
I Have Decided To Banjax The Snake's Head Once And For All So That It Can't Raise Its Head To Bite Ever Again.

<p>It was so loud that the place quieted and everyone turned around to look at the sound source.<br/><br/>The blackguards were shocked and looked at each other, as the police surrounded them from all the sides in a matter of seconds.<br/><br/><br/>Hearing the chief's voice, Guan Siqian's hideous face became pale. Feeling frightened, he quickly explained, "No, sir, I was only saying that casually. Please do not take it seriously. We were just trying to scare them a little, that's it! In actuality, we can never think of doing such things."<br/><br/><br/>The chief said firmly, "We have the arrest warrant against you all, thus, we will be detaining you now. However, police will look further into this case, and if nothing is found pointing at you, your lawyers can bail you out."<br/><br/><br/>Such words frightened Zi Heng immediately. Usually, he wasn't the one to fear cops, infact, he kept them inside his pocket. Yet now, the ten years' imprisonment warning given by Tang Xi resurfaced in his head instinctively. By now, he knew better than anyone else, the woman before him was no fool and had come prepared. <br/><br/><br/>When he was about to flee a pair of hands held him down. One of the police constables squeezed his shoulder tightly and asked the chief, "Sir, should I put handcuffs around his wrists?"<br/><br/>"That's the reason you are brought here!" Song Bancheng hollered in anger. His blood was boiling witnessing how his daughter and Tang Xi was being talked to by these vulgar rascals!<br/><br/>Striking the iron while it was still hot, Tang Xi interjected, "Article 139 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China states that whoever by violence, coercion or other means rapes a woman is to be sentenced to not less than three years and not more than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment (1984, 48). Correct me, if I'm wrong."<br/><br/>The chief stared at Tang Xi with a profound gaze. She seemed just like a beautiful harmless bunny, but looks could be deceiving. This girl wasn't as simple as she appeared, and it was his gut feeling. Shoving his thoughts at the back of his head momentarily, the chief replied, "That's correct."<br/><br/>"This guy here," Tang Xi pointed her finger at Zi Heng, then said, "He raped more than a hundred of girls, forced some of them into prostitution and reaped profits of that. Now, his victims are seeking justice on all the media platforms. As police personnels, I don't think, it is possible for you not to catch a whiff of this." Tang Xi said with a subtle layer of accusation.<br/><br/>However, without meticulous observation, nobody could catch her mockery; as her sweet voice and calm expression completely veiled the fact she just poured scorn on the police.<br/><br/>The chief felt a little unsettled inside, but he had to wear the mask of cluelessness, before saying, "No, we heard about it. But, there wasn't any solid proof for us to proceed with this matter."<br/><br/><br/>Song Ah Lam was getting increasingly irritated, and her anger started to build at the police's insouciant attitude. "Since you are so clueless on how to perform your duties, let me give some instructions. First arrest them, then make them undergo the polygraph exam. You know the lie detector? Polygraphs will be actually far better than your probation officers."<br/><br/>The chief's facial expression darkened remarkably, without a second wasted, he said with a grim tone of voice, "Polygraphs are far from foolproof. Although, It's better than the average person's ability to spot lies, which research suggests they can do around 55% of the time. However, probation officers aren't average people! Not to mention the ones in my police station. Starting from criminal justice and social work degrees, they pursued a variety of degrees to qualify their positions. Their critical thinking, communication skills, social perceptiveness, and decision-making ability are way beyond average!"<br/><br/>He was visibly displeased at Song Ah Lam's taunting. However, as her father was a powerful person, this reply was all he could deliver.<br/><br/>Reversing Song Ah Lam's reaction, not a bit of anger showed on Tang Xi's face, as she said, "We will provide you with the fitting proof this time so that you can proceed with this case smoothly."<br/><br/>An overwhelming sense of fear and despair caused Zi Heng to choke. "N-no! I'm innocent! I didn't do anything." He said, and stared hard at the police chief trying to convey some kind of hidden message.<br/><br/>"Law neither wrongs nor connives with anyone, and will take facts as the basis. If you are innocent, then you don't have anything to fear. Nonetheless, if we get evidence against you, you will get your appropriate punishment." The police said emotionlessly, but it was obvious he wanted to lean towards those bastards; yet his hands were tied.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Panting heavily, Zi Heng looked at Tang Xi before saying, "Withdraw this case, I promise to not disturb you two ever again!"<br/><br/><br/>Tang Xi showered Zi Heng with a cold and gloating smile. "I read somewhere-Never let a snake escape after injuring it halfway through because it will definitely return to wreak vengeance. Thus, I have decided to banjax the snake's head once and for all so that it can't raise its head to bite ever again." <br/><br/>Zi Heng's face paled, he stumbled a step backward in fear.<br/><br/><br/>Fu Yang narrowed his eyes at Tang Xi venomously. At that moment, he didn't want anything more than fucking punch that smile off of her face.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Jiang Zhiyuan stared at Tang Xi mercilessly. Her cool attitude pissed him off like a lighting bomb. "You fucking whore! Count yourself lucky today! But don't think you can breathe easy because I will hunt you to the end of the world!"<br/><br/><br/>Tang Xi's eyes had been glazed with iciness. She clicked her tongue which ended up producing a cute sound to her dismay. "You appear to abominate me to your guts! Alas, the only one who will be burnt from this antagonism and disrelish is you yourself. You will be rotting to be reminded day after day in the prison that you can't harm a single strand of my hair."<br/><br/><br/>Jiang Zhiyuan was so angry that he yelled at top of his lungs, "I swear, I will give everything to win a chance to destroy you!" <br/><br/><br/>Song Ah Lam would be frightened, whenever someone behaved aggressive and hot-tempered around her. Instinctively, she took a step back, and wrapped her hand around Tang Xi's arm. Perhaps, Tang Xi was her powerhouse, from whom she could recharge her drained battery at any time. Because, after a few seconds, her voice was heard.<br/><br/>"Xixi, and I will work extra hard, not to save ourselves, but to send you to the cell again for lifetime imprisonment!" <br/><br/>"You!"<br/><br/>Tang Xi didn't want to talk to these men anymore, thus, she turned to look at Song Bancheng.<br/><br/><br/>"Uncle, take care of the rest as of now. I will contact you in the evening. By the way, before the police, make some professionals raid their houses and appropriate their laptops, cameras, and pendrives. I believe we will find the videos there." <br/><br/>Song Bancheng nodded his head, he was amazed at how calmly Tang Xi handled everything. Her calmness was her superpower. <br/><br/>"What about the polygraph test Song Song referred to?"<br/> <br/>Tang Xi was silent for a few seconds, as she mulled over it. Nevertheless, she dismissed the idea in the end.<br/><br/>"The courts usually dismiss a polygraph test request. As most of the time the other party is not willing to take this. Moreover, the result of this test is not evidence prescribed by law, and this test is not necessary for the fact-finding. In case, the conditions for initiating the polygraph test are not met, i.e. the applicant fails to provide other prima facie evidence it might cause false doubt. In short, the result of a polygraph test cannot be directly used for their imprisonment." <br/><br/>Tang Xi verbalised her thoughts, then turned around to leave.</p>

Hello Guys!

I am going to take a break from this book, and will continue it from February, 2022. I have an unfinished project, which is eating my head to finish first. Initially, I wanted to work on both at the same time. However, upcoming first year final exam became the hindrance!

Although, I don't have many readers in the first place, the very few ones who always let me feel their presence by commenting and voting, meant a lot for me! Hopefully, you will understand. ❤️

BleedingHeartcreators' thoughts