
the character description is to detailed

In 2067 a v.r. gaming system named The Prow Play system was invented . It was invented by Ken cheanagoma and was developed so he could publish his life's work a game called A True Fantasy Life .

The game on it's release was praised for it's realism, but when one of it's users sued the company for it's graphic content and the negative influence it had on it's users .

the Entertainment Software Rating Board gave the game a rating of AO the highest rating a game can get and it was made elegal in 36 States .

Do to it's popularity and the fact that it wasn't elegal until 6 months after it's release the game already had thousands of copy's all over Japan and since the The Prow Play System wasn't harmful to it's users it wasn't made elegal .

The creator of the game argued that the ratting was do to optional content and that the gane was designed to be as close to real life as possible .

During it's bata test my friend asked me to play it with him . Since I was bord and it was summer I sed yes .

The mane reason I liked the game was the caricature creation process witch allowed you to creat your character with almost no limits , or use it's facial scanning program to put your own face on your character .

After creating a character it was time to pick your class and you were given 3 options archer, warrior, and mage .

The game let you have three caricatures witch you could switch between whenever you where in a town . After I created a character I found out that you could write a character description and spent hours writing my character's backstory and telling all about his personality .

When the game was made elegal I was already one of the top players in the game and had grown so attached to the game that I kept playing . I am now 18 and I still keep up with my school work so no one knows that I spend my time playing a elegal game.

Yesterday was my birthday so I haven't been 18 vary long . No one even wished me a happy birthday. Well I guess it doesn't matter at least I still have this game . The beauty hear could never be seen in the real world .

As he sits on a large hill over looking a small town a player walks up to him . Please can you give me some money just 2 gold.

What! you would ask me for money. Do you know who I am .

O what that shado armor , those demonic Horns ,you! You can't be the player none as the demon lord of T.F.L. is that really you .

Yes. I am the grate demon lord B.L.Sebis

Your lying B.L.Sebis only plays in the demon continent . Your just trying to scar me away so you won't have to give me money. Well then I guess I will have to take all of your money.

Sy , holding up his hand Sebis cast a flame spell and burned the player to ashes

Beep! Beep! Beep! A notification popes up . You have exceed the 12 hour limit of game time you will be kicked out of the server for the next 6 hours as a penalty .

Waking up he hit his head ( ow that hurts )(shit I lost track of time and got kicked again .) (Man I'm so hungry what do I have to eat ) walking to the fridge he opened it and looked inside.

Nothing my fridge is completely empty I guess I should go to the store and get some food.grabing his coat he left the apartment building. At the store he grabs a 12 pack of ramen

It's not healthy for you to eat just ramen you know. The woman at the counter said.

Yes your right he said as he grabs a stick of gum and puts it on the counter.

The woman looks annoyed as she checked him out .

Man why are people so nosey he thinks wall crossing the road. what dus it matter if I am unhealthy . Eeeerrr a car screeches looking over at the car as it gets to him he blacks out .

Falling ... Sinking ... Floating ... Where am I ... It's so dark . This feeling of pressure . It's the same feeling that you get when you're sinking under water .

Ding a notification pops up saying (welcome to A True Fantasy Life ) and beneath that the word continue . What this is just like the notification you get when you start the game for the first time . But it's so much more realistic and besides wasn't I kicked out for 6 hours.

What how did I get here? I remember I was hungry so I went to the store and got some food . That's wen that woman started nagging me so I rushed out and crossed the road. wait

The road ... Shit that car , it hit me . Then did I diy . Shit! Am I dead . What Did I diy a virgin .

Well I guess thar is no use worrying about it now, after all I only have one option so I guess I should press continue.

Pressing the button it disappeared .

Ding a new screen appears that reads choose a character ... Well Thea's Three characters are my characters from the game so I will pick the strongest and my personal favorite . The one the only B. L. Sebis . Ding you have made your decision welcome to A True Fantasy Life .

...O I blacked out again whar am I ... Grass fresh are . My buddy is so fit I even have abs and my ... What! Am I naked? Why am I naked.

A old man walking on the road is whistling. Hay you . The old man turns to look. Aaaa sir you shouldn't walk around in the nude . Grab Sebis grabs him and lifts him off the ground . Puny mortal tell me where am I .

um well your on mount sadness