
She is my future daughter in law

Li Qing: Of course there is a problem. She is just a stranger to us and also we don't know much about her except her name.

Mother: That's the point my son, she is just a stranger. But in today's world, even relatives act like strangers when you need them. And that girl, she has helped you selflessly even without knowing your personality. Then, isn't she a good match for you?

Li Qing: How did you know that she doesn't know my personality?

Mother: Oh come on, do you think I am a stupid at that level? If she had already known your personality then why did she left without saying anything? Aren't you a famous baseball player? Even your team mates and jealous from you. Also, you have recently won a bet from Xu Jian, you scored more than him and ranked 1st, and everyone knows that what level of player Xu Jian is. Your popularity is spreading everywhere. There are numerous girls running behind you. And...

Li Qing: Mom, calm down please. Yes, she doesn't know my personality. Not only because what you said but also I was wearing a mask.

Li Zheng: But bro, how did the docters and nurses recognised you?

Li Qing: Hmm, there's a point. Am I easily recognizable even with a mask?

Mother: Which mask did you wear? Go and wear it again.

Li Qing bought the mask and placed it on his face.

Mother: Hmm, this mask, its not that difficult to recognize you in this mask. How didn't she recognize you?

Li Zheng: May be that bro is still not that famous😏.

Li Qing: Do you wanna challenge my popularity?

Li Zheng: No no no no no.😱 I wasn't. I really wasn't. Actually I was just pulling your legs.😅 But bro, isnt she a girl after all?

Li Qing: Do you have any doubts?

Li Zheng: No I mean.. you.. you always misunderstood me. I was saying that girls generally don't have any special interests in such games like baseball. It may be possible that she resists herself to watch television. Anything is possible, right? We can't come on any decision without knowing the truth. And to know everything clearly, we need to talk to her seriously. She may be a secret agent under Xu Jian or a...

Mother: Shut up, you are just over thinking things. I won't tolerate anything wrong about my future daughter in law. 😤

Li Zheng: You already considered her your future daughter in law. You didn't even ask brother.😗

Mother: I was just predicting the future. And even if I do then what's wrong in it? Don't I have right to even select my son's bride?

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