
Really shouldn't force a meatball to bend

After the incident involving the Sixth princess and the prime minister's son, rumors began to spread inside the palace that the Sixth princess was behaving rather odd lately due to her "Love Sickness."

"I heard the princess was looking for ways to suicide!"

"A relative from my father's mother's grandfather's sister's brother's wife's cousin's side works as a imperial guard in the palace. He told us that recently the princess has been drinking all types of sick potions and liquids and walking around the palace with weird substances on her face! Her whole residence was almost died with her! They imperial doctor was called because the princess contacted some type of skin diseases few days ago, surely she was trying to die!"

"I've heard the princess instructed the imperial blacksmith to create deadly torture machines, perhaps its her second suicide plan if the poisons don't work!"

"Seems like she can't get over the Prime Minister's son, she's so young its a pity she turned out like this"

"Any other girls would've done the same, imagine being rejected by your lover and your marriage annulled in public..*sigh*..poor soul."


The Sixth Princess's residence:

A maidservant dressed in fine clothing carried a basin filled with hot substances and ran through the corridors quickly.

The atmosphere was very quiet the servants were busy each focusing on their assigned work. When they saw her, the servants all bowed their heads yet not a word could be heard as they proceeds to continue on their jobs. The maid, although young was one of the head maids of the princess. The princess had many servants serving her but she only has two maids she takes everywhere she goes, these two accompanied her since before she could even walk. The first one was Xiao Bao, the second was her, Ying Er. These two were the princess's left and right hand women.

The maid walked into the main courtyard, passing the garden and into the yard before turning to the left, arriving at her destination she knocked on the door, waited for permission before entering, and then pushed the door opened as she walked in with the basin in her hands. As she walk closer towards the large bed in the middle of the room. The noises inside the room becomes more apparent.

"Xiao Bao push! Push me! More! Push more!"


"Again! 1, 2, 3, and Push!"


Laying on the large bed was Bai Mu Dan. Earlier this morning when she woke up she wanted to do some morning exercises in bed, however since her body was as round as a watermelon, it wasn't easy for her to move around or do anything on her own. Which is why when Xiao Bao came into her room earlier this morning, she became Mu Dan's target.

All morning, Bai Mu Dan has been doing all types of exercises and hadn't changed out of her white undergarments. With the white clothes and the ball shaped body, the current her really looks like a gigantic white meat bun..

"1, 2, 3, and Push!"

Ying Er glanced at Xiao Bao who looks like she tumbled down Mount Tai and went through hell and back and then at her mess of a master who has been trying to do sit ups all morning. Thank god Xiao Bao came into master's room before her!

Ying Er instinctively walked straight to the table and placed the steaming basin on the table and calmly said,"Master, Please come and freshen up."

By now Bai Mu Dan was out of breath, all she could think of is 'Damn..only a few sit-ups this morning and I already felt like I'm about to die..' Forcing a meatball to bend is indeed hard ah!

Xiao Bao who originally was a small slim girl being used as a exercising tool by Mu Dan really tired her to death. She was happy that the Princess wanted to make a change for herself whether its for her health, or some other reasons however she never understood why the princess since she woken up had been instructing her to do all types of unusual things..

The current Sixth Princess really was strange, she would always think of odd ways to loose weight or tries to improve herself. She would often order her to mash up vegetables and fruits then she'll ask her to smear it on her face. Recently, the princess has been mentioning mud masks too..could it be that the princess was thinking of putting mud on her face as well? Mr. Clay ah Mr. Clay...the day we meet wouldn't be too far away seeing how the princess is now, Xiao Bao silently thought in her heart that there wasn't anything her master wouldn't do even to go as far to become vegetarian! Before, the princess had tried to loose weight by eating carrots everyday, she ordered the royal chefs to serve carrots as her daily meal. Since the princess was on a diet, the servants naturally followed her diet plan as well. How can us servants eat better than the master? Thus causing everyone from the sixth princess's residence to turn orange from too much carrots...seeing how her plan had backfired, the princess had decided to turn to exercising..

"Princess what inspired you to do all this?" She asked in curiosity

"Desperation" Bai Mu Dan replied, as she headed towards to basin proceeding to cleanse her face.

Could it be that their master still got feelings for that scum young master and wanted to lose weight to get him back? "Princess are you..perhaps...still hanging onto the Prime Minister's Son?" Xiao Bao's mind starts to go wild as both servants began to study their master's facial expression.

"Hey Hey Hey! What's with those looks? Do you think this lady will be heartbroken because of a single man?" She exclaimed, as she knocked both of their heads with her finger before turning back to grab a towel then proceeds to wipe the remaining water droplets off her face."Hmph! There are so many men better than him, why would this princess spare him a glance?"

Back in my old days, so many men wanted to meet me the list can go on all the way from China to Europe!

'Indeed, Princess is the daughter of the Empress and Emperor and the sister of the Crown Prince. Why care for a wild flower when you have a meadow waiting for you ahead!' Xiao Bao thought what the Princess said was very true and was happy she thought this way. "Princess let me help you get ready!"



Later that day the Princess and her two companions appeared in the imperial garden seemingly to be enjoying the nice scenery and the sweet fragrance of the beautiful flowers. Actually, Bai Mu Dan actually came because she decided walking is easier than the other exercises she's tried all day..

When the idle Maids and Eunuchs of other courtyards heard the infamous sixth princess was at the imperial garden, they hurriedly went and see. Maids and Eunuchs really like to gossip so when rumors started to spread about the sixth princess was suicidal and went crazy they really wanted to see if it was true!

Bai Mu Dan with two thin girls accompanying her on each side, really felt like a meatball between two chopsticks...

'tsk tsk..the life of a fatty is just like this ah' She silently lamented

That night, before the sixth princess went to bed, she instructed the servants to bring in a giant size weighing scale into her room to check her weight. A loud scream could be heard inside the room, and everyone knew in their heart that the Princess gained weight again..

Sorry I couldn't update, I'm busy with school rn

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