6 Hiro and Zeus

Zera finished to packed the students order before sunrise, she was ready to go but her aids was nowhere to be found.

Yesterday, the Dean wants to talked to her regarding his sons. She was shocked to know that she needs to tend too on the most annoying and irresponsible guy, Zeus. She was told too that Zeus was already notified by him and like Hiro, Zeus will have a limited source of income. The two brother's would need to work for them to have a money to spent due to scarcity of their allowance. Zera was still shook on the succinct overview of the two guy he will supervise from now on.

She's been waiting for an hour outside the cafeteria but Zeus was nowhere to be found. She already divided to work they will handle and the days they were going to do will accompanying her.

'Last five minute Zeus, if you are not here then wait til I finished my work and I'll beat you up!' Her patience were ticking like a bomb. She really hate it when people broke their promise to be on time!

As expected he did not come. Zera just hope that if Zeus run out of money he will not beg her to help him earn money.

On the other hand, Hiro was about to enter the cafeteria when he saw Zera holding two boxes and the other box was besides her bicycle.

"Why are holding those boxes?" Hiro asked as he snatched the boxes she was holding a minute ago. "Where is Zeus?" Hiro assemble Zera's bicycle to put and tied the boxes behind its handle.

"He's nowhere to be found as you can see." Zera controlled herself to burst her anger to Hiro because the latter didnt do anything to annoy her and he also help her to hold the boxes that cannot be drop off in the ground. It was the breakfast of her customers and she value sanitization the most.

"Hop in." Hiro told her as he finished tying the boxes and he helped her hold the box of sodas in the back. Her one hand was wrapping Hiro waist will the other one was holding the box.

Hiro smiled as he looked at the hand of the woman who was practically hugging him.


Zeus was taking the orders for lunch and dinner as he was late to wake up early in the morning. He will make it as an excuse to Zera so the woman wont get mad at her.

He's whispering as he walked by his way out in their dermitory as he saw the two persons laughing each other. He clutched his chest for the unknown pain he was feeling just watching the two happily talking. Zera was annoying as the teleserye his father were watching to past time how come he could feel this pain just because she was happy with his brother?

Zeus seems to take perverse pleasure in  making things as difficult as possible to depart the two; Hiro and Zera.
