
What elements do you choose?

"You will each be chosen by your strongest element and then you pick one more for studies sake, now this year we only have 11 new students so it will go fast and everyone else will be watching, I'll call you one at a time then you come to the center of the circle and wait to be chosen oh! and look at the time we better get going!" Malorie talks fast but she seemed like a very nice woman. As we walk up to the coliseum we could hear the yelling of older kids through the stonewalls of what kind of looked like the roman coliseum, complete with arches, doorways, and a full crowd. There was a big circle in the middle of the grass with five little circles with emblems in them showing symbols for water, earth, fire, storm, and ice. Yes I have learned a lot. Mrs. Malorie led us around the left while people clapped.

"Silence! Now let the choosing begin!" Mrs. Malorie yells at the crowd. Even she can control when the times needs it. Then Malorie looks at her list of names and reads the first name. "Grace Fallbrooke" a skinny, white blonde haired girl with sapphire blue eyes walked out to the center of the circle, all the guys in the crowd whistled at her. Then it was silent, and we all waited. Crystalline snowflakes fell over her head, crowds cheered. "Ice, now Grace what do you choose for your second element to study?" Malorie asks

"Water" Grace yells then she struts her way back to the line. I disliked her from the second I saw her and when she saw my glare of hatred she smiles and waves. That little-

"Dallas Graham!" Mrs. Malorie yells interrupting my rude thoughts. Now a strong looking, buzz cut boy, that looks like he could do a little training and then join the army. He walks like a boss would, confident that most people are afraid of him. He stands in the middle of the circle and we wait again for a sign then flames bounce out around the white circle. "Fire," Mrs. Malorie says. "I choose water," says Dallas' low manly voice. Claps go around the coliseum.

"Jordan lets both pick fire for our extra one." Jack whispers to me while the next person goes up. "Okay sounds good to me," I whisper back. "Jack Haustus!" Mrs. Malorie yells. Jack timidly walks to the center with his shaggy hair swaying with his steps, the sun shines off his hair making it look like golden flames decorated his head. Then he approached the middle and I waited and waited for something.

"How embarrassing, nothing's happening." said a boy behind me.

"I think it's about to storm!" whispers the short girl next to him

"It never storms here it's a magic island stupid!" he scoffs back.

Jack's eyes were closed with concentration, I could feel his power but where was it? Now I noticed that the sun was covered with a dark ominous cloud. The tingle of electricity buzzed through the air making my hair stand up. Zap! One huge heavenly bright bolt zings out of the great cloud and hit Jack right in his chest.

"Oh my god!" I gasp but Jack stands there fine if anything better.

"Storm!" Mrs. Malorie yells and the crowd cheers. "I choose fire!" Jack yells back.


Crowd's cheer at my choosing and I've never felt so alive. I strutted back to the line, and Grace looked at me with awe, a way Jordan never has, it felt great. Finally fitting in.

"Evon Marks" a nerdy looking girl with mousy brown hair waltzed into the rings, a tsunami like wave appeared and crashed into the stands.

"Water! What do you choose Evon?"

"Ice!" She rushed back to a gangly blonde guy and they held hands. My gaze was redirected as another name was called.

"Jordan Wayhunter!" Mrs. Malorie yells. Jordan walked to the middle her legs wobbling, the guys in the crowd whistled at her like they did to Grace, but Jordan brushes it off her golden eyes startled from what she thinks is a joke. She really doesn't know how beautiful she is. Finally she reached the middle, the grass around her looked like cotton candy from the frost that started to cover it, Jordan looks around at it then the frost becomes small ice shards growing like weeds. "Ic-" Mrs. Malorie started but ice jumped up around her like a cage then everyone grew quiet again and I looked into Jordan's eyes to see how she was feeling but I was met by flames. Her eyes were full of flames and then she was surrounded by a personal inferno, flames growing higher and higher meeting the sunless sky with a unhurried downpour dampening out the flames till finally you can see a small lifeless Jordan laying in the middle of her dying circle of flames and little blood red snow crystals sparkling like fresh blood falling from the sky, landing on her.

"How is this possible?" I heard Mrs Malorie studer "Now everyone calm down please and get the doctor! Fast dammit!" Mrs. Malorie screams at the bewildered crowd. My feet moved for me till I kneel next to her on the charred grass.

"Jordan?" I cry. Then her chest heaves in for a first breath in a while but her eyes don't open.

"I think she is in a magic coma Jack," Mrs. Malorie says with her hand on my shoulder "the doctor will help her out, she will be fine tomorrow, but I'm just wondering how she did that? I'm trying to piece together my ideas. What will I tell everyone?"

"Wait so that's not normal?" I ask.

"No actually it's not even rare, I've never seen that before, ever. I've been here for 60 years." She replied. How can Jordan do that then? I ask myself "Jack please go fetch her pendant and bring it to me in the infirmary as soon as possible!" she directs. I bolt off on the path to the school and jump in my room, and step over my clutter then walk through the middle door connecting our rooms. Jordan's room still bright and lit with fire casting strange shadows everywhere. Where is the pendent? I search drawers and table tops and quit and sit on her bed to find a shining pendent laying on the nearest window sill along with her matching wand and a picture of her. No not of her, this woman is older and a little different. Who could it be? Her mother? Too many questions flow through my mind but I take the pendent and scurry out of her rooms and go to the infirmary.

"Jack, good you're here can I have the pendent?" Mrs. Malorie asks just as I enter the room. I hand it over. "Ahh I see the Sanguine Crystal!" Malorie exclaimed.

"Uhh what does that mean exactly?" I ask.

"Well it's a legend more than an explanation, If your up for a long story?" I nodded and she continued. " The original elements were Gods and Goddesses; Cataegis, Ustrina, Glacies, Liro, Nympha and Vulcan." she explains

"What why don't we have the element of volcano then?" I blurt confused.

"Well there is more, Vulcan you see had a bad temper that the other elements didn't like, so after Vulcan had his last big destruction of the innocent people the elements kicked him out of the group, but that ended with consequences. Vulcan was enraged that he was ejected and put into the balance of good and bad, he can never upset the balance. Even though he wasn't necessarily good he didn't want the world to die as we know it. So instead Vulcan created his own race, half human, half element god. These people were to keep balance since there always needs to be chaos, and peace. So Vulcan made all his children and children's children be like him but of lesser power, as we know now as Chaotics. They are able to harness the spirit of the old element gods, but never fully feel their power. It's basically how we Elementalists were made too." Mrs. Malorie explains.

"So what does this have to do with the pendent?" I wondered

"Oh yes, since all the children of the Gods were of lesser power since they were half mortal, they couldn't take the whole spirit of their element because there bodies were not strong like the Element Gods, so they created pendants to balance out the spirit so it wouldn't consume them and then they wouldn't turn to dust. So many generations later an Elementalist tragically falls in love with a weak clueless Chaotic and they have a child, but this upsets the balance between Elements and Chaos because the child has access to both lines of power making them double or more powerful, even has powers beyond what we know or so the legend says. So the strong Sanguine Crystal was made to limit the child's power. But the child of the elemental and chaotic had no respect for the balance or world, and threw off the cosmos with destruction. Forcing the Original Elements to wake up from their sleep and all bond together to destroy the child and restore balance. Since then no Element and Chaotic have met on purpose. Or that we knew of." Mrs. Malorie finishes. Im left in awe the choosing makes more sense now. We both look at Jordan, "Is she one?" I comment shyly. Looking at her innocent golden face makes me wonder. The stories make sense, but Jordan, my Jordan.

"Well I might guess but we don't know her parents so can never be sure, maybe it's just a crazy coincidence? But since the Elements haven't awoken and stepped in yet she must not be dangerous." She states, then walks out. I'm left alone with Jordan again. I lay my head at the bottom of her bed, gazing up at her beauty and wait for her to wake up. Her eyes closed and you can tell she is in another world dreaming.


My eyes flutter open to an unfamiliar dark room. I could hear everything Jack and Malorie. I see Jack asleep at the bottom of my hospital bed. I really worry him too much. I can't stay here. I can't. I escape out of the hard bed silently making sure not to wake up Jack. I need to get to my room now. My bare-feet slap on the cold hallway floors as I run to where I hope my room is. The hallways seem endless in the dark of night. My pendent found around my neck bounces with every step. The torches explode with dark flames and a swirling tunnel of dark air is zooming towards me, I feel my hair being pulled back into the darkness. I grab the handle to my door and slam it closed as fast as possible. Locking it, breathing heavily, safe on the other side. Tears spill out of my eyes. What is wrong with me! I don't want to be the outcast in another group. Here I thought I would belong.

"MOM!" I cry. I know she can't hear me but I needed to. I grab my notebook and pen and sit on my windowsill. Looking up at the stars I start to write.


I miss you. Like always. I am at the Bermuda camp you told me not to go to. I'm sorry I felt I needed to belong. I felt something told me I had to be here. But I don't belong here either. I know you know why! Tell me please. Take me home.This is something big isn't it? I had three elements reach me in the choosing ceremony and I don't remember what happened. This is why you left isn't it? Mom now is the time to tell me.

-Jordan Wayhunter

I roll up the paper into a scroll and tap it with my wand then throw it into the fire. My mother taught me to message her if I ever needed her. The fire turns green for a second then back to normal. I fell asleep before I could get a reply.


I woke up earlier than usual. And what a shock Jordan was gone, I knew she would leave at her first chance…. I just wish she would've taken me. I can't imagine what she feels. What everyone thinks. I know she wants to fit in, but it can't happen. She was made to be special. I should ask about her parents but I don't know what to say. "Oh hey Jordan so tell me about your dead parents?" I think in my head. See I'm bad at this stuff. People are crowded around Jordan's door. Are they wondering what happened? I push in through my door and use are connecting door to go in her room. Something felt off about the cold handle, but i turned it. "Jord-" what happened something's wrong her she is sitting by her green fire crying with a note in her hand "Jordan!" I've never seen her so upset. "What??" she held out the note.


I can't tell you now, I'm being watched by someone, but yes I do know. I'm sorry I never told you but it was safer for us all. There is a teacher here who can help you, i've been to this school, I trust her. Ms. Ember can help you, darling. I will tell you soon but it's not the right time. I love you Jordan keep Jack close, don't trust anyone but them.

-Cameron Wayhunter

I felt betrayed "Jordan...."


"You're not… an orphan." Jack whispers hurt. "You know your mom?" he looked sad now. "You didn't tell me." Jack whispers even quieter. Every time I needed help with money, or advice I could contact her, but I was mostly alone. Jack was stuck in thought, I'd been lying to him this whole time about something important. Something he wished he had. I can't hold my tears back. They slip down my face silently. He puts his arms around me in a brotherly way, I wanted to be held closer. I wanted my mom, things were so confusing. Am I some special kid or is this a misunderstanding! Who and what is my mom afraid of right now. I've upset Jack too and I don't know how to apologize.

"I'm so sorry Jack, I just.." I sputter out. Jack wiped a tear off my cheek. Staring at the tear confused like now another puzzling thing was in his mind. He puts his hand on my forehead.

"You're really hot!" Jack states worried. I feel the ache now, my body feels like hot coals. I brush it off nothing some sleep can't fix.

"I'll be fine, i'm really tired." I realized yawning, wanting to close the conversation.

"Okay Jordan, I will be right in my room if you need anything" He hesitates looking worried but calm. Then he steps over to the door and is gone. I just need time to think.

I wake up and put on a plain grey tank top, blue boyfriend jeans, and peach converse. I was happy with my outfit, my closet came stocked with some things. For a magical remote island, they were pretty up to date on the latest fashion trends. Ever since Jack told me, I realized the burning sensation in my skin. It kept me awake most of the night tossing and turning. I had to put concealer, which I found in a drawer, on the bags under my eyes because they got so bad. I need to see Ms. Ember.

"Jordan" Jack runs up from his room into mine. He's wearing the same thing as yesterday, except the dark blue pendant and wand. Ah yes I grab mine and the pendant pulses.

"We really start fast, our first class is today with Ms. Ember, she is our fire and combat teacher." Jack states.

"Oh gosh, I'm nervous Jack" I squeak.

"Jordy it's gonna be okay, and we can talk to Ms. Ember after class too, I know you want to ask her some things." He replies calmly. As we walk out of the door a mob of kids sprint past us down to the coliseum. I look at Jack all prepared, he has a schedule in his hands with curvy green print on it.

"So I guess we go to the coliseum too-" Jack gets interrupted by Derek.

"Hey Jordan, since we a both going to the coliseum maybe afterwards we can go into the town, get ice cream, and go for a walk?"

I hesitate "uhm, okay see you later, I'm thirsty I'm going to get a drink, bye." I say happily. I can't stand Derek, but it's worth a try i guess. I feel bad for leaving Jack there with him, especially when they don't get along. Maybe I should go back and save him. Well it's too late now I enter the coliseum, different from the last time I was here. There aren't white circles anymore just emerald green grass.


"I don't want to create any tension between you and Jordan while i'm dating her, so I will be nice to you." Derek smiled, his big bright smile.

"Well first things first, I don't think Jordan likes you" I barked at him.

"Ha ha ha, Well i've got a better chance than you, i can tell you like her i'm not blind. I can see it all over your face when she's here. I know you would do anything for her, so don't get in my way." Derek acidly warns me. "I have my ways of getting what I want." Derek turns and walks off. Leaving me wide open and hurt.


Ms. Ember stands in the middle of the field handing out vests, I walk up closer. Cheerful little lady she is her dark eyes glowing with kindness. She hands me a vest,

"And u wear these for fake battles here, they have pendant shards so if you get hit with powers it just knocks you down and-" Ms. Ember looks up from rambling on. "Cameron?" She gasps "Wait no! Jordan dear!" she pulls me into a hug. "I haven't seen you since you were born." She smiles. "Oh dear, you're here.." she ends.

"So you and my mom are close?" I ask

"Well we were but after you were born she needed to leave. Oh my I never thought I'd meet you, you look so much like her!" She keeps talking. Jack walks up and joins me.

"Oh Jordan I will talk with you after this, class starts now!" She finishes and walks away.

"What was that about?" Jack whispers to me.

"Ms. Ember seems to know a lot about me, i'm going to talk to her after this." I whisper back.

"Sounds good." Jack replies.

"Now today we are doing a mock battle the vests you're wearing protect you from all elements. I want to see everyone's abilities and skill levels. If you're knocked down you're out. Last one standing gets Knicks, our currency around here to shop with. Now let the battle begin!" Ms. Ember yells. I look at Jack, alliance already made. With the 9 new students and 13 other lower level people here that makes 22 minus us. How do we do this. Competitiveness runs in my veins, and it's not from my mom. As I am thinking a fireball is lobbed at us. I shoved my hand out, a great ice shield dissipates the fireball. Maybe I will try this, i swing my wand horizontally at the crowd and ice shards shoot in there direction and some duck but i hit some and kids are laying down on the ground. I turn to see Jack strike three down with a bolt of lightning, good he's doing well too. I spun my wrist let the power flow through me and tell me what to do. A cyclone of fire whips out and knocks seven down on their backs. Jack turns towards me and I get caught in his stare. He looks behind me and gestures me to duck fast I jump down and a huge bolt strikes two more. I touch my hand to the grass and sweep up mini tornados towards the opponents sweeping more to the ground. Jack sends a tornado to the rest and we are done.

"We did it Jack." I smile.

"Jordy it's last one standing wins.." Jack says sheepishly "go ahead and hit me."

"No I can't, I don't want to." I reply sadly. "Jack." Storm clouds gather above us and my hair stands up, "Jack!" The bolt jumps down and hits him. He falls to the ground laughing and I run to him. "Jack why did you do that!" I laugh yell at him, "I wanted you to win Jack" I whine.

"Oh Jordy, your so sweet but you deserve to win," he smiles.

"Jordan, here's Knicks for you, and Jack here are some for your bravery. Class dismissed!" Ms. Ember for being a small woman has a big voice.


Jordan and I thanked Ms. Ember and she told us to meet her in her office. She grabbed my arm while Jordan walked ahead "You keep good watch over my godchild okay Jack, I trust you." she whispers and pushes me towards Jordan.

"Hey Jack, I really appreciate all you do for me. I don't know what I would do without you." Jordan adds shyly. What was I thinking? Derek was right I have devoted myself to her completely. I thought she didn't care, and just used me. Jordan isn't that kind of person Derek just got in my head. He confused me, but I know she's worth everything.

"Jordan, anytime." I smile. Ms. Ember closes the door behind her.

"Alright, Jordan I cannot tell you everything, your mother specifically told me to wait."

"Why not!" Jordan interjects.

"Honey, it is safer that way, please wait just a little longer. I can tell you everything after your mother says so." Ms. Ember states.

"Jordan, if it's for your safety a couple days or weeks waiting that's all." I reassured her.

"Okay you're right I can manage for a little bit." Jordan leans against the wall. "My mom sounded like she was being watched, will she be okay?"

"Honey, we can hope for the best. I don't know honestly. The people that threaten her scare me also." Ms. Ember worried. Jordan's eyes grew sadder and she turned away from us all. Ms. Ember walks over to her and puts her hand on her back. I'm stuck in place. I don't know how to help here.

"Your mother is a strong elementalist Jordan, don't worry. She knew you would end up here someday."


Jack and I both got books on history and use of powers. I was studying waiting for Derek to get me. I can't tell if i'm not excited about this date or if the day just affected my attitude all together.

"Knock knock Jordan are you ready?" the snotty voice of Derek oh great. I think i'm feeling both. I open the door,

"Hello Jordan you're looking nice tonight." Derek flashes his big white smile.

"Thank you." I laugh. He struts along with me by his side showing me off to the passersbys. I don't like feeling like a trophy he's already won.

"What kind of ice cream would you like?" the sweet woman behind the counter asked.

"I will have mango, and what about you my sweetie?" Derek cooed.

"I would like coffee thank you." I grunt not happy.

After we grab the ice cream and walk outside I take a bite. So chilly and creamy.

"May I take you on a walk?" Derek asks.

"Sure." he's being so polite it's strange. There is something weird about it. I saw something out of the corner of my eye move. Was that Jack? No, he's studying in his room. Derek talks all about everything and I react at all the right times, distantly listening.

"Jack is in love with you." Derek shouts catching my attention for many reasons.

"What are you talking about, he's like my best friend.." I blush harshly. Something had changed in Derek's mood.

"That's just a sad excuse for you two being in love with each other! Are you so blind you don't know it! It's so obvious!" Derek yells temper rising.

"Derek calm down, please." I exclaim. His veins popping out of his head. Face red, what ticked him off so much, what is wrong?

"I'm gonna fix it!" Derek screams. Fix what? My thoughts interrupted by his harsh lips pushing me back into the nearest tree. Derek had planned this, we walked into the forest a ways and I didn't have anyone to help me. He pinned me against the rough bark, using his tongue and lips prying my mouth open. I ripped my hand free dragging against the bark and hit him straight in the face. While he's distracted I kick him off me and run in some direction. In that instant I forget that we are both magicians I reach my hand to my wand in my back pocket right as fire wrapped around my legs tripping me. I felt my skin blister and bubble. I cry out in pain the adrenaline allows me to grab my wand and break the fire rope. I jump up and run again.

Next chapter