
Was she Beautiful?

Li qing : I want to meet her.

Doctor: Sorry sir, she already left, she was in a hurry, she stayed at the hospital for the entire night but moved aside hurriedly in the morning. I think she remembered something very urgent. Well, in spite of thinking of her too much, you must have a good rest because I think she was one of your crazy fans and thus helped you to bring you here otherwise in this cunning generation, no one cares, no matter what.😌 Ahem.. oo ya I remembered, your little brother wanna meet you. I will go and send him in. Have a good talk.🙂🙂🙂.

The docter left by saying this but Li Qing was still in his deep thoughts.

Li Qing (thinking seriously): If she was one of the crazy fans of mine, then why did she left without saying a word. Hmm I don't think so. She is truly so kind hearted that she gave her precious time to help a stranger. But my bad luck, that I couldn't say even thanks to her. I must find her and say her thank you.

Li Qing's little brother Li Zheng entered the room.

Li Zheng: 😭😭😭 Bro!!!!!! Are you alright? I heard that you had an accident. Was it Xu Jian? I won't leave him. I will beat him to death. How dare him hurt your perfect abs. He's absolutely jealous of you because you ranked 1st and he ranked 2nd. I am going to file a case against him.

Li Qing: Calm down! Calm down! I am perfectly fine. But just like you, I also have doubts on him. But we don't have any proof. So we just need to think by keeping calm. And also.. I had already died, but that, that girl, she has saved my life. I want to meet her.

Li Zheng: huh? girl? What's her name? How does she look? Is she a celebrity? Or a sportperson like you?

Li Qing: Her name is Xi Fang. I don't know much about her. But I can recognize her by face. She was unable to see me as there was complete darkness and also I was wearing a mask but I saw her face because she stood under the streetlight.

Li Zheng: Oh! Then we should call someone to make a sketch of her. Besides, was she beautiful? 😏

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