
The Inheritance

Han chi slowly went inside as he knew from the wolf's actions that if the man wanted to kill him though injured he wouldn't need to even lift a finger ,he could just order the wolf.

As he came closer to the man he was suddenly attracted by the mans crimson hair and eyes along with his beard he looked fearsome and voilent .His eyes seem to be full of power but now looking at his face's expression he was peaceful like as if he was ready to die like that at the moment.The wasn't any injury in his body at the front but when Han chi looked closer the was blood flowing from his bach and some on the stone he was resting on.

Just as Hanchi was comprehending the man, the man was also scanning Han chi .When the man looked and used his spirit sence he was shocked to see that Han chi had no bloodline of any sort .He thought for a while and then suddenly some idea struck his mind and he couldn't help but form a smile because never would he have thought that there would still be someone who had no bloodline in this world and to meet one when he was about to die .This man was known as the flame emperor for he was from the fire clan and its patriarch was his father.They were one of the first people who settled properly after the apocalypse and could control fire .Their enemy which was the water people had evolved faster and became ice mages thus leading to the downfall of the fire people .The flame empeoror whose bame was ji pao was the sole survivor. He after his clan was destroyed went to kill all the now ice clan situated at the top of the isso peak .He fought and killed most of the elders as he was the flame emperor not in name only but their patriach wounded him and he was forced to flee .Now since there is someone without a bloodline having a clean pure blood he could give him his inheritance so he could help but be happy as he now have a way for revenge.And since normal people in the land worshipped the mages and cultivators like gods he was sure this boy would accept.

Han chi couldn't help but get a bad feeling seeing this violent looking man look at him and smile so he said,"Senior , I'm just here to take my bucket back.I will not say anything about this place and you so,please give me back my bucket"slowly and carefully he went inside for the bucket.

The man awkwardly gave back the bucket slowly and said,"Ahh sorry ,I just told this little dog to get water .I never thought she would bring it back along with your bucket.Sorry here take it back"said the man as he passed the bucket.

Han chi was first surprised to hear the voilent looking man to speak politely but he still took the bucked saying,"You don't need to apologize , I'm just here for the bucked" .

Then he quickly took the bucket and was about to run out the man said ,"Boy you are lucky to meet me. I see that you are weak would you like to be strong like the people your people call gods".

As soon as Han chi heard these he stopped his movements and turned towards the man .He immediately kneeled saying,"Sir if you can make me strong this junior does not have anything worthy of you but I shall forever be in your debt".Saying these he couldn't help but think if he wasn't weak would his parents have loved him.He thought they would and longed to be loved so he would pay any price for it.

Hearing his reply the man couldn't help but laugh out loud and say,"If you inherit my power and will you will not only be as strong as the gods but stronger than them"."Hahahah good,good I can now finally rest easy knowing that my inheritor you will avenge me and my clan .I wonder how those old fools from the ice clan would react if they knew there would be another flame emperor "saying these he looked at Han chi and said ,"Calm your mind and body .I'm going to give you my inheritance and will now"

Before Han chi could reply anything the man pointed his hand at Han chi's head and a ray of light went in between his eyebrows .He felt a sharp pain and saw the man boby become ash and blew away before h fainted .With new memories and power the old Han chi vanished and a new Flame emperor was born.

And thus his journey towards the top and revenge for the man's will began.