
2 Memory

The name of the previous owner of this body is called Benjamin Williams, the only surviving son of one of the authoritative people who is now known as a Lord, Lord Williams. He got the title Lord because he once joined the military to destroy a huge invasion war against a horde of demon creature while he was only a mercenary with the strength of a second level elemental swordsman. It was a war with over a thousand men involved. He was assigned captain with his own team. Then during the war he had a breakthrough, leveling up to become a third level elemental swordsman.

Although having a breakthrough during battle wasn't unheard of it was indeed rare. After having a breakthrough he continued to advance and became a commander with his very own troop. He and his squad were the ones who ended up destroying the hordes nest. And only less than three hundred men and women returned.

After the war Lord Williams couldn't celebrate because he had lost everything except his six year old son, Benjamin, In the war. His lovely wife, Ben's mother, died trying to protect their children during the war. His two eldest daughters were brutally killed.

After settling down he decided to have his son live the best life one could have, he also tried desperately to give his son an Elemental Seed that would enable him to have powers of an Elemental Swordsman, with enough care and nurturing with one's soul. Ben, however, was unable to nurture the seed, ultimately making him unable to become an Elemental Swordsman.

Even after knowing that giving a huge amount of this Elemental Seeds would affects the givers life and strength accumulated over the years he refused to acknowledge that advice just so his son could be strong.

After years of trying Lord Williams finally gave up wasting his Elemental Seed and that of others on a rock, but trained the rock to become a mountain.

Ben later on had two sisters over the years after persuading his father on taking another wife saying 'he would like siblings'. Lord Williams did so only to make his son happy. After receiving that load of information the pain gradually subsided and eased.

"So my name is now Benjamin Williams."

Ben's now nineteen years old, he had a very fit body with well defined muscles, when combined with his facial features he was indeed handsome, it was all thanks to his father's training to make his son stronger. To others it may seem impressive but to his father he wasn't satisfied.

Ben took off his clothes and tossed into the laundry basket in the room. He turned to take in his environment. To take in the changes around him. Even though there is a saying 'change is good' it definitely depends on the circumstances one finds himself. Ben used the memories of the previous owner of this body to locate the closet. He saw so many clothes but what broke his heart was that the clothes were all old fashioned, like those in the 'Cinderella' or 'Sleeping beauty' movies, not Gucci clothes or any other modern days fashion clothes. Completely heart breaking! He picked up a new set of clothes and changed.

Ben left the room and went into the balcony only then did he notice the sun wasn't fully up yet, but what shocked him more was that the-yet-to-rise-sun was really huge and the fading moon wasn't just one but three altogether. They were also bigger than your average moon. It felt like with a certain height you could reach out and grab it. It was truly a sight to behold.

Ben walked out the room and noticed that there was a long corridor with a red carpet stretched from one end of the corridor to the other lit with candle stands holding little or no candles, mainly because they were burnt out or about to. He would occasionally hear noises from downstairs. Ben walked through the corridor and went downstairs, he saw a few servants moving to and fro beginning their daily routine, however, when they saw him they were all shocked to see their young master up this early in the morning. Ben reached the last floor and walked out the house through the huge double wood doors, as Ben left hold of the door he was shocked to see that this wasn't a house but a big mansion built with black rocks that shone elegantly under the morning sun.

"Son, I heard you were up so early, what's the matter?" Said a hoarse voice that came from the main entrance. It was Lord Williams, his father. Ben was startled but later calmed down.

"Father, I couldn't sleep so I came for a walk and a breather, hope I'm not in trouble, father?" Ben answered lowering his head as though he was guilty of all charges.

His father came up to him laughing and pat him on the shoulders "I know you are troubled about the Wicked-god believers preparing another war upon us, you shouldn't son, because we will be having help from the Spellcasters this time."

At the mention of Spellcasters Ben's ears nearly popped out. No wonder he kept having this feeling that there's something completely strange about this world. Leaving the aspect of Elemental Swordsmen, people with the ability to use sword and the natural element, we're talking about spells here, Magic! The type that allows you to fly and shoot fire with your bare hands, that magic.

However, the downside was that even though they are extremely strong they are also extremely few. Only those with very powerful backgrounds can train one or two at most, not much a small Lord of a small agricultural city. It was even harder to hear a Spellcaster being born in a Lords house.

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