
Suspicious move 2

"I didn't, Mr. Walker whispered, demonstrating with his hand.

"But I thought we've ended that relationship, what's does she think she is doing, said Alex, picking his meat in anger.

"son, I know we don't like her, but we must welcome her with a warm heart, by now you should know the family bio, come on don't be rude, said Fen, as her maid brought out the dish.

"Good evening Mr Walker, said Anita bowing a little as she dressed her hair smiling, Mr Walker smiled.

"Oh! How are you Anita? Mr Walker holding her by her shoulder,

"I'm fine thank you Mr Walker, how is your health?, she asked.

"Well I'm fine, My health is fine, we are all doing good. I'm living in good health, but.. look at you, you've grown up already, (both characters giggled) look at your cheek, I'm afraid that you might add more, if you join us in the dinning table, said Mr Walker, as they both giggled. Fen kept on giving Alex eye contact, but Alex kept on ignoring her, she taps him.

"What?, he aggressively questioned her calmly.

"go greet her, said Fen pushing him with her words.

"Hello Anita, I can't believe this is you, you are looking so beautiful, said Alex coming closer to her,

"oh thank you, said Anita faintly blushing, she prepared to hug him, Alex turned to his father.

"Father please can you join us on the table, it getting cold and I'm hungry, said Alex. Immediately the door opened, as Jonathan walked in.

"Mr Walker a lady dropped this, said Jonathan.

"Fen I think this is yours, said Walker showing her the hand bag, she quickly ran to him collecting the bag.

"Oh! It's my bag, let her in, said Fen, Jonathan rushed out of the house.

"Hmm, I wander who she is to them, (Looking at Alex's face, clearly seeing he was also waiting to see who it was), even if our last relationship was terrible, he won't do that to me, oh yes his mother, why did I keep on forgetting that lady existed, it will be her doing, she is trying to bring her closer to Alex, (she smiled still thinking), that's why I never liked her, and who gave her the right to do such thing, I don't know why he is so.. so attached to her. Fen clapped her hands, drawing everyone's attention.

"come to the table please, said Fen, they all went to the dinning table, and settled on the chair, preparing to eat.

"Anita, why are you still standing there?, come join us on the table, Mr Walker requested, "huh", she smiled going to take a sit, as she seated beside Alex.

"hi Alex, said Anita smiling and looking at him. But Alex never gave her a chance, rather he kept on eating without saying a word to her, (the door slam open as foot steps approaches).

"Ma, here she is, said Jonathan leaving, they all turned to see who it was except from Fen who was relaxed chewing her food, Sofia elegantly walked in, greeting with a smile on her face.

"oh thank God she's here, what a good timing mummy, Alex thought in his mind, getting up at the same time with his mother, Anita was shuck seeing both of them reactions towards Sofia, she got irritated, but held it inside.

"son why don't you walk her here yourself, said Fen, resting her butt back on the chair.

Alex approached Sofia, with so much joy, " wow! Sofia you're really looking charming today, said Alex, holding her hand. Sofia smile putting her side hair behind her ear.

"this way please, said Alex taking her to the table. They both sat down to join the meal.

"Hmm not bad, she's really beautiful to attract a man's eyes, but not my Alex, to him she is nothing but a field, filled with customers, Anita thought smiling at Sofia.

"what is your name young lady?, Mr. Walker asked, looking at Sofia.

" I'm Sofia… Sofia answered, with Fen adding a sentence to it, "My daughter-in-law.

"Mother.. stop it, said Alex

"what?.. what is wrong with what I just said, or is anyone jealous about that?, said Fen putting a kitchen spoon of rice into Sofia's plate.

"thank you ma, said Sofia.

"Uh, huh.. Look at her cutie lips, said Fen, looking at Sofia with so much love.

"she's doing all this to get me, (Anita faked a smile), what an irritating woman she is, Anita thought keeping her eyes focused on her meal, Mr. Walker looked at Anita seeing she wasn't smiling at all.

"Fen can you just stop this dirty play of yours, he whispered into her ear, Fen and Walker giggled to put Anita's mind in good thoughts.

Margret was at the hospital, heading towards Lilly's room, as she sighted Anthony who was about to go in.

"hey, Anthony, Anthony over here, said Margret jumping and waving, dropping her school bag on the floor, Anthony turned wandering who it was, seeing Margret he ran to her, with a great affectional hug.

"I've missed you, said Anthony embracing her, the little bag in his hand fell, with tears flowing down, Margret was confused, but she could feel his heart, beating so fast and not stopping, she smiled.

"hmm… that's a beat of fear, he loves me, he loves me.. and if he ask me, I will tell him, I love you too, she thought in her mind.

"have you eaten, she asked.

"no I haven't eaten at all, he answered.

"Ok enough of the hugging, let's look for a place to eat, I'm hungry as well, said Margret, as they both bent to pick their bags, hitting their heads together, immediately they fell to the ground, "OUCH! They kept on robbing their head seriously looking at each other, as they busted into laughter.

A light flashes in the dark room, door slam open and close, with unidentified men coming in and going out, caring lots of documents and sealed money, out of a ground safe, into a truck.

"Ogbolo, but I thought Valentine said we should carry only the documents, said Stephen after pulling of his mask.

"yes, but you've to impress him, I've known Valentine for a long time now, said Ogbolo drawing Stephen closer to himself, and whispered into his ear.

"but how do we achieve that plan?, Stephen asked.

"it will come at the right time, said Ogbolo.

"finally, I'll get my hands on his life, let's see how he would react, Stephen thought in his mind.

Everyone was laughing so happily, getting up from their sits. As Alex pulled Sofia.

"Boss were are you taking me to?, Sofia asked, following him inside, Fen and Walker were busy discussing, as Anita sneaked in.

"I wander what they are up to, Anita thought though.

Alex took Sofia into a room, leaving the room door opened a little.

"so this is my room, when I was little, said Alex showing her around.

"wow it's beautiful, said Sofia. Anita came watching them. Sofia tried to carry a box on a bunk bed.

"let me help you with that, said Alex coming closer to her, from behind, as he held the box touching her hand, "HUH" Sofia froze with a thrill emotion.

Sofia was stuck trying to find her heart beat, even Alex was finding it difficult to breath, Sofia quickly removed her hands "no need I'll.. immediately she turned, her lips came In contact with Alex's lips (emotional breath), thoughtful their minds became weak to temptation, their eyes were lifted in the passion of love mixed with affection, (shaky emotional breath) both characters eyes closed, they went dipper into it calmly, their lips made some sounds like that, of a wet cream been squeezed out of it's tight container (both characters kissed so passionately, with grim expression on their face).

Anita face expression shows a severe irritation, pain, passion to murder,

"you… you dear" Anita folds her fingers tightly that her fanciful finger nails, made a cut on her palm, gently blood drips.

"Anita there you are" (surprise gasp, Anita's eye twitched), Mrs Fen coming closer to her, Anita was nervous as she quickly pretended, she turns,

"Oh! Yes.. I was just looking for the toilet" Anita holding her purse tight.

"but the visitors toilet isn't here, this is not your first time of coming into this house" Mrs Fen face wondered trying to have a look into Alex's room, Anita quickly blocked her smiling.

"Mrs Fen, it's just that, I.. I have forgotten the way to the toilet, so elm.. please in a hurry before the trouble pressure, drops a liquid on my pant, can you take me there, said Anita.

"Sure, hurry .. follow me" Fen told her, leading the way.

"But how come? Anita mind flowing in thought "how come he didn't push her, could it be that all this while Alex has been pretending to me, oh you crap, so all this years I was really a fool, Anita kept on thinking as Fen looked at her, Anita noticed and drops a smile.

19,68.. the lost memories of Zim

It was raining that morning, and the weather was cold enough to kill a wealthy chicken. As the same car packed in front of the old flowery company, the young man runs out of the company, with an umbrella in his hand, he opened the car Mr. Fredrick came out of the car, as the young man covered him with the umbrella, he hurried to the company.

"Sir! Zim called out so loud, but his thin voice was swept within the rain continuously, seeing that the man didn't pay any attention to him, Zim turned to leave, taking one step after another, watching his way like that of an old man.

After some hours at 12noon, A boy was still standing where Zim stood, with his body dripping of water, Mr. Frederick came out, heading straight to his car, immediately a wet soft hand grabbed him, he looked at his hand seeing a Child's hand, holding him, thinking it was Zim he happily turned, only for him to see another child.

"Who are you little boy?, Frederick questioned, he took a kneel down, anxiously looking at the small child.

"I.. I'm Ogbolo, zeee… Sir, I.. I'm.. Zim's.. friend, andee.. (the boy sneezed, trying to cover himself well, with the damp cloth, as Frederick cleaned the boy's face), his sick, little Ogbolo completed his sentence.

"Zim is sick what happened to him?, oh sorry, I forgot you are shivering, take me to him, Mr. Frederick requested, as the boy leads the way.

"Sir, sir you've no moment for a waste, you time has been piled up, said the driver stepping out of the car.

"cancel it, this is important to me, said Mr. Frederick.