
Chapter 3:

Ela is the last born in the Bright family. she is a very beautiful girl with a good heart, a replica of her mother very slim with long leg, long hair, beautiful eyes and a heart of gold.

Ela is very intelligent and brilliant. She is a Christian who believe solely in God because for her with God all things are possible.

Her father Mr Chris Bright is a Farmer with a small jewelry business.

Her Mother Mrs Ana is also a Farmers. She deal with mono cropping type of agriculture. She specialized in Pepper farming and they gain a lot from selling the peppers.

They cultivate different kinds of pepper.

Although they are not wealthy but they are happy mostly because they can provide for their children and also sponsored their Education.

Christian Bright the elder and the only brother of Ela is a very handsome young man with promising future but because of his two sisters he stop his education after high school.

His father was not happy with his decision then but he told his father that he want to assist them in farm work that he want the best for his younger sisters.

Christian is very brilliant but his parents decided to listen to him and assist him in whatever he chose to do.

Emily Bright the second child and Ela elder and only sister is already her in third year in Agriculture in the Federal college of Agriculture in City X.

Unlike Ela, Emily believe that a Lady needs to get married early otherwise she will find it difficult to marry at later age or after being successful.

Well I don't blame her because that is what everyone believed in my village Green village.

Green village is in City X of country A. It is called green village because they are mostly famers.

In my village when a Lady reach twenty eight years and is still single a lot of the villagers will be mocking her.

Many ladies has got married to old men even as a second or third wife just because they don't want to be mocked or called a jinx by people and this is making my village growing in more poverty.

Well as for me marriage is not an achievement Ela said, everyone was surprised when they heard that, her mother shouted at her and told her to shut her mouth. Her sister is also surprised but neither was the father and the brother because they know too well was she meant.

Ela turned eighteen last month. she finished her high school four month ago and is waiting for her university entrance examination result.

Many people has asked for her in marriage but she gave them the same answer "no". Her sister Emily is getting married in next two days. Many of their relative who live outside the village came back for the celebration. My aunts are all over the moon for my sister. They bought a lot of gift mostly baby gifts wishing her fruitful marriage.

On the marriage day, our house is bustling with music, sweet aroma filled the air a lot of people is already in our house. The designers are already turning everywhere beautiful.

Truth be told my sister husband Engr. Collins is a rich handsome young man they meet in city X, so it was not so surprising to me the way he organized the marriage ceremony.

Ela being Emily only sister and the baby of the house as they normally call her is among the bridesmaid. the marriage ceremony began around 1:00pm.

Nelson woke the following day by 11:55am. he rushed to bathroom brushed his teeth, he take a quick bath put on his clothes and went downstairs.

Good morning dad good morning mom he greet his parents and is about to leave when the mother called him back and asked him to take his breakfast, he came back took one toasted bread with a glass of milk and Left.

Today he has a very important meeting with Logan's cooperation CEO Bricks Logan.

The Logan's cooperation major mainly in drug production, but recently they were accused of producing fake drugs by their competitors, this caused them to loss a big amount of money.

Their competitors being FG Group has poach many of their best workers, not knowing what to do he made a deal to give the company to who ever will help him to clear the company name.

When Nelson found out the business deal he was so happy and made appointment with Brick Logan.

They fixed the contract signing today and he is already late. But luckily to him their is no traffic so reach there one minute late. He apologized for being late.

Brick was happy to see the sincerity and the respect he has for him. Apology accepted he said but he couldn't see his face because Nelson is putting on Mask. The contract was signed successful and both party left.

Nelson has a lot of respect for Sir Brick because he loved the way the man has been managing Logan's cooperation. It was so unfortunate for him because his elder brother collaborated with the and betrayed his brother.

Actually they did not produced fake drugs but the brother James Logan being the manager of the pharmaceutical department paid two worker to produce fake drugs. After producing the fake drugs he gave it to FG Group CEO Frank who mixed the drugs with his company drug because they export drugs jointly with the Logan's cooperation to country Z.

When they found out the fake drugs they first called FG Group but he told them that the drugs is not from his company after checking the drugs they found out that he is saying the truth they called Logan's cooperation when they reached they they found all the components of the drugs in their company.

Brick not being away of what happened denied it but to his uttermost surprise the brother testified against him.