
The Closed City

“Paimon, where are we?” he asked, finding no familiarity in his surroundings. “You’re in Teyvat! One of the biggest cities in the world. Paimon thinks over one billion people live here!” When she said Teyvat his memories came rushing back. This is a Genshin Impact Mafia AU. There will be drug references, blood/gore, and distressing medical scenes.

Mijo_Creates · Video Games
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

**POV Xiao**

Xiao was sent on a mission from the police department to investigate a warehouse that was suspected to contain a portion of the Knights of Favonius' headquarters. Of course he was well aware that it didn't hold the Knights headquarters. It was simply an empty warehouse. One that the Qixing and Knights used for negotiations. And seeing as he is working as police and not as the Vigilant Yaksha, the warehouse is empty right now. It was supposed to be a simple in and out check, really just clearing any vagrants away. He gives the police proof that it holds nothing mafia related and gets the police off of Rex's case. The key phrase there was 'supposed to be.' Of course nothing is ever that simple when it comes to being a spy. He was walking past one of the air ducts when he heard the dull bang of something moving through the ducts. What on earth got stuck in the ducts?

Despite being 99% sure it's nothing dangerous, he drew his gun. Something clattered against the grate…or apparently someone seeing as he heard a muttered shit when the grate didn't move. The person shoved against the grate again and it dislodged. It dropped about a foot and clattered against the concrete. That's a noise I didn't need to hear. A boy very ungracefully clambered out of the duct. Oh my Archons, he is gorgeous. He was wearing a black crop top with golden accents and black jean shorts. Did he cut those himself? Xiao faintly wondered. He also had long golden blonde hair that was tied back in a braid. His hair also looks self cut. Despite him not looking armed or super threatening, Xiao preemptively pointed his gun squarely at him. He had two thoughts at that time. The first being that he does feel bad. After all, he seems to be trying to escape from something. Which immediately led to the second thought. Is he trying to escape from one of the groups? Technically speaking this warehouse does fall within the Knights territory. He filed the information away to look into, both as a police officer and as a Qixing member. The boy finally looked up and made eye contact with Xiao. "Godammit," he said under his breath. Oh, he's an outlander. Any Teyvatian uses 'Archon' not the religious entities from outside. This is quite interesting. I wonder when he got here, must've been today. Asmoday or the Abyss would have gotten hands on him otherwise. I do wonder if he will slip up while talking to me?

**POV Aether**

When he stood up, his eyes immediately went to the gun. Then they darted to the person holding the gun. Oh. He's cute. His brain helpfully supplied the fact that the cute guy was also aiming a gun at his face. Then he noticed the badge. And he's a police officer. That's just fantastic. Aether thought sarcastically. If any of the Knights see me I am absolutely dead. If any of the Knights ever see me again I am probably dead. He realized the odds of overpowering an armed opponent are quite slim. And as much as he wished he could be overpowered by the man, now probably was not the best time.

"Hello sir," Aether said. He figured formal is always good when dealing with law enforcement. At least that's the custom in ———, it could be different in Teyvat. I don't know why it would be though.

"Do you want to tell me what you are running from?" the man asked. He seemed already on edge, looking for any reason to arrest Aether. Shit. Well I can't exactly tell the police about the Knights. That's a one way ticket down. Aether racked his brain before deciding to keep his excuse simple.

"I'm not running from anything sir," Aether said as evenly as he could, "I was simply exploring the warehouse." The man raised an eyebrow. Intriguingly, his eyebrows were the same color as his hair, dark teal. Aether guessed that colored hair must be a more natural occurrence. Afterall, Diluc, Rosaria, and Venti all had hair that would not be considered 'natural' in the outer world. I wonder how evolution got to that?

"Let us assume you are telling the truth," the man said, lowering his gun a fraction, "Why are you in such a hurry."

Every lie came more and more easily. "My friends dared me to access the air ducts. Then they shut the grate behind me and said that they'd pay me ten bucks if I found a way out within the hour." Aether tried to add a good-natured laugh but it came out stiffer than intended. Please just let me go. He thought pleadingly.

The man seemed to be thinking over what Aether said before saying, "Why would your friends be paying you in deer?" Aether's face paled. Shit. They must have a different money system. I should have known that. "If it weren't for that slip-up, I might have believed you actually are a Teyvat citizen. Unfortunately for you, we use Mora here. So, do you want to tell me what's actually going on? Or do I need to take you in?" Before he could answer a familiar figure came around the corner. Out of the frying pan and into the fire just to fall right back into the frying pan. I would pick the police every day before Diluc though.

"So sorry Investigator Xiao, My friend" Diluc began, his tone indicating anything but friendship, "here was just screwing around in the old air ducts and seems to have gotten lost." Haha, I indirectly scored the hot guy's name. But also don't let me go back with Diluc. Aether stared directly at him and tried to indicate he was in danger but Xiao maintained eye contact with Diluc. This bastard is ignoring me.

"Diluc," Xiao said with a nod, he turned back to Aether, "I'm letting you off with a warning today. I trust Diluc will keep you in line." Aether looked from Xiao to Diluc then back to Xiao, he tried to show that Diluc was not his friend but, Xiao just gave a slight smirk before holstering his gun and walking off. What was that about?

As he walked away, Diluc said, "Please give Jean my regards." Who is Jean? Xiao nodded before rounding the opposite corner Diluc had come from.

I am back in school so I will update daily, but not at the same time every day like I have been doing.

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