

Master Tu is a Great master of Yuan country,he has been teaching Feng Liy since she was five years old.

Master Tu "Feng He you should go play with Per (dog of master Tu ) , I bought him for you since your mother said you missed him."

Feng Liy "I am really delighted with your visit master but is the court really trying to send me there"

Feng Shui was sad and worried if her daughter is being send there. Master Tu "I really don't want to say this but court is sending you to Amit as per the empress suggestion"

Amit is a country at Europe which is know for it's rich resources and they are trying create trade bond with marriage.

Feng Liy"Heh! the court is trying to send me out of country when I just returned from the war . They really hate me don't they."

Master Tu with anger in his face says " It's because of Empress that all this is happening .She wants her niece to marry crown prince ,whereas when you are there her niece could only be concubine candidate . She wants to control the country completely when Emperor died she was lucky enough to be choose as regent."

It has been 8 years since the Emperor died because of sudden attack of the enemy and the Empress has been the regent of the country for the time being for crown prince who is 17 years old. The crown prince could be crowned only after he reaches 20 .

Suddenly a messenger enters the door and says " By the Court's decision Feng Liy daughter of Feng Yuo and Feng Shui will be married to Duke Seborn of Amit after 4 month"

Feng He over hears the verdict said by the messenger and throws the rock "MY SISTER is not marrying anyone she will always be beside me "

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