
Sleeping in the toilet!

Xi Fang: You were wearing a mask so I couldn't recognize you first. But your name was a little familiar to me. But still I couldn't recognize you completely. When we reached the hospital, the nurses and the doctors told me that you are a famous baseball player. Then I searched about you on the internet, and knew you completely. Actually I am not very interested in baseball, so therefore I didn't know you. But now I am a little familiar with you.

Li Qing: Oh! actually I asked you this because my brother used to tease me by saying that I am still not so famous and that's why you didn't know me.

Xi Fang: No no. I now know that you're so famous.

Li Qing (thinking): And that's the reason you came here to meet me, right? You wanna take advantage of me? I won't let it be so easy for you. Mother will surely know your two sided face.

Mother: Xi Fang, do you want anything?

Xi Fang: Yes.

Li Qing( thinking ): I knew it. She will definitely demand something big.

Mother: Then you can tell me whatever you want.

Xi Fang: I need to use the washroom.

Mother: Oh sure.

Li Qing (thinking): Only washroom? Nothing else? Hmm. She is playing smart.

Xi Fang went to the washroom and watched herself in the mirror. Then poured some water on her face.

Xi Fang( yawning ): Oh! I studied the whole night and now I am feeling so sleepy. Dad forced me to come here. I couldn't say him no because I don't know how to say no. So sad. I really want to sleep.

Xi Fang was feeling so sleepy that she sat on the comboard and thought to take a short sleep.

But already two hours passed and she didn't wake up.

Here mother was very tensed for her. She asked Li Qing to look for her. He searched everywhere but couldn't find her anywhere. Lastly, he went to the washroom to search for her. The toilet was locked from inside. He knocked the door but no voice came out. He shouted many times but after getting no response he climbed the door and get inside. After seeing her sleeping, he tried to wake her up. But she was enjoying her sleep so she didn't answer him.

He took her in his arms and went in his room. Mother saw him taking her to his room. She also came there and asked him.

Mother: What happened to her? Is she alright?

Li Qing: Nothing happened to her. She was sleeping in the toilet.

Mother: Sleeping? Why?

Li Qing: Ask her.

Mother: No no. Don't disturb her. Let her sleep. She may be tired or something.

Li Qing: Okay.

Mother wanted Li Qing to stay with her.

Mother: I will inform her father that she is so tired and sleeping here. So take her back tomorrow. Okay.

Li Qing (thinking): Huh? Why tomorrow? Oh I understood everything. It was all her plan to stay with us for some more time.

Li Qing: But mom, will he allow her to stay with us?

Mother: We aren't strangers now. Why wouldn't he allow?

Li Qing: But..

Mother( interrupted him in between ): My decision is final. I am going to inform her father. Take good care of her.

Mother left the room. Li Qing was losing his temper. Li Zheng entered the room.

Li Zheng: Bro, Mother told me everything what happened today. Today you were caring too much for her. Am I right?

Li Qing: I was just acting in front of mom. Mom wanted me to marry her and she got upset when I showed no interest in Xi Fang. You know that I can't see mom upset. That's why I acted like I am so concerned about her just to see mom happy.

Li Zheng: But weren't you playing with Xi Fang's emotions? What if she fell in love with you and in the very last time you rejected her like she's nothing to you?

Li Qing: I am not playing with anyone. She's the one who's playing.

Li Zheng: How?

Li Qing: She said that she didn't know me well.She knew me after the incident. If that's so, then why she came here after knowing my personality? Why did she left me in the hospital?

Li Zheng: She actually knew you in the hospital. Didn't she say that the nurses and the doctors told her about you? She left you because of her exam. She came here because we forced her father to bring her here. She is only a high school student then how could she play dirty tricks with you?

Li Qing thought for a while that Li Zheng said to him. He realized that how wrong he was considering Xi Fang.

Li Qing: I think you're right. How can I doubt on someone who has saved my life? Instead I should be thankful to her.

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