
Boss from hell

The office doors swung open. 

Whispers turned into silence.

All eyes were glued to the entrance.

Kang Seo-yun AKA 'Boss from hell' made her grand appearance. Her stilettos clicked against the marble floor, echoing through the room like a death knell. Employees scurried back to their cubicles, abandoning any semblance of social interaction.

Seo-yun surveyed the room with a steely black gaze, her dark hair cascading down her shoulders. She wore a sharp navy suit, tailored to perfection, every crease and fold deliberate and calculated. With a slight nod, she disappeared behind the frosted glass doors leading up to her corner office.

Minutes later, her secretary, Kim Jung-eun, walked in carrying a stack of files.

"Good morning, Miss Kang," she greeted warmly, placing the documents on Seo-yun's desk.

"Jung-eun, we need to discuss something important." Seo-yun leaned forward, hands folded tightly together.

"Of course, what can I help you with?" Jung-eun replied, taking a seat opposite her boss.

"I heard some news earlier...you're getting married?" Seo-yun asked, trying hard to mask her disbelief.

Jung-eun hesitated for a brief moment before answering, "Yes, I am. It's been long overdue."

A heavy pause filled the office as Seo-yun processed this information. Reluctantly, she spoke, "Is there anything I can do to change your mind? Maybe a raise or promotion?"

Jung-eun shook her head gently, "Miss Kang, it's not about the job or the money; I just feel it's time for me to move on and start a family."

An awkward silence ensued, clipped by the distant hum of printers and keyboards. Seo-yun couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal, knowing full well that finding another assistant with the same level of dedication would prove challenging.

She sighed deeply, "You know I don't approve of marriage, right?"

"Marriage isn't for everyone, miss," Jung-eun responded softly, "But sometimes, it's worth giving a chance."

In a rare moment of vulnerability, Seo-yun confessed, "My father keeps pushing me towards matrimony too. But it seems so pointless. People use each other for personal gain – why should I fall prey to such deceit?"

Jung-eun smiled sympathetically at her boss, "Not everyone has ulterior motives, Miss Kang. Sometimes people genuinely care for each other. Look at my fiancé and me. We have our differences, but ultimately, we respect and love each other unconditionally."

Frustration bubbled within Seo-yun as she remembered her father's relentless attempts to set her up with potential suitors, who saw nothing beyond her wealth and influence. "How do I find someone genuine, Jung-eun?"

Her secretary placed a comforting hand on hers, replying, "It takes patience and willingness to look beyond materialistic aspects, Miss Kang. Love will come when you least expect it."

As Jung-eun prepared to leave, Seo-yun felt a sense of uneasiness creep in. If even her most loyal ally chose to walk away, whom could she trust in this cutthroat world?