
We slept in the same room!

Li Zheng: Yeah! you must be. Then I am heading back.

Li Qing: Okay.

Li Zheng went out of the room. Li Qing starred at Xi Fang's innocent face for a while. She was looking so cute while sleeping. Her hair were covering her forehead while she was asleep. Li Qing made a cup of tomato soup for her. He kept the cup of soup on the table besides her. He waited for her to wake up but she was having a deep sleep.

When she didn't wake up, he packed the soup in a hot tiffin for her. It was getting darker outside. Mom ordered him to go to bed early. But the problem was, that where will he sleep now? Mother was already asleep and he didn't want to interrupt her sleep. Li Zheng was sleeping covering the whole bed. Li Qing tried to wake him up but he didn't respond. There were other rooms also but the keys of those rooms were kept somewhere in mother's room.

There was no option left. He could not get anywhere else to sleep. He will have to sleep in his own room. He managed to get a mat from an old box and prepared a floor bed for him by keeping some cushions on it. He took an extra blanket from his cupboard and slept there.

Li Qing couldn't sleep well and get up early from his floor bed. After brushing and bathing, he prepared the breakfast on his own. It was so early, so he didn't want to disturb mother and Li Zheng. But he tried to wake up Xi Fang because she was sleeping from the evening.

Li Qing: Xi Fang...Xi Fang..It's early in the morning. You must get up now, you are sleeping from the evening.

Xi Fang opened her eyes a little. Everything was getting blurred in front of her. She sat straight and rubbed her eyes. Now everything was clearly visible to her.

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