
This game has been going on for too long

Gods have been toying with the lives of mortals since the dawn of time.

Creating races and worlds just to end up destroying them in their wretched games.

Of course, some divine beings weren't okay with that, but what can they do if even the strongest gods are part of this?

Well, easy. Rebel.

But is it really easy? What if they're just getting toyed by these strongest beings?

Aren't they just part of this game then?

But can even the strongest toy with beings who reach divinity? Monsters among trillions of existences that managed to attain godhood.

Even weaker animals will bite back if they're cornered. But what if it is a god?




Inside the divine plane.

Alice the goddess of nature is one of the main gods but unluckily one of the weakest as her divinity isn't combat oriented.

This proud main goddess was now in blood panting on the grounds as she just reached her domain in her pocket world.

She has been hunted down by the armies of the strongest gods because she was one of the beings that decided to rebel against the rule of these wretched creatures.

But today was a special day.

Not because she was gravely injured as she can't recount the number of times she came close to eternal sleep, but because she finally finished her creation.

The broken taboo meant to end this miserable rule.

In front of her stood a tall glass container filled with a type of liquid with a humanoid creature floating inside of it.

This was it.

This is what's supposed to end these despicable beings.

A being with such theoretical potential that it is supposed to one day contend against these universally claimed strongest beings.

Alice was looking at her creation with stars in her eyes.

With a swing of her hand, the glass container broke, and the liquid started pouring out.

While Alice wasn't one of the strongest gods, she was still one of the main gods. With a swipe of her hand, she can erase a whole world out of existence. So such an action wasn't difficult in the slightest even in her injured state.

The humanoid creature inside of it stumbled forward and crashed in front of Alice who was still sitting on the ground.

"This game has been going on for so long," Alice thought out loud as she was about to touch her creation.

But right before she touched the creature, a bright light that even the goddess couldn't help but close her eyes to illuminated the room.

"What happened?!" She said worriedly.

But after it passed, nothing seemed to have changed, so she reluctantly let go of her worries as it might have just been a consequence of breaking a universal taboo.

She created a chimera.

Something that shouldn't exist as it is the mix of all the strongest races in the universe and even some gods.

Not only gods are a part of this game. Races that managed to stand up by themselves after being created by the gods gained power rivalling that of the gods.

Some examples of these races are dragons, fairies, demons and many more.

But Alice as the goddess of nature controls the laws of life, so she managed to combine these races and some gods and give life to it.

But that light wasn't because of the universe protesting or something.

What she doesn't know is that a soul from one of the countless worlds of the mortal plane entered the body of her creation.

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