
I Said We Can't

"You want to learn about me?"

"Yes. I am truly curious."

"Okay then."

Rhaxtyx took another sip from the tea and decided to tell Stephanie about himself. But before he could start speaking, he stopped and grimaced. He then slowly looked at the tea cup in his hand. Stephanie also looked at him and laughed.

"Oh my. I forgot about it. Here."

She took the tea cup and mumbled a few lines of chant. After she cast the spell the tea cup shined for a second in golden hue. It didn't look any different from before but Stephanie still nodded and handed the cup to Rhaxtyx, which removed the poison from his system again.

"Looks like we both forgot the tea was poisoned." (Stephanie)

"Well I did at least. Is it safe now?"

"Yes it is. I have cleansed it."

"What is it?"

"I asked you a question first so don't you think it is fair that you answer me first?"

"But will you let me ask then? I have questions of my own."

"I promise."

Stephanie once again smiled to him with the sweetest smile she could muster. Rhaxtyx lightly coughed and started speaking.

"Okay, here's it. My name is Rax and I am an adventurer."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. I told you it wasn't interesting."

"Then how did you meet Damian?"

"We came across when we were in Helenia Forest. He helped us when we were in a pinch."

"Hmm? Is that so?"

I'm afraid so. Well if that's all, I have my own-"

"I didn't say we were done."

Rhaxtyx was about to ask some of his questions but was stopped by Stephanie. Her smile this time was a bit cold.

"I can tell when you lie you know? I told you already, I only want the truth."

"I already told you though!"

"Did you really thought I would believe a normal adventurer having that much power in them? You have a powerful aura around you, the strongest one I ever felt. So I would like it if you didn't lie to me."

Stephanie was serious. Her eyes were chilling to look and her smiling face added to that. Rhaxtyx had to admit she was scary, even for him. He gulped and thought it through. It was true that there would be people like her that even though they couldn't see his true face they could still feel his power somewhat. His aura was different from those mortals after all, it was bound to create situations like he was in right now. That's why he decided to solve it with the shortest path possible. He sighed out loud and looked at Stephanie.

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"You are within my establishment, my home. I worry your power bringing trouble over me."

"Is that really the truth though? If you wanted to do something you would've taken action already right?"

"I don't know what you are talking about? I am just a lowly courtesan with a little bit of magic power, that's all."

She smiled once again.

"Besides, I am also interested in you." (Stephanie)

"Huh? Why? I don't really have anything interesting going on."

"Fufufu. Let's return to the topic at hand. Why don't you tell me the truth?"

"You will not be happy though."

"I will decide that myself."

"Okay then. There's a faster way than talking."

"That is?"

"I will let you see it for yourself."


It was Stephanie's turn to be confused now. As she looked, Rhaxtyx cleared his throat and looked right into Stephanie's eyes. Just as Stephanie was going to ask what was going to happen, Rhaxtyx's appearance began to change. He was in his 'Rax the Adventurer' disguise all the time so his brown hair and eyes began to change to their original color. Rhaxtyx was showing Stephanie his true appearance.

When the transformation ended Stephanie's eyes were glued to Rhaxtyx's crimson eyes. She opened her eyes wide and then looked all over him. She held her chin with her hand and acted like she was inspecting an art piece as an artist.

"Hm hm. That's nice {Disguise} there. Really thorough. I really believed this is what you really looked like."

"Well, I really look like this though."

"Haha, you jest!"

Even though she laughed, Rhaxtyx's eyes and mannerism was serious about the subject. His eyes didn't waver and only looked into hers, indicating his seriousness. She stopped at that and started thinking about it.

"So you are saying that the person with the demon blood that the Kingdom of Herron is searching far and wide is currently sitting in front of me right now?"

"You can say that."

Stephanie dumbfoundedly looked at him and gave out a dry laugh. Rhaxtyx also smiled and took a sip from his tea. Quietly waiting for Stephanie's response. After clearing her throat, she started speaking once more.

"I have to admit, I didn't expect this. I knew you had a powerful aura about you and when you first entered the building the magical array went crazy with the reaction."

"I have to learn these arrays sometime. They look handy."

"They are used in a lot of situations but mostly security as it is hard and it take a long time to install them."

"Oh. I see. Well anyway I hope this answers your questions."

"Well, for the most part yes."

"Then here's a question for you."


"What will you do with this information?"

After Rhaxtyx's words came out of his mouth he became serious and his crimson eyes turned cold as he looked at Stephanie. Her eyes opened wide with fear and she involuntarily gulped while cold sweat trickled down her back.

"I have to ask you this as if you try to do something I don't like, well all I can say is I don't mind killing as you know."

Stephanie was quick to recover her complexion though as she looked at Rhaxtyx with solemn eyes.

"Dire Wolf trusts you enough to give you my name. That is also enough for me. You have my word that your identity will be kept a secret in my heart."

After Stephanie promised, the air around them returned to normal and Rhaxtyx showed a bright smile and took a sip from his tea.

"It's okay then! No problem in my part if you think so."

This sudden turn from vicious to cheerful surprised Stephanie. It also made her more interested in this person. She looked at him and didn't say anything for a while. Rhaxtyx also looked at her after a while and seemed to remember something.

"Oh right! I had questions as well."

"Ask them away. I am eager to help you to my best ability."

"Well aside from the arrays, you seem to control some other kind of magic. Care to tell me what it is?"

"Ah it's nothing really. Just some purifying Tier 1 spells. That's all."

'She is not a normal person alright. I have to be careful of her.'

"Do you want to know any other things?"

"Who are you?"

"My my. Interested in me aren't you?"

"Just answer me please. You helped my friend and that is somewhat enough for me to not kill you outright, even though you poisoned me."

"Well, I can speak about myself."

"I would appreciate-"

"But I know a more 'effective' way for that."


Stephanie sat beside Rhaxtyx and slowly approached him, whispering directly into his ear. Rhaxtyx didn't know what was going on and froze where he sat. His hair stood in its end and he slowly turned his head to Stephanie.

"Umm, Ms. Stephanie?"

"Yes dear?"

"What are you doing… exactly?"

"Fufu. I am telling you about myself."

After that, from the outside, only Rhaxtyx screams were heard for a time. Stephanie's voice also accompanied his.

While Stephanie and Rhaxtyx were having their talk, Miriam slowly opened her eyes. Once she saw she was in an unfamiliar room, she tried to quickly get up but her chest hurt when she tried that. She looked down and saw bandages around her chest area and her head. She looked around this luxurious room and saw Badgey keeping watch over Kai and herself. She smiled and slowly tried to get up.

She immediately looked for Rhaxtyx.

'Where could he be?'

She decided to look for him downstairs, thinking he may be having a meal. So she opened the door and saw a servant waiting for her. He lowered his head and spoke with a respectful tone.

"It's good to see you okay milady. Mistress wanted to see you in her personal chambers."


"This way."

The servant led Miriam towards Stephanie's personal chambers. They saw Rhaxtyx walking towards them, shakily. Miriam instantly went to his side to see him blankly staring around.

"Master. What happened?" (Miriam)

"We just talked a tad bit too much." (Stephanie)

"What have you done to him?"

Miriam's voice was cold. Stephanie chuckled to her and smiled.

"Oh believe me dear, I wouldn't hurt him."

"Then what is it with him?"

"Like I told you, we just talked… a lot."

"Umm, mistress?"

"You can go."

"Thank you."

Stephanie then invited Miriam, along with Rhaxtyx, to her room and told them to sit down while she sat down behind her desk.

"I have some information regarding your other friend."

"Roman?" (Miriam)

"Yes. I had him investigated when the {Firestorm} appeared in the slums area."

"So? What are you getting at?"

"He has been captured and is currently being held in the dungeons underneath the royal castle."

"Wait what?" (Rhaxtyx)

Rhaxtyx jolted awake after hearing this.

"Oh you're back. I wasn't expecting you to return until tomorrow morning."

Rhaxtyx blushed when she spoke like that and smiled. Miriam squinted her eyes but didn't pursue the matter. Stephanie smiled to this differently and this didn't escape Miriam's eyes. But she didn't pursue the matter.

"What was that with Roman being imprisoned?" (Rhaxtyx)

"Oh, he is in prison. I think it is simple enough." (Stephanie)

"Okay but why?"

"How would I know?"

"Then why are you mentioning this?" (Miriam)

"I thought you are ought to know, no?"

Rhaxtyx and Miriam looked at each other and nodded. They already decided what they were going to do without even uttering a single word. Stephanie was also satisfied by this and nodded.

"While you are at it, can you also get that puppy out of there as well. Seems like he got caught as well." (Stephanie)

"The Dire Wolf?" (Miriam)


"No we can't." (Rhaxtyx)

"I'm sorry?" (Stephanie)

Rhaxtyx's eyes were serious as he looked at Stephanie. He didn't budge at all when he was asked about it.

"I said, we can't."

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