
Does mother wants me to marry her?

After listening to his brother, Li Qing blushed a little but controlled himself to get exposed in front of him.

Li Qing: There's nothing to do with you. So just keep quiet and do your work.

Li Zheng: Take a chill pill bro.. don't talk this rudely with me.😏

Li Zheng dialed the number. Mr. Lu Jingli picked up the phone.

Lu Jingli: Hello.

Li Zheng: Hello Mr. Lu.. Li Zheng this side. Actually I want you to draw a sketch of a girl right now. Are you free?

Lu Jingli: Oh sure. Why not.. ?

Li Zheng: Thanks! So I will send you the address. Have a nice day.( phone cut )

Li Zheng: Bro, he said that he is coming. Let's go back home to the Li mansion. Mom was really very worried about you.😗

Li Qing: sure.

Both the brothers came out of the hospital. Li Qing was dying to see his mother. After his father passed, the only lifeline left was his mother.

They rushed to reach home and after reaching there, their mom tightly hugged Li Qing.

Mother: O my dear son, are you alright? You don't have any idea that how worried I was for you.

Li Qing: Mother, I can't see tears in your eyes. Please don't cry. I am perfectly fine.

Mother: But your uncle said that you had an accident.

Li Qing: Yes, but a girl helped me. She took me to the hospital on time.

Mother: God bless her. Well, what's her name?

Li Qing: Her name is Xi Fang.

Mother: I want to meet her. I want to thank her for saving my son.

Li Qing: She already left before I opened my eyes. Li Zheng has called Mr. Lu to make a sketch of her. I am sure that after claiming her sketch it won't be any difficult to reach her address.

Mother: Okay, well, After knowing that how kind hearted she is, is she beautiful also?

Li Qing( blushed a little ): mamma, why are you asking that?

Mother: Oh please don't act so innocent now. Weren't we searching a beautiful and kind hearted girl for you? If she's the girl whom we are searching for then what's the problem?

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