
The beginning: (Sofia's life)


(Wind blew calmly) At this time of the morning, it was dark and the road was quiet, rarely could you find a single means of transportation. (Wild wind blew)A car passed by on a high speed, breaking through the road security check point gate. This woke the security man up, in a quick action he flew into his small office and made a call "emergency, this is Franklin calling from post 112E, there is a high speed, running car, I repeat there is a high speed, running car approaching. The black car kept on running increasing it's speed, "hello.. hello honey.. can you hear me, I step so hard, but the break pedal of the car isn't working, said the lady who was overwhelmed by fear, "quick.. gently step on the pedal", "I'm stepping on it, it's not working honey it is not working, I don't want to die". She said.

"Maria relax take a deep breath.. and try again, said the male voice from the phone. "Ok, I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm taking a deep breath", (breath inhaled and shaky breath released), "again sweetheart you can do it, take in some air and release, (breath inhaled and calmly released),now sweet heart I need you to listen to me carefully, I hope you're not driving right in front of a car", she looked through her driver's mirror, "no, I'm ready, Moonfleks go ahead I'm calm and I'm listening".

"Now I want you to gently tap the brake with you foot continuously" . The young lady did as her husband said, she taps the brake continuously gently as the car tries to slow down, in a delightful mood she said; honey it's working, it's working, both couple rejoiced, as she turned her wheel taking the other side of the road, suddenly a truck approached her in a high speed, immediately turning her wheel again to avoid the incoming vehicle, due to the fact her foot was continuously tapping the brake and she, was on a turn with the wheel, that forced the car to over turn summersaulting continuously with it side, this car went of the road rolling down the hills pounding on rocks and stones, till it finally reached the ground. "hello sweetheart, Maria are you there.. answer me please, I can't lose you. A little child's voice spoke out through the phone; mummy, mummy, mummy, (little child crying). "My model.. (shaky emotional breath, character forced herself to utter a word) "stop crying… mum is here.. right beside you baby, said Maria experiencing weakness, feeling pains, while she tries to move her hand, in the process of trying to say a word she passed out.

(Music playing) "and so lonely/ so far/ the seas will rise/ the journey we both taken doesn't lead the same way/ death will come/ our love will never end, till the seas are still/ wake my little hope, huh, the bottles we've dropped…

The truck driver who caused the accident, used a side road which led him down the hills getting to Maria's car, which is already damaged he stopped.

The driver came down from his truck so calmly like nothing has happened, he opened the back of his truck pulling out a female's ghosted out body, which he exchanged for Maria's. Carefully placing the ghosted out body, he carried Maria into his truck setting a bomb in her damaged car. He drove off, going up the hill leading to the main road, meanwhile, the police men were already approaching with their cars and an ambulance passing him by in a rush to save the injured body, getting there the police men packed their cars rushing with the red cross health care society, almost getting there the car explodes.

"We're sorry sir, according to the DNA we found in the dead body, she's your wife… Moonfleks legs weakened almost falling, the female nurse quickly held him.

Next two days Maria's funeral was held, people came for mourning, he stood holding his little daughter's hand welcoming them, "Mr. Moonfleks we're sorry for your loss, ever since I've known Maria from college, she has been a caring person, loving and always supportive. I've never seen a resemblance in character.. please don't think too much just think about your daughter, may her soul rest in peace", said a lady who came for mourning with her husband, "Amen, thank you for coming, said Moonfleks. "But if you want.. you can get married to another lady, "hell no!! Honey , what are you thinking?" She asked her husband. "I was just helping him out, you know that man can not leave by bread alone, he needs some sauce to spicy it up, he said immediately she pushed him to the ground, "so you are trying to say, if I die today tomorrow you'll get married to another pretty chick? She asked him with the annoyance inside of her. "No baby, never!, who is saying that kind of a thing?" her husband replied her with a question. "You lie, I don't believe you, but listen no matter the pretty women you'll find they'll never be reasonable like I am", she kicked him leaving him behind. "Baby no, my angel please". He quickly got up, "sorry for your loss, and don't forget what I told you, he said to Moonfleks going after his runaway wife. "My angel, my love don't leave me. While Moonfleks was still standing welcoming the guests, his father and his elder brother came in, to join him in mourning his late wife. "why… sister-in-law why, why must you have to leave us this way, you didn't even think about your little daughter your only child, why sister-in-law, why, said the elder brother crying in front of her grave.

A matured lady dashed in dressed on mourning cloth, getting to Moonfleks she stood looking at him, Moonfleks seeing her, sorrowfully said; mother-in-law,(a bitter slap landed on his face), "how dare you call me mother after murdering my daughter you killer, you killed her.. you can't hide it, it is written all over your face".

"But mother… she hits him again "don't you dear call me that, she said pointing at his face. "you.. you.. immediately her hand was held by Moonfleks's father, "no, no in-law please don't do this, there are people watching, he whispered.

"What did you just say, did you just use the sentence people are watching? Are they meant to be blind before? If they want to watch let them watch, if they want to hear let them hear and view how terrible your son is.. she kept trying to release her self but he grabbed her tight the more, "Granma, the little girl called out with a low Voice, tapping her on the waist, "Oh, it's my grand daughter I'm worried about right now, (lady mourning bitterly) how would she be able to grow up properly without her own mother… "But mother, he interrupted, seeing her face, he slowly drops his. "Sorry ma I mean, I am not.. fixing in another woman in…

"Shut up, she yelled at him and held her neck which got stroked by pain, "Ahh, Maria's mother straightens her neck, she was too weaken by the heavy pain in her chest, she fell to the ground weeping. "Granma don't cry, I don't want your make-up to get messy. This made her cry the more.


"Father, father not you too.. you can't leave me, this is not right stop pretending, please wake up already, said Moonfleks elder brother who was looking at his late father corpse with his hand on the glass covered casket, Moonfleks was seated on the floor dumbfounded crying in sorrow, "dad will grandpa come back, he has refused to speak with me, said his daughter, Moonfleks quickly sniffed in smiling, he couldn't hold the pain, he grabbed her hugging her so tightly, "yes my child, grandpa will be back, he just need some rest, don't worry he'll surely wake up. "Ok daddy, the little girl replied.

(Children murmuring), Girl 1: this girl is a witch, a bad luck to her family. "What makes you sure she's a witch, boy 2 asked. "I heard she killed her mother and after a few weeks later of the burial, her grandfather fell sick, well his dead now, sleeping in his grave, girl 1 replied, (surprised gasp) "serious.. who told you that? Boy 2 asked relaxing his raised shoulders, Sofia kept shaking on her chair while they kept boiling up the gossip behind her, "look she's being controlled by the spirit, said the girl 1, "I think they are calling her, perhaps we shouldn't continue with this, said boy 2, "are you scared? that's her business, (she taps the boy) closer, she commanded pulling him closer. "I heard those words from the lips of my parent," said girl 1. "shouldn't your parent be scared of saying such things, they may be next in line, said the boy2. "She's evil that is why I don't like her… immediately Sofia head this she urinated on herself, (Children laughing continuously) "watch, Witch Sofia has casted a spell on her body, and made a mess of herself, said the girl1 who stood up, all her classmate began calling her "Witch, Witch" except from two girls who lifted her up, assisting her out.

Bell rings all children ran out of the school building meeting their parent, Moonfleks kept watching his time wondering what keeps his daughter, he looked through the window seeing her been assisted by her two closest friends, he quickly ran out to assist her, "what happened? He asked "Good afternoon sir, the two young girls greeted, but couldn't say a word of it out of their mouth, they both shaked their heads leaving him with Sofia, he took Sofia off the ground, carrying her into his car. Adjusting his jack he asked her; so Sofia what's the problem? (Engine running, car began to move) but she said not a word to him and he kept driving. "Sofia, Sofia" he calls out with a wooden spoon on his hand, "Yes dad, her voice echoed from the room, "come down, dinner is ready, he said, (characters chewing). "Father is it true… "go on dear, I'm listening, he said. "Father am I a witch, and did I kill mum and grandpa? She asked, he looked at her for a minute, knowing she has been insulted and smiled; no my daughter you're not, who ever told you that, doesn't like you, or perhaps you're too beautiful for he or she to handle. "Thanks dad", she said. "You're welcome, now let's focus on healthy food, he said (both characters giggled).

YEARS OF SEASONS CAME AND PASSED BY (sounds of moving vehicles, wind blew calmly).

It was early in the morning, at the bus stop, there stood a beautifully dressed young lady, waiting for the public transportation, as she inhales the air (birds chirp)she said; what a nice air to start my day with, let's see how today turns out to be like, I'd want a difference experience, yes! Fighting! (Terrify breath released) courage, courage come I'm right here.

A long BRT bus stopped, while she quickly went in, in a hurry. But getting into the BRT bus there wasn't a single chair for her to sit on, the young lady was disappointed. She had no other choice but to hold on to an object which was attached to the top of the bus, due to the fact she was running late using her left-hand to support. She dipped her right hand into her hand bag, which was hugged on her left arm, she brought out her Phone trying to balance it on her hand. Immediately, the phone was snatc2hed from her by a poorly dressed young guy who rushed off the bus, with the doors closing.

"Hey! Hey!! thief that's my phone, she ran, hitting the door as it opened immediately and she went after him, who turned back seeing her (surprise breath), he ran with his quick lightening legs, but She kept on chasing him, with the high heels she was wearing.

The young lady tries to maintain the boy's trace, following him into a supermarket, running round and round in the shop, the sales boy shouted; get out of here!! or you will cost me my job. The boy pushed a breakable jug on purpose while running (Object shatters), hearing this, the sales boy went after them both, but unluckily for him, his decision was made too late, so in anger, the sales boy stood using all kinds of foul languages on them, which they never heard, "fools!!" he said.

The young lady kept chasing the teenager, with him heading towards the bus stop, putting in mind he will get a quick transportation. Immediately he filed into the BRT bus which was at rest, as she tries to enter, he rushed out using the other door of the BRT. Who knew She didn't know, he had dashed out of the bus through the second door, mean while the poor lady kept on searching around for him while the bus began to move, "Oh no, she exclaimed when her eyes met the transparent back window, seeing the boy who was happily smiling and waving at her with so much joy. She just stood looking at him knowing that there were no actions left to be taken.

She sat down lifted from grieve on a chair, and after some minutes the bus came to a stop. She came down (sound of wrist watch beeping) she quickly stopped a taxi, she went in, as it drove off. After a few journey getting to the company, the taxi stopped, as she came down paying the driver off, she turned and right in front of her was a big company, She said; finally I'm here G&A COMPANY, I'm coming for you, (she stood with a huge smile on her face, her wrist watch beeped again), immediately she turned her wrist, the time was far beyond her, (9:35am) "oh she exclaimed "I am late".

With a quick grab of her hand bag she ran into the company, without minding the two security men who stood there in check. As she passed the scanner, She was stopped why the two security men who were standing beside the scanner, one of them spoke; I insist young lady, (she stood confused). The man walked up to her, he stood in front of her holding a tab. He asked her: What are you here for? And she replied: "I'm, (she took a deep breath) am here for an interview". "Interview for what position"? He asked, looking on the tab with his fingers ready to type. "I'm here for the CEO secretary position", "So what is you name?, he asked. "I am Sofia" she answered with continuous blink of her eyes, as the man cleared her name off the list and disappointingly telling her that she was late for the interview which was fixed at eight am, ticking from the time it's nine thirty nine.

"No need… just go back home, you will need some rest". "what!! No, I won't go back home, not like this, never.. do you know what it took me to get here… even my Phone was snatched in a BRT bus, so how do you expect me to sleep at home just like that, (she paused saying); and while you are here under this snowy AC, telling me to leave.

"Young lady, like I said… with respect (he stressed the word) "sorry" I can't let you in, l follow the rules ok?. The man was about to take a step backwards Sofia said; I can see the sort for my self, You drew the sword so, as a fellow rule abiding man you claim to be. (She smiled) "You'll have to end what you started (the man stopped). She continued talking; I admire your courage Mr. All.. because my name was written down, under that list to avoid unnecessary gossip from you workers, do you know? how important I am to the CEO, If you know, you won't keep me Waiting.

The two security men whispered to each other, the younger one who have been watching them both said; Chief Commander, what if she is the ex fiancée to the CEO, that the cleaners were gossiping about, of how rude and annoying she was. "No, no, that can't be possible, it is not her, he whispered back. "Chief Commander I think your eyes are having problem with seeing these days.. (he raised up an eye brows) I mean this days especially today. I think you should put on a glasses, look at that anyone can be a fake, but not her, what she is putting on man.. looking like a (he brock down the words in syllables) "wealthy" man's daughter, can you afford it? the commander forced a side eye on Sofia, "hmm are you sure? " Yes chief commander, It must be her". The chief commander brought out his eye glass from his pocket wearing it. He turned looking at Sofia who kept on smiling at him, for over five minutes he spent looking at her, keeping them in suspense. "No, (Immediately both Sofia and the young guys heart beat raised) young woman or young lady what ever you are, please go home, he said, as he backed her (a sharp sound raised from the walkie talkie) "this is Collins speaking from the security room, the CEO is coming, all way should be cleared I repeat, all way should be cleared. Immediately he faced Sofia (throat cleared) he walked closer to her, like he was going into her, and looking at her with a friendly social look (throat cleared again). "elm look..(giggle) you.. you know some times.. we security men can be stubborn (commander speaking with his teeth jammed together, shinning with a little smile) and we follow rules too much, too much rules too much offence, I'm.. I'm not trying to cover up but... (A lot of men on black suits all matched in, in a hurry surrounding the corners and creating way leading to the elevator) "so I'm sorry (he rushed his apology) go, go! the commander urged her in a freezing tone, and his eyes clicking side to side like that of a frog. "And please don't tell the CEO what just happened, ok thanks, ah.. (immediately Sofia gave a wired smile Sofia). Seeing that the elevator has been taken, she quickly used the stairs, "excuse me young lady, he shouted, "if you want you can run too girl, go for it hu!!!. "oh, I just saved my ass, he said getting his body relaxed.

"Chief Commander it was as if she could read your mind", said the young man, "How ?" The chief commander asked giving a strong facial look, "Did you remember when she said, you're enjoying under an Air conditioner.. you knew, she was correct".

"And so what? you follow me like a dog every day, you beg me.. to take you as my partner, for a few minute, I'd sit wonder why you asked for that, said the chief Commander". "No, no that's not the reason commander in chief, (surprise gasp, the old man's mouth opened up and his eye brows high, high raised, as he fold his arms calmly) "ohm, he reacted nodding his head. "Ok tell me, now what's your reason behind this post Paul?". As Paul uttered inwardly. I can't tell him, if he finds out that I always eat his own share of the six donuts and drink, I will be a dead meat; chief commander I'll tell you, there is no reason and no secret behind me staying here with you.

Sofia was busy climbing the stairs with seriousness and noting the numbers on each door, as the CEO walked into the company with a neat shinning black shoe, the electric lighting object brightening up the surrounding, brought to life his shoe shining. Sofia has gotten to the second floor as she rested a bit, breathing heavily. "Puff! what have I put myself into? no.. oh Lord", she held her hand bag and continued. The CEO was putting on a neat ironed black corporate suit and a well knotted Tie, as he passed, every worker, security officials including the men on black bowed their heads in greeting except, the customers while he gently walked into the elevator which was already open.

Sofia was breathing heavily, while climbing the stairs as she lifted her bent head, right before her was the number she have been chasing, the 3rd floor. "Finally I made it, she said (with a joyful smile on her face). She opened the door and straight ahead of her was the interview room. She began to run again, (door slam open). The sound of the door attracted the eyes of every body in the room, with their mouths wide open, as Sofia stood soaked in her own sweat with a broken heel on her hand. She bowed her head in greeting not saying a word and walked to a chair, and took her sit. Immediately a man spoke in a lady like voice, "No, no, no! don't you sit yet, you need to dry up", he said showing an unwelcome face expression. The young lady Sofia tried to get up, (the door slam open) a young handsome looking guy, hot with a nice shaped face walked in, his steps felt so calm and quiet on the ground, all ladies eyes were fixed on him including the girlish man "surprising" except from Sofia who looked away trying to get herself dried under the AC. She stylishly sniffed herself "oh my goodness what an odour".

Later on everyone was seated still admiring the handsome CEO, unexpectedly Sofia felt a light touch on her shoulder, "Excuse me", Sofia turned seeing a lady who was seated on a chair beside her, she answered 'yes'. "I am sorry to drawing your attention to my stupid question, how did you get soaked and what happened to your heels? it's broken", "well I had to rush up here using the stairs", Sofia answered. Ooh!! I am so sorry(the lady spoke out of pity), ( Sofia's face wondering). It's ok besides (Sofia paused for some seconds looking at the young handsome CEO) I made it here before the CEO, (Surprise gasp) "Oh my goodness feelings, you mean (giggles) that handsome guy is the CEO, now I want him, I want him so badly". She gazed at Sofia who kept watching her, "no, sorry I didn't mean that, she said, "no I wasn't judging you, (chuckles) come on, ignore my presence, said Sofia. (the lady placed her two hands on her cheeks, admiring him) Oh, no he's, so handsome… she said. Sofia just shook her head, "we ladies" she murmured.

A strange cold dark room with only a bed and a table, the room appeared to be a little visible due to the moon light coming in from the window. A dark shades of a human figure tied to a chair casted shadows on the floor, an old door slammed open making a terrible sound to the ear. (Tension feelings exposed and Foot step approached). The sound of a male walker, shoe came in like a groom approaching his bride. The Lady tied up to the chair began to shake in fear, sniffing, and struggling to make a speech, as the step approach her. It thundered to the ear drum with echoes of the room, as the walking character stopped, a grown up man's voice echoed; Maria how long did you plan to keep up with your stubborn old games with me? He walked closer to her, "I mean.. it has been twenty years since you almost died, and luckily I saved your life.. which means you owe it to me, it belongs to me! he shouted in anger, touching her jaw, "and me alone and no one else... Do you hear me? The lady vibrates in fear which pieced him off, as he kicks the chair and began to look around the room (menacing breath), coming back to her, he bust into laughter. "do you think, am crazy... Then why look at me like that? After seeing her expression he suddenly spoke in a low tone "relax Maria.. Maria I can have this whole world and I can even tear it apart for you, do you want to know why? Wait let me tell you, that's because I love you, I love you so much. I can't let anything take you away from me, never.. not again". The lady began to murmur like she had something to say. "Finally you have agreed to speak to me" he smiled, pulling out the thick scotch tape which closed her lips, immediately he pulled it open she spat on his face. "To hell with your love, you crazy being, she said with all her strength. " I hate you, you unbearable illiterate, you do think I don't know what you did?. This angered him so much and he landed a hot slap on Maria's face, while she continued to state how much she hated him hoping that it will anger him to his core, but instead, he forcefully kissed her before she could close her moving mouth and quickly closed her mouth with the scotch tape again, not letting her speak. "hmm.. yuck, dirty old man, how dear he kiss my beautiful lips, with that his expanded sagging lips of his" she thought. He went ahead to touch her adhesive taped lips. "You, you, you think you are… tough huh. You think it is your stubbornness that's still keeps you alive, ha you must be joking. He sat down on the bed close to the chair "Sometimes I just imagine how tough you will be on bed, how happy you will make me feel, Maria you are mine and you will learn how to live with me some day... I'll not force you, so Maria I give you two days, just two days to make your decision. I will be planning our wedding on the third day ok, (nodding he smiled) "good" he taps her laps. "oh my goodness this is getting me sick.. she eyed him looking away, Valentine smiled walking away, Meanwhile Maria's face dropped in thought; Oh I've miss you so much my little baby, it has been so many years… I wonder how beautiful you'll be by now. "I don't know.. if you're a live or not, I've missed you so much. May my God watch over you" she couldn't bear the pains any more, as tears flows down her cheek.

Next chapter