
Shock, Fear and Rage

As Emma, James, and Lucas made their way toward the green corner cafe, they noticed that all the other cafes were packed with students, bustling with activity due to the ongoing challenge.

They had hoped that cafe number three, being the furthest from the dorms and closer to the school gates, would be less crowded and provide a quieter space for their meeting.

As they approached the cafe, James couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, I didn't expect all the other cafes to be this busy! Looks like everyone's out and about for their group meetings."

Lucas nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I guess everyone's eager to discuss their strategies and suspects for the challenge. We might have a hard time finding a spot here too."

James, added, "Well, cafe number three is usually not as popular, so there's still a chance we might find a quiet corner to ourselves."

"Did you inform the others?" Lucas asked James with a serious expression.

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