
The Confusing tale of a Fairy

Chapters I wrote in my docs that are rotting so I decided to upload it here. p.s It's not in chronological order

Mamako_Mikoshiba · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Burning Hatred - Betrayal sequel (Zephyrus interlude)

"My plan is finally moving into motion" Zephyrus said as she stared at herself in the mirror. She killed one of the pieces that are detrimental to Arm with Pride gone Zephyrus can easily manipulate the rest of the members.

She may seem overconfident but she has the right to be in just a few days - Arm would burn. This wretched organization would burn and feel the hatred that has been festering inside her.

"Zelda - The one who killed you shall be slain in my hands" Zephyrus didn't know what would happen to her after she succeeded; she only hoped that if she did. Her fairy kin would be happy knowing she avenged them.