
First Day - Alice

'Once upon a time', to start with this phrase would sound very cliche but even once upon a time started out just like any other day.

The only difference would be the outcome. Whether it ended normally or led to something extraordinary.

For Alice Ingraham, it was a day like any other. It was just before dawn, exactly an hour to be precise when she woke up from her sleep.

Looking up to the canopy above her head, she took a few moments for herself to freshen her mind before starting the day.

Tying up her caramel hair into a tall ponytail, she walked over to the balcony and pulled the curtains apart.

Opening up the glass doors, a waft of the cold breeze rushed in as she could see from her room, right at the end of the horizon, the Schneider Ocean which stretched on for thousand of miles.

Ignoring the fact that her room was facing the direction of her birthplace, what drew her attention the most was the majestic flower gardens located below her.

They were tended carefully every day by a team of well trained greenskeepers who ensured their longevity and beauty.

They were sight to be seen, whether from below or above, being one of the many spectacular scenery which guests would always come to appreciate.

She had loved flowers from an early age although she never developed a green thumb for it, being that her life was not all that rosy to begin with.

Her late mother was a greenskeeper so she grew up loving flowers. In fact, if it was not for Raquelle, she would have taken up training to become a greenskeeper.

But fate works in mysterious ways.

Against all odds, striving through regardless of adversities, Alice held on just like the flowers growing on the roadside. No one expected it to bloom despite the condition it was in.

Truth to be told, that belief which she held on so tightly led her to Raquelle. If she did not persevere, she would never have the opportunity to meet with Raquelle.

And Raquelle being the person that she is, was not a normal person which anyone could easily come into contact with.

Adding onto the fact that Raquelle had taken her away from the life of misery, gave her all the more reason to solidify her belief.

When she first came here, Alice had loved the view so much so that she was granted the whole fifth level of the Northeast Wing solely for her use.

It was just three months ago that she moved in and her belongings which she brought along could barely fill up one room, let alone the other empty rooms on the same floor.

Not that she mind that she had very little wealth but after living alongside Raquelle, she could not help but to think whether she was worthy for such a position.

After all, there was bound to be people better than her. Those of better status and upbringing, those that could afford to bring something to the table, be it wealth or power.

But now that she thought about it, with Raquelle in the picture, who was more powerful and wealthier than her?

No matter who it was, Raquelle would never be placed in a position of inferiority, rather that person before her would be forced to prostrate oneself regardless of what power they held.

Such a person was her saviour, her teacher, her mistress, her family. And it was because of their bond that Alice took up the position.

After all, even if everyone had deemed her unfit for such a role, she was not letting it go without a fight.

"Baby steps, Alice. Give them time. Before long, they will surely accept you."

That was what Raquelle had told her. And when she found herself in a difficult situation because of who she was previously, she would remember Raquelle's words as the motivation to push herself forward.

Seeing that dawn would almost break, Alice went into the bathroom to clean and dress herself before waiting for one of her maids to come and fetch her. She would usually be waited upon but she wasn't comfortable with random strangers dressing her up so she voided that procedure.

Sure enough, exactly an hour after she woke up, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Good Morning, Lady Alice."

"Good Morning, Lucy."

Lucy, Alice's Head Maid, was the very first maid she became close with after she arrived here. Taller than her head and older by ten years, Lucy was chosen among the hundreds of maids to serve her.

Elegant and graceful just like any other noblewomen, Lucy was highly capable and talented in many areas which greatly helped Alice who was trying to get use to the monarchical situation she was in.

"Is Syar awake yet?"

"I'm embarrassed to say that Miss Suzy is unable to wake Lady Syarialla from her slumber."

"Sigh, maybe I should help to wake up Syar again."

"We would greatly appreciate your help, my Lady."

Lucy collected Alice's cloak and draped over her shoulders before opening the door to leave the room.

Because of the sheer size of the Palace, the teleportation gates which for Alice, stood in the middle of her residence, was used to transport people from the one end of the Palace to the other.

The early builders of the Palace had predicted as such thus implemented many magical gates throughout the palace to aid with the smooth transport.

"What's for breakfast today?" Alice asked, making her way to Syarialla's residence which was on a different level of the Palace's Northeast Wing.

"As you have ordered, we prepared buttermilk pancakes with salmon omelette, hash brown, roasted roma tomatoes and chicken sausages."

"What about the blueberry muffins?"

"Currently baking so we can serve it fresh for you, my Lady."

"What about beverages?"

"There's a choice of warm milk, earl grey, jasmine and lavender tea.

"Get me a pot of jasmine tea and a glass of cold milk. What about Syar?"

"The same as you, my Lady. Although we have yet to receive acknowledgement for her preferred choice of beverages."

"Just double the set. I doubt she mind anything that she eats. She hardly goes fat with that kind of body she has."

"Certainly, my Lady."

Reaching the main door of Syarialla's residence, she was greeted by the guards that stood at attention.

"Good Morning, Lady Alice."

"At ease. Is your mistress still inside?"

"Regrettably so, my Lady."

"Then open up. I swear, your mistress is such a princess."

"I do recall that she was previously a former royal princess, my Lady." Lucy commented.

"The keyword is former, Lucy, and now that she's here, princess my foot!"

Bursting through the door, the maids inside quickly paid their respects when they saw Alice entering the residence.

Knowing the familiarity shared between the two esteemed ladies, no one paid attention to the rough manner in which she had entered.

Instead, they welcomed her, opening the doors to their mistress's bedroom which was enveloped in daylight.

Even with the bright sun above their heads, could not wake Syarialla who had buried herself within the silk pillows on her bed.

Rushing to her side, Alice calmed herself down before burrowing through the thick blanket to get to Syarialla.

It took just a few moments before Syarialla burst out, screaming.

Alice grabbed her mouth to silent her before forcing her to look out the window.

Blinking her eyes, Syarialla saw that it was already morning. Her maids had gathered in her room, looking rather astonished and worried.

Glancing up at the person who was standing on her bed and staring down at her, it was only then that Syarialla realised what was happening.

"Are you awake now?" Alice sighed, letting go of her hand and climbing down the bed.

"Morning Alice." Syarialla yawned deeply, almost titling her head to one side.

"Ah, ah, ah! No more sleeping! It's almost seven." Alice pulled her out of bed.

"Stop pulling me! I'm awake, aren't I?"

"Then go and get dress. Breakfast's almost ready."

"Fine!" She grumbled, flipping her long dark purplish hair away. "Suzy, is my bath and dress ready yet?"

"Yes, my Lady."

"I'll meet you at the Breakfast Hall. Don't be late." Alice reminded her as she left the room.

Just before Alice left the residence, Suzy, Syarialla's Head Maid rushed up to her as her mistress was being attended by the other maids.

"My Lady, please wait!" She cried out, stopping Alice just before she reached the gate.

"Oh, Suzy? Is there anything wrong with your mistress again?"

"No, I would just like to thank you for helping me with Lady Syarialla. It was not my intention to trouble you with my morning duties."

"No worries, Syar always has difficulty waking up in the mornings. The trick is to know how to get her to wake up."

"Which is?"

"Just whisper to her that she's getting married today."

"Getting married?"

"Yup, you do know that your mistress was a former princess, right?"

"Yes, the Royal Princess of the Wolfstein Kingdom."

"And do you know why she forfeited her birthright to stand alongside Her Imperial Majesty?"

"Because there is no other greater task than to serve Her Imperial Majesty?"

"Because she didn't wanted to get married." Alice corrected her. "So don't forget what I said. Maybe tomorrow you can try that to get her to wake her up."

"Cer..certainly, my Lady."

And with that, Alice and Lucy disappeared from the teleportation gate.

I rewrote the beginning since I didn’t like how it started but the plot and the characters background mostly stayed the same. Don’t know if anyone will reread it but if you do, thanks.

Alurina_Azuracreators' thoughts
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