
Chapter 4: Training

The twenty men that Nefre was within the training yard had quickly been paired off after a decent amount of time of learning how to grip the sword and swing it like a sword, not a scythe he used to collect grains. The movements had felt jerky and awkward at first, especially with getting his feet planted just right in the swing so that he kept balance. On top of that, with his body now feeling different, he was still getting used to being just a little bit lighter and stronger. Adjusting to those two things while learning how to properly use a sword had made the training slow going at first for everyone, they were just commoners five minutes ago after all.

Yet they had gotten to the point where it felt at least somewhat less awkward, and nobody seemed to be hitting themselves with the sword on accident anymore. There were even two standouts in the group who had appeared to pick it up quickly. The soldier in charge of them had taken noticed and paired them off together to train with each other. Nefre felt a sting of jealousy and shame at that, but he pushed it down and kept working. That was the only thing he could do if he were going to get better. The person he had been paired off with to train and spar with was a man about an inch or two shorter than him with sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and a hawkish long nose and more prominent ears that didn't sit right on his face.

"Alright," Nefre spoke up as they faced each other gripping the wooden practice sword his body covered in a sheen of sweat from the training and the intense heat of the sun. "Let's take turns as the Trainer said. One of us attacks while the other one defends and switch after a few minutes of that." The other man nodded just as sweaty as Nefre, and he seemed just as determined, it seemed he realized that practicing here might save his life on the field. It was the only attitude to have, anything less would end up getting them killed. "I'll start off attacking then if ya don't mind?" His words seemed to slur together slow and drawn out. Nefre just nodded and raised his sword, shifting his feet underneath him his right foot forward his left foot slightly behind him, stabilizing himself as training partner made his move.

The other man moved in quick covering the distance between them he raised his sword overhead and brought it down with a cry in a hard strike. Nefre reacted quickly, his body able to keep up as he brought the sword up above his head to block the blow on the center of the blade. They cracked together hard, Nefre swore he felt his hands go numb for a moment, realizing he hadn't angled the blade as he was supposed to, letting his opponents blade slide off. He didn't have much time to think as he had to quickly bring his sword down to the side to block the next strike on his left, which was then followed up by an attack to the right then overhead one more time. Each hit was with force, and even though the swords were wooden and his body might be a little tougher now, he knew it was going to hurt if he got it.

CLACK-CLACK-CLACK; Was the only sound Nefre could here as he moved and blocked at the same time as best he could trying not to stumble from the attacks. He had taken a few glancing hits that he hadn't blocked just right, and a stab had caught him off guard poking him roughly in the chest, it would leave a nice bruise, but there wasn't time to think about that too much as he kept moving. After a few minutes of this which seemed to drag out for eternity, they both finally stopped breathing heavy sweat dripping down their faces. Their clothes also drenched in sweat. 'Holy crap...that was just a few minutes, and I'm already winded. That amount of intensity for so long its hard.' He looked up at his partner, who was probably having the same thoughts and tried to calm his breathing down while looking around the rest of the groups there. It looked like most everybody was the same way either still going or sucking wind, so he didn't feel too bad then he felt like his lungs were going to burst.

After taking a few more moments, Nefre stood up straight, his body felt sore from some of the hits he took, and a dull ache was in his legs and arms from all the training, but he had to practice more, or he was never going to get better. When his partner was ready, he raised his sword, letting out a breath, he shifted his feet under him before moving in quickly at the man. He didn't cry out as his partnered did, but instead, this time, he just tried to keep his breathing right. He began his stream of blows first attacking from the right, then left before stabbing at his opponent, who blocked the first two, but the stab went through catching him the chest. Nefre smiled glad that he could at least get the other man. It was basic swordsmanship, but it was at least something. Gripping his sword a little tighter with both hands, he pressed the attack.

The swords smacked against each other with each swing and block that happened. Nefre was at least able to tell when he swung the sword wrong due to when his opponent blocked it felt like a shock went up to his arm, but when it was right, it was a little more than a tingle. He also caught himself overreaching on some swings or not having his feet just right, which left him off balance or made it easy to swat his blade to the side. Though now, he felt at least comfortable in his body with the promotion. His reflexes a little quicker, and he could control how much force he put in the swing. Unlike when he first started were it felt like every time he swung; it was full power being put into it because he didn't understand how much stronger he was now. Finally, after a few more minutes, he had to stop again, breathing heavily, feeling like his heart was going to beat right out of his chest if he kept going.

It was at that point the soldier in charge ordered them to take a break and drink some water before everyone just killed over. It was a welcome relief. The water, even though not cold felt like ice compared to the heat around them, Nefre would have drained the water-skins if he hadn't slowed himself down. It was a short break, but a well-needed break before everyone got back into it once again, though it was apparent they were already exhausted. The swings didn't pack as much punch, the blocking was slower, and they had to stop to catch their breaths quicker each time. The sun was on its downhill slope from the sky; training for the day was quickly coming to an end. "Alright, listen up! Put the swords away and head back to the hall troughs are there to wash up and then grab some food. After that, whatever you want to do is up to you, tomorrow you will all report straight here after eating."

Nefre did as told though he felt utterly sore at this point, his legs ached, his arms ached, and wherever was hit at ached. Luckily he hadn't been hit in the head so he would take his blessings there. The next part was mostly a blur heading to the hall to wash up as best he could then eating before going back to the barracks. It seemed like nobody was in the mood or had the energy to do anything else as they all trickled into the barracks as the sunset and night took hold of the land. Nefre just climbed into one of the bunks, laid his head down, and fell asleep immediately as his mind and body were just exhausted.

The next two days were more of the same for Nefre. Wake up, eat, train, and sleep was all it consisted of. Few others had talked about heading to the city — many to exhausted to even think about doing such a thing. Though Nefre was noticing at least that his stamina was approving some, his swordsmanship was still basic though getting better with the constant practice they were being put through. In the back of his mind, he knew they'd need much longer than they were going to get to fight against any real trained soldiers. It was time they never got as the fourth day. They were all gathered and lined up once again in front of the Guard Captain. "This will be the last day you all train here. Tomorrow you will be placed under the command of someone else and made into a unit for the main army that will be heading North to the Mirwood Plains to meet the army from Ducomor. When you get back to the barracks, there will be a leather gambeson for everyone, leather boots, and a metal skullcap. Tomorrow morning you will meet your unit captain at the North gate of the city. Good luck all of you and may Ydes God of War and Battle watch over you."

With that, he left, leaving everyone shell shocked Nefre included all the fear that he repressed since the first-day training returned with a vengeance. Yet what could he do? Nothing, he was going to do as ordered and then head to War. 'Can't be afraid. Just have to live now and survive this.' He latched on to survival as resolve. This was it. Now he was heading to War.

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