1 Running

[this is just for fun and I'm a new writer warning this will be bad and cringy as hell you have been warned p.s please comment constructive criticism ]

'I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE' they thought while running, almost literally, for their life. They had just escaped the orphanage that they grew up ,for most of their life, in. Finally they could see the river now they only had one more obstacle in their path to freedom nothing could stop them no-


They had just tripped and fallen into a tree they knew that they were weak and due to crashing head first into a huge branch they knew they wouldn't make it 'heh guess they never caught me alive' they said lying on the moist, autumn leaves closing their eyes for the very last time

(a/n: 'they' will now be referred to as 'she')

Then she had the sudden urge to open her eyes. Opening her eyes to see a lush forest filled with critters such as what looks life birds, lizards, and some small mammals of sorts. There was life everywhere giant trees, flowers and mushrooms of all different kinds now she knew she must have died nowhere back where she lived could have possibly looked this magical. 'Is this what people back at the orphanage called heaven?' she thought wait a minute... 'THIS IS NOT MY BODY WHAT ARE THESE, THESE ARE NOT MY HANDS!' then she heard a sound that scared her half to death. A big brown bird coming right at her................

[Until next chapter im ending this now because its 12 am and im tired and lazy i probably wont even update this book but maybe... until next time]
