
Unordinary Genral

Hearing the loud voice Feng liy acted on her reflex and avoided the attack .Attack was made by same two passerby.One of them with scared voice says"Fe...ng Li....y !!!!rrrunnn we are doomed if it is unordinary general".Both of them runs for their life to be out of her sight.

"Feng liy are you all right .hmp!!they shouldn't mess with people not knowing who they are" someone says with grumpy sweet voice .Feng liy with sister like tone says"Hey!!! who are you calling fengliy call me jiejie .And why are you out of house did you inform mother before leaving the house".

The boy says with pouting his lips "Hmp!you also call me brother then I will call you jiejie and I always inform mother before leaving house .You know you should be thankful to me instead of scolding I saved your life"

Feng liy with smirk in her face patting Feng he says"Alright grumpy I will call you Feng he not grumpy .And thank you for saving me".Feng he with shy face says "Then I only let you call me grumpy lets go now"

Feng liy was none other than infamous unordinary general she was born as commoner but she had brain of Buddha and eyes of egale though she liked peace she was forced to join military at age 13 and now 17 she has been known as unordinary general.

They reached at their home her home was average home not luxurious not poor though it was huge.

Feng he reaching entrance run towards his mother "Mamma,mamma You know I saved Feng liy just know .hahahaha!and the people just ran because they heard her name ".

Feng Shui says in motherly manner "You know Feng he you should not make fun of your sister and should call her jiejie.She is older than you"

"It's all right mother it's the way of expressing his love towards me"Feng liy says by blinking her eye towards her brother.

"Hahahaha Feng Shui you have really given birth talented childs .feng yiu you have really establish your name within capital city as unordinary general"an old voice comes out .

"Master Tu!(Bowing her head )when did you arrive .I am extremely sorry for making you wait"Feng liy says Bowing her head.

Master Tu says "You don't need to be sorry raise your head up .I just came a minute ago since you were not home I was about to leave.Since you are here ,I have something important to discuss"

Master Tu is an old man in his sixties.Feng he is seven years old and their mother is at her thirties.

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