
The Connected Souls

[Completed] WHEN TWO SOULS FALL IN LOVE....... There is nothing else but the yearning to be close to one another. The presence is felt through a held hand, a voice heard and the sight of a smile. Even through a simple touch. Souls do not have calenders or clocks nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not around. Your soul feels their absence and doesn't realize that the separation is temporary. Because love finds its way....... Death can set apart the bodies but not soul. Anastasia Prescott (23 years) A charming, young and innocent girl who lost her love, Ashton Watson three years back in a tragic incident which left her soul shattered into pieces which is beyond repair. She dedicates her life to WATSON CORPORATION, the dream of her beloved Ashton and make it big, just as he dreamed it to be. But while doing so she lost herself as she never overcome from his loss in her miserable life. She was a lifeless body without a soul who was adamant for ripping apart her every being in his memories. Ashton Watson (26 years) The young lad and the heir of Watson Corporation who was keen to pursue his dream of taking his father's empire to new heights. He fell head over heels for Anna and her innocence. He was determined about his future with her. But least did he know that he would not be able to keep his promises that he made to her. He knew that he was her everything and that is why he uttered the last words on his deathbed, "Live for me Anna. Don't ever give up on yourself. I love you and I will always be with you. You may not find me near you but I will always be around you." Regan Knight (29 years) A debanoir, one of the most dashing bachelor and the most successful entrepreneur of his generation. He is conceited and ruthless when it comes to business. Love is not a part of his lifestyle. But things change when he sets his eyes on Anna who beholds him in a trance from which he never wants to come out. He gradually understand the meaning of love and...... pain. He know he would never be able to replace him in her heart but after realizing his love for her, he is ready to accept this fact as his fate. He thinks his own love would be more than enough for both of them to spend rest of their lives together. All he wants is a chance from her, for her, for them. Will Anna move on? Will Regan be able to mend her? Will Regan and Anna have any chance of a future together? Join the emotional journey of Anastasia and Regan in search of love. The journey which throbs with emotions you never experienced, the agony and finally the blitheness which leaves you with nothing but bliss and contentment to love and to be loved by your precious. --- Excerpt --- "I love you Anna." He finally confessed. His heartfelt confession moved a string in her dead heart as if awakening her soul from a deep sleep. Those three simple words that were barely above a whisper held the utmost conviction of his every promise that he had silently made to her. She didn't expect something like that. Her eyes widened in shock and she muttered unbelievingly. "You love me?" She shook her head still not believing what she heard from him and gulped. "You love me. As….as a friend…..friend, right? As a….." The edges of his lips curled up slightly. Out of all the reactions, it was the most unexpected from her. She was still not ready to believe what she heard and he was determined to make her believe every word he said. He cut her off to speak further and repeated again. "I love you......as a man loves a woman Anastasia."

ash022 · General
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139 Chs

A new dawn

The next morning Anna woke into the warmth of the soft sheets. The morning light trickled through the curtains. Her eyes were still closed as she soaked in the warmth of the soft cover before opening her ocean blue orbs to see the sunlight.

She sat up abruptly recalling her conversation with Regan. The previous night, she was distressed which elevated after talking about her past. But today, she felt as if a little weight was taken off her chest. She remembered how quietly Regan held and consoled her. Although, she was not yet ready to accept him completely, she realized one thing that he was certainly getting through the layers of the strong guard that she had built around her. Brick by brick. He was breaking into her walls and she neither have the heart nor the strength to stop him.

She looked around the room for him, but he wasn't there. A wave of disappointment washed over her heart. She didn't know why his absence mattered her so much? What was the reason behind her disappointment? She brushed away those thoughts when she looked at the time. It was half past nine in the morning and she couldn't believe that she slept for so long. She was always a morning person. She quickly rushed to the washroom to complete her morning chores as she had already some things planned in her mind which she wanted to accomplish at the earliest. However, she was surprised to see her reflection in the mirror. Her face was clean with all the make up being wiped out. Once again, she was in her nightwear. Her face slightly coloured with the mere thought of Regan doing those things for her for two days now. She dismissed her thoughts when the hot shower soothed her tensed muscles and she relaxed instantly. She came out after half an hour and decided to go downstairs to look for Regan.

As soon as she descended the stairs, her nostrils were hit by the most delicious smell of food that came from the kitchen. Her stomach reacted on it through a rumbling sound and she realized how famished she was. She went into its direction. However, what she saw there left her astonished. Regan was cooking in the kitchen with his back facing her. He was dressed in a navy blue sweatshirt and track pant with an apron tied around his torso. It was the first time when she saw him so casual.

As if he had sensed her presence, Regan turned around and found Anna watching him silently from a distance. He immediately left the task in hand, removed his apron and went to her with a bright smile on his face.

"Good morning Anastasia."

Before she could reply, he enveloped her in his warmth. In his embrace, she felt as if everything else stopped around them. Her mind instantly felt at peace. She was appalled for a moment but then, she quickly gathered herself and wished him too. After a few seconds, when he pulled away, she thought that he would get back to his work, but he stood there taking in her appearance and cupped her face leaving a mark of his love on her forehead. She closed her eyes for a moment as he held her face between his hands untying her knots again. She didn't even realize how she grew accustomed of being held by him in his arms.

"You look beautiful heart." He complimented her with a dotting smile.

She opened her eyes and saw him looking at her intently. She could not only see but also feel his love in everything he said and did for her. She was surprised as how she hadn't seen his love before. Pure. Unselfish. Free. Undemanding. That's how his love was, giving her the liberty to be her own self around him. She didn't have to wear the facade of a strong woman with him. Whatever the circumstances were in which they were tied together, he had accepted her with her baggage and vulnerability and she too never felt weak or concerned in showing her fragility to him. His loving gaze took every ounce of her breath away and she dropped her gaze.

Regan took that time to observe his beautiful wife who was standing in front of him with her averted eyes in diffidence. She was dressed in a long high neck wine red sweater and black leggings. Her flushed complexion due to the shower turned a shade brighter when she saw him looking at her intensely, making her more enchanting, giving him the satisfaction of being the reason behind it. Her hair was still damp, falling over her back and somehow casting a blind for her face to hid away from him. Her face was bare without the trace of any make up which enhanced her innocence. She was doing things to him without even knowing about them. He shook his head on his thoughts and led her to the dining area before he lose his control with her.

"Come, the breakfast is almost ready."

"I had no idea that you can cook." She said to wipe her awkwardness with his proximity.

"Well, I don't. I can only make coffee and pancakes. And of course, a new dish which I have tried for the first time." He said while tying his apron again.

He made her sit on a chair near the kitchen island as he resumed with his unfinished work.

"I was thinking of bringing the breakfast to you in bed. But I guess, my plan to surprise you failed." He said with a frown that made Anna chuckle on his expressions.

Her heart fluttered on looking at his efforts. "Pancakes and coffee sound good. And about your surprise... I don't want to get spoiled by eating in bed. It's better here."

Regan's hand stopped whisking the batter and he reached her in a few strides.

"What if I want to spoil and pamper you?"

"You don't need to."

"It's not because I need to. It's because I want to."

At the same time, Anna's stomach rumbled again abruptly stopping both of them. While Anna felt embarrassed, Regan chuckled. He playfully ruffled her hair and went to the cooking stove to finish the pancakes.

"Let's fill your tummy first. Then, we can continue with our little chat." He said and quickly prepared the remaining breakfast.

She insisted him a few times to assist him, but he was adamant on doing everything on his own. As he finished, he took her to the dining room.

To her surprise, the dining room was thriving with the presence of Grace and Nathan. Her face heated up when she saw the wide smiles on their faces realizing that they must have witnessed everything that happened between her and Regan. Before she could say anything, Grace beamed in joy and greeted her affectionately. The previous night before the party, she and Nathan had asked her to call them as Mom and Dad just like Regan, welcoming her to the family.

"Good morning Momma. Good Morning Dad."

"Morning honey."

"Morning dear."

They said simultaneously.

She looked at Regan and whispered. "You didn't tell me that they were here. I would have waken up early and helped you."

Regan was about to answer when Nathan butted in.

"Come on dear. Its completely fine. Besides, we don't get the opportunity to see Regan in the kitchen every day. It happens once in a blue moon and we are joyful to witness it." He said playfully and looked at Regan who rolled his eyes.

"I am sorry. It's just that I was exhausted and didn't realize the time."

"Oh honey! Come on, you don't need to apologize. And besides, it's natural to get exhausted after a long night." Grace grinned and winked mischievously at Anna.

As soon as Anna heard her, she choked on the water that she had just brought to her lips and started coughing miserably. Her face burned scarlet at her blatant words. During their conversation, Regan had already taken a seat besides Anna. He instantly rubbed her back when she choked and looked at his parents helplessly who were grinning from ear to ear on watching their plight. He shook his head and groaned.

"Enough mom. Stop embarrassing her."

Grace chuckled on hearing him and agreed to his words with a nod. The rest of the time passed with them leisurely talking about random stuff. Grace and Nathan had come to visit Anna and Regan before leaving for Seattle. They were aware of the circumstances in which both of them got married. However, they didn't mind it as Regan had openly shared his feelings for Anna to them. Nevertheless, as parents, they were concerned if they would be able to cope up with the sudden changes in their lives. However, they felt at ease when they themselves witnessed both of them getting along well with each other. As the breakfast finished, Regan went into the kitchen again and brought something that surprised all of them.

"A dessert? What's the occasion Regan? Are we missing something?" Nathan asked curiously.

"Not just a dessert. It's a Choco lava cake. Anna's favourite." He proudly placed it on the table and served a big piece of it to Anna.

To say she was surprised would be an understatement.

"You said you can only make coffee and pancakes. Did you...did you make this?"

He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and asked her to taste it. She nodded and put a piece of it in her mouth closing her eyes as the chocolate busted on her taste buds bringing a wide smile on her face.

"It's amazing. Thank you."

Her smile reflected on his own face which beamed on bringing a genuine smile on her face after a long time.

'So, the way to my wife's heart is this!' He thought and shook his head with a light smile.

He realized his parents' presence when Nathan cleared his throat and Grace chuckled. They were ecstatic to see both of them happy together and left after savouring the dessert.

After breakfast, Regan introduced Anna to Zander Crawford who was her new bodyguard. He was the same person who took Anna to Ashton's graveyard and stayed with her for the whole time. Later, he was the one who informed Regan about her whereabouts and he came to take her back home. Zander was bound to be with her everywhere in Regan's absence. She was shocked to know about him and even questioned Regan as she found it unnecessary to be followed by a guard everywhere she went. She didn't understand the reason behind the security that she noticed outside their house too. She knew that Regan disliked to be followed by the security guards as they attracted unnecessary attention. However, he assured to tell her everything at the right time and she left the matter as she trusted him enough with his decisions.

Later, Regan went to Watson Corporation owing to some important business meeting whereas Anna headed towards Richard's mansion with Zander. She knew that one day or the other, she had to face everything that she was trying to avoid for a few days. She had enough baggage and burdening herself with another was the last thing she wanted to do. When Regan came to know about it, he wanted to accompany her, but there were certain things which she knew, she had to face by herself and she was ready to do that.

Amidst all the twists, the bond between Anna and Regan is growing. See how Anna realizes her true feelings.

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