
Chapter 7: Valentine's day

Chapter 7: Valentine's day

Jing glanced up from her laptop as Jin paced back and forth in their shared dorm room, a restless energy emanating from him.

"Hey, what's going on with you?" Jing asked, raising an eyebrow at her twin's uncharacteristic behavior.

"It's Thandi," Jin muttered, his gaze fixed on the floor. "I've been avoiding her."

Jing leaned back, surprised. "Avoiding her? Why?"

"I don't know," Jin sighed. "I've been feeling… different around her lately. I can't quite explain it."

"Like what?" Jing pressed, sensing her brother's hesitation.

"It's like whenever I'm around her, I feel this weird tension, like things have changed but I don't know how or why," Jin confessed, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Maybe it's just a phase," Jing offered, trying to console him. "Sometimes friendships evolve, feelings shift. It's normal."

"I hope so," Jin replied, sinking onto his bed. "I miss hanging out with her, but every time I think about talking to her, I chicken out."

Jing nodded understandingly. "Maybe you need some space to figure things out. But don't let it linger too long. She might be feeling confused too."

"Yeah, I know," Jin said with a sigh. "I'll talk to her soon. I just need to gather my thoughts."

Jing gave her brother an encouraging smile. "Take your time, Jin. And when you're ready, just be honest with her. Communication is key in any relationship, even friendships."

With a nod, Jin seemed to find a bit of relief in his sister's words. He grabbed his jacket and headed out, determined to sort out the uneasy feelings he had been grappling with concerning his friendship with Thandi.

Madi and Thandi sat on the edge of Madi's bed, surrounded by textbooks and notes, the dim light casting a cozy glow in the room. Thandi twirled a pencil absentmindedly between her fingers, her gaze distant.

"Madi, I need to talk to you about something," Thandi began, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Sure, what's up?" Madi replied, glancing over at her friend, noticing the hint of unease in Thandi's demeanor.

"I've been avoiding going out on dates," Thandi admitted quietly, avoiding Madi's gaze.

Madi's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Really? But you're usually the first one to say yes to a date! What's going on?"

Thandi sighed, fidgeting with the hem of her sweater. "I don't know… I just haven't been feeling it lately. Every time a guy asks me out, I come up with excuses or just brush it off. It's not like me, and I can't explain why."

"Is it because of someone in particular?" Madi inquired gently, trying to understand her friend's sudden change in behavior.

Thandi hesitated, contemplating her response. "I don't think so… It's just this general feeling of not being interested, even though I used to enjoy meeting new people."

Madi nodded in understanding. "Sometimes our feelings change without a clear reason. Maybe you're just going through a phase, or something deeper might be bothering you."

"Yeah, maybe," Thandi murmured, looking thoughtful. "I don't want to lead anyone on or hurt their feelings, but I also don't want to force myself into something I'm not feeling right now."

"You don't owe anyone an explanation if you're not ready or interested," Madi reassured her. "Just take your time, figure things out. And if there's something bothering you, know that I'm here to listen."

Thandi smiled gratefully at her friend. "Thanks, Madi. I appreciate your understanding. I'll try to sort through this and hopefully get back to my usual self soon."

With a supportive hug, Madi reassured Thandi that whatever she was going through, she had a friend by her side through it all.

In the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, Jin stealthily entered Thandi's dorm room, clutching a single red rose and a carefully written card in his hand. He glanced around, confirming that Thandi was indeed in the shower before tiptoeing over to her bed, intending to leave the surprise Valentine's Day gift.

As he carefully placed the rose and card on Thandi's pillow, Jin noticed a small collection of other gifts neatly arranged on her bedside table. His heart sank slightly, an uneasy feeling creeping in. He hadn't expected to find other presents already there.

Just as Jin stood there, contemplating what to do next, the door creaked open, revealing Madi with a stack of books in her arms. She paused, surprised to see Jin in Thandi's room.

"Oh, hey Jin," Madi greeted, a curious expression on her face. "What's up?"

Jin turned, trying to mask his unease with a smile. "Hey, Madi. I just… uh, I left something for Thandi. I didn't realize there were already gifts here."

Madi glanced at the rose and card on the bed and then back at Jin, a knowing look crossing her features. "Oh, that's sweet. Thandi's in the shower. I'll make sure she gets it."

"Thanks," Jin replied, feeling a bit awkward. "I'll see you later."

Madi nodded, watching Jin leave with a hint of concern etched on her face. Once Jin was out of sight, she placed the rose and card carefully on Thandi's bed, noting the array of gifts that had accumulated.

As the water from the shower ceased, Madi grabbed her own things and prepared to leave, intending to give Thandi some privacy upon her return. She hoped that the sudden influx of gifts wouldn't confuse or overwhelm her friend, especially considering Jin's evident uncertainty upon seeing them.

Meanwhile, Jin wandered the campus, his mind swirling with doubts and questions about the unexpected presence of other presents. He couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty that lingered in his heart, wondering where he stood in Thandi's world amidst the tokens of affection from others.

As the day unfolded, Thandi remained oblivious to the messages and cards left for her, lost in the whirlwind of classes and deadlines. Madi, concerned about her friend's detachment from the Valentine's Day surprises, decided to gently nudge Thandi about Jin's visit.

"Hey, Thandi," Madi began tentatively as they sat together in the campus cafeteria during a break. "Did you check your room today? Jin stopped by this morning with something for you."

Thandi furrowed her brow in confusion. "Really? I haven't been back since morning. What did he bring?"

Madi hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "Just... something sweet. Maybe you should go and take a look."

Later, Jin, eager to catch a moment with Thandi, spotted her chatting animatedly with a group of girls in the campus courtyard. He approached, hoping for a chance to talk, but overheard Thandi making plans.

"I can't wait for our girls' night out tonight," Thandi exclaimed to her friends, excitement dancing in her eyes.

Jin's heart sank as he realized Thandi had already made plans for the evening. He felt a pang of disappointment, understanding that her intention to spend the night with her friends preempted any chance of a private conversation between them. With a heavy heart, Jin quietly stepped back, deciding not to intrude on Thandi's anticipated night with her friends.

As Thandi finally returned to her room, she noticed the rose and Jin's card resting on her bed. With a sense of curiosity, she picked up the card and carefully opened it. Jin's heartfelt words resonated with her, and a pang of guilt swept over her as she realized she hadn't acknowledged his gesture earlier.

While she pondered how to respond, Thandi glanced at the time and realized she was running late for her girls' night out. She hurriedly rifled through her closet, pulling out a stunning black jumpsuit that hugged her curves and had an elegant neckline plunging gracefully. The outfit accentuated her figure, and she paired it with heels that added a touch of allure to her ensemble.

Before leaving, Thandi grabbed her phone and typed a message to Jin, trying to convey her appreciation for his gesture while regretting the timing clash. *"Hey Jin, I just read your card. Thanks for the sweet surprise! I'm really sorry I missed you earlier. Tonight's already planned with the girls, but how about we catch up on Saturday instead? Hope you understand. 😊"*

Feeling a mix of excitement for the night ahead and a hint of anticipation for her planned meeting with Jin, Thandi hastily sent the message before joining her friends. As she stepped out into the night, her confidence radiated in her outfit, the jumpsuit clinging to her in all the right places, a subtle but undeniable allure in her demeanor.

With a determined stride, Thandi headed into the evening, hoping that her message to Jin would convey her sincerity and eagerness to make amends for missing his visit, while she savored the anticipation of a potential Saturday rendezvous with him.

Amidst the constant flurry of date requests that inundated Thandi's phone, she found solace in spending time with Madi. Their laughter echoed through the cozy coffee shop as they caught up on each other's lives, momentarily freeing Thandi from the pressures of Valentine's Day expectations.

As she finally returned to her room, Thandi noticed the rose and Jin's card resting on her bed. Curiosity mingled with a tinge of regret for missing Jin's visit earlier. With a sigh, she opened the card, reading Jin's heartfelt words. Guilt crept in as she realized her delayed acknowledgment of his gesture.

Yet, a sense of warmth enveloped her as she thought about Jin's thoughtfulness. The card was a reminder of his kindness, sparking a longing to make amends for her inadvertent dismissal.

Feeling torn between her existing plans and the desire to reciprocate Jin's gesture, Thandi's heart yearned for a way to navigate the situation delicately. With a hint of regret lingering, she knew her pre-planned night with the girls couldn't be easily altered.

"I'll send him a message," Thandi murmured to herself, her fingers tapping on her phone screen. *"Hey Jin, just read your card. Thanks for the sweet surprise! Tonight's planned, but how about Saturday? Hope that works. Sorry again!"*

Her thumb hovered over the send button momentarily before she finally pressed it, hoping her message conveyed her gratitude and genuine willingness to reschedule. As she settled in for the night, a mix of regret for the missed opportunity with Jin and anticipation for a potential Saturday meet-up swirled in her mind, eager to find a way to mend the unintentional rift caused by conflicting plans.

Jin's heart fluttered anxiously as he stared at his phone, waiting for Thandi's response after leaving the card and rose earlier in the day. He had mustered the courage to express his feelings through that simple gesture, hoping it would convey the depth of his emotions for her. Yet, as the minutes ticked by, his anticipation mingled with uncertainty.

When Thandi's message finally popped up on his screen, Jin's heart raced as he eagerly read her words. His brow furrowed in disappointment as he absorbed her explanation about her pre-existing plans for the evening. Despite the pang of sadness at the timing, a glimmer of hope emerged as she suggested rescheduling for Saturday.

A myriad of emotions swirled within Jin – a blend of disappointment, understanding, and a glint of anticipation for their potential meet-up. He admired Thandi's honesty and felt grateful for her willingness to find another time to connect.

"Saturday sounds good," Jin replied, his fingers tapping the keys thoughtfully. *"No worries at all. Looking forward to it. Have fun tonight!"*

Despite his understanding, a sense of disappointment lingered. He had hoped that his surprise would have aligned with a free moment for Thandi, allowing them to share a special Valentine's Day interaction. Nevertheless, he couldn't deny the flicker of excitement at the prospect of seeing her on Saturday, a chance to make up for the missed opportunity.

As the evening wore on, Jin found it difficult to shake off the feeling of uncertainty. He paced around his room, contemplating the situation. "Maybe I should have timed it differently," he muttered to himself, replaying the scenario in his mind. "But at least she wants to meet on Saturday."

Trying to distract himself, Jin turned on some music, hoping its melodies would soothe his restless thoughts. Despite his attempts, his mind kept wandering back to Thandi and their potential Saturday rendezvous.

Time seemed to drag on, each passing moment filled with a blend of hope and nervousness. Jin couldn't shake off the feeling of longing to make things right, to express his feelings to Thandi in a way that would resonate with her.

With a sigh, Jin glanced at the clock. The night wore on, and with it, his thoughts wandered, contemplating the possibilities of Saturday – a chance to reconnect with Thandi, to bridge the gap created by the unforeseen clash of plans. The weekend loomed ahead, offering a glimmer of hope for Jin, a chance to finally share his feelings with the person who occupied his thoughts and heart.