
The Simulacrai Invasion Begins

Chase was enjoying his time in the Zarai Outskirts. Zarai a city of The Zaron Empire. Chase was having fun with his friends playing soccer. Chase is a sixteen-year-old and a soldier in waiting. Chase and his best friend, James were talking when they heard it. A Massive Foghorn. In these lands, a foghorn is a call to action or an offer of a treaty or an exchange of materials. But this horn wasn't a foghorn. it was a war horn. a war horn that was telling the people of Zarai to run but the people of Zarai didn't listen. instead, they prepared for an attack just in case. The main gates to the city were closed. Soldiers gathered on the Zarai Outskirts. Chase and James ran and hid in an abandoned store and watched. There was a fog in the air. A thick one. The fog didn't continue it just stopped right there. From the fog emerged giant floating ships. With spikes all over, green glow being emitted, and oval-shaped. The ships were massive. The Ships stopped and one landed lowering a ramp and from the inside came soldiers in black titanium armor. The only thing that could be seen of their body was their mouth. Humans? whispered Chase to James. One soldier with a massive black great sword sheathed on their back. The soldier stepped forward and started speaking in a female voice, "People of Zarai and Citizens of The Zaron Empire. As of today. Your planet will be ruled by The Great Leader. You will call him, The Simulacra. We must ask for your surrender and to get out of our way". as the female general finished her announcement the other two ships land beside it and more soldiers arrive. Chase is very scared. "that must be thousands of them", said James about to run but being stopped by Chase. Chase told him to wait just in case. The Soldiers of The City responded, "We will not surrender to people from out of our world. Outsiders like you are never welcome". The soldiers drew their Wielders and equipped their rifles. The Invaders drew their guns but were ordered to stand down by the general. The general stepped forward and spoke, "The Great Leader has ordered a massive assault on this city as the beginning of his conquest. I have offered mercy of surrender. and you decline? Rethink your decision or we will burn your city to the ground". The soldiers seemed terrified but didn't stand down. All of a sudden the city walls were filled with City Soldiers. The Soldiers on the wall drew rifles and started firing. The soldiers on the Outskirts drew bayonets on their rifles and charged. Explosions erupted everywhere as Chase and James tried to run. They were cut off by Invader soldiers. They ran back and then realized the only way to go is past the ships. Chase and James decided to run for it. Dust was filling the air as soldiers clashed and blood was spilled. There were thousands of soldiers on each side out there either fighting with a broken sword, a good sword, a broken gun, a good gun, a small knife, or their fists. Chase and James ran through the battle but were tossed across the battlefield by an explosion landing behind The General of The Invaders. Chase tried to run but couldn't. his leg was broken. James was unconscious and probably has a broken limb. The general killed a city soldier by shoving her sword through their neck. The general noticed Chase. Chase was terrified. He started yelling for help. The general got on her knees and saw Chase's broken leg. She grabbed him and carried him on to one of the ships and into a medical bay. She set him on a bed and came back with James who was awake. The general fixed their broken limbs with the supplies in the Medical Bay. After she fixed them up she spoke to them, "Listen I'm not supposed to help enemies no matter what so I can't be spotted with y'all in here. but that doesn't mean I won't help y'all. Now I'm sorry but you have to run. I promise your families will be fine and you'll see them again. just run and find somewhere to stay. Chase didn't have to worry about family. He didn't have one. but James did. The two friends ran from the battlefield as fast as they could.