEE Wake Upppp, it's 7 am. already.

"Is that Tanika, and what did she say, 7am," she thought while checking the clock. "ohhhh shhhiitt its 7am, i so damm late and screwed." She quickly jumped off the bed, grapped her uniform, and while trying to wear it with one hand, opened the door with the other hand.

Tanika, a tall 22 -24 looking girl with a pure white skin tone wearing a brown shirt and a black jacket was standing behind the door, saw the door open up and a half-naked marie trying to dress herself.

" How the hell are you late, id assume you would be the first one to show up with all your fantasies of your first assignment" said tanika while showing an amused expression at the failed attempt of her friend to dress up.

"Shut up and help me get ready, i was too excited to sleep yesterday, barely slept at 3 or 4 in the morning," said marie while grabbing her laptop and other necessities before stuffing the into her bag."

Quickly dressping up and grabbing her stuff, Marie made a run for the hanger with excitement, starting to build up on her face as today was the day that she was gonna embark on her first excursion on the surface on mars. Some might chalk it down as nothing worth so much enthusiasm, but to her, it was more than that. It was her dream since a young age. To her, it was akin to discovering a land that no human had ever tred upon, geography that no human had ever studied on a planet far, far away from her home on earth.

Lost in her thoughts, it didn't take long for her to reach the hanger with Tanika on her tow. She checked her clock reading 7:20. " 20 mins late i hope ,Team leader doesnt get to angry" though while eyeing Team leader Ford 'an asian looking black man with the body of a wrestler and the deepest vouce that the had ever heard' walking towards her.

With an embarred face, she tried to explain her excuse, but Leader Ford just walked to her, and

said," Try not to be late in the future. we have an important meeting today. I'll be briefing everyone on the exploration mission that we will be starting today eve at 6 pm sharp, lets begin."

So begin her day with a slight hiccup.