
What's the problem with him?

"Xing Hua Hua! Xing Hua Hua! Would you be kind enough to take of your ear phones and concentrate on the class," Professer Shim called out, trying his best to control his anger.

The whole class turned their heads towards the red haired girl with annoyed expressions. Getting no response he stumbled over to her desk and nudged her. She finally took her ear phones out and confusedly looked at the teacher. Seeing her innocent face Mr Shim could no longer keep in his rage and demanded while pointing towards her phone, " What's so important that you are ready to miss your lecture?"

She replied in a calm but sarcastic tone, "Do you really want to know old man? I don't think their is anything less important then your lecture!" She turned her attention towards the class, "Isn't that true?" They had no option but to lower their heads and keep in their desire to scream yes!! After all they weren't lucky enough to be the director's child like Xing Hua Hua.

Teacher Shim's face turned red and opened and closed his mouth several times surprised at the audacity of this kid. Before he could say anything a loud thud seeked their attention. It was Tang Jiguang. They looked questioningly at the usually quiet and lone boy.

Tang Jiguang was surprised by his own actions, why did he suddenly close his book so loudly? But he had to say something otherwise that Xing Hua Hua would make fun of him. "Not everyone has their rich daddy backing them up for everything! if you don't want to study leave! let us." He didn't mean it. Who else would know better than him about her sufferings but he could never ever forgive her for the thing she did during the first year of college.

Xing Hua Hua was surprised. This was the first time tang Jiguang had talked to her since that time. she knew that he hated her but to this extent? she had no idea. She didn't even know the reason why he hated her in the first place! She was furious. What's the problem with him? She picked up her bag and left!