
I'm Coming for You . . .

Inside a conference room of the largest building there is pin drop silence as every one in the room is looking at the CEO. The man taps his finger on the table while looking at a report. He raises his head saying "Re run the numbers and report back to me tomorrow." and exits the room. All of the company executives breath a sigh of relief as the man leaves and takes the suffocating atmosphere out with him.

"John!" the man barks as he is walking back to his office. "contact the shareholders of Hughes Investments Corp. and start buying them out. You have until tomorrow to acquire what we lack for a majority!"

'Oh no the boss is on the war path again' thought John as he feebly said "yes sir" then muttering under his breath "why is he focused on this worthless company, they have little to no money left and best estimates say they will only last till the end of the month" However , John began working on contacting shareholders to acquire shares for his devil boss.

After a while a knock is heard on the CEO's door. John walks in after he hears permission to enter and looks at the man of 26 years sitting at the desk. The man exudes an aura of dominance and nobility even when reading reports. "Chairman Sean, I have acquired the remaining 8% of shares for Hughes Investments."

"Good, immediately dismiss the current CEO and call a board meeting for a new CEO. I will have my vote ready by the end of the day. Investigate the the current affairs of the company and i want a report sent to me ASAP. Also send me info of suitable candidates for the CEO position from within the company." Sean says in one breath without even looking up from the report he's reading.

"Right away sir" John walks out sweating from the domineering aura from his boss and discreetly calls his wife to apologize that his devil boss was going to make him work overtime yet again ruining their plans. ' maybe I'll get a vacation this century' John thought as he buckled down on his new task.

After a few hours John enters Sean's office and hands him all the information he has acquired for the company. As Sean began to go over the reports and information John can't began to admire the man in front of him who started the company in his teens and grew it into a company that actually dwarfed the company that his family has operated for almost a century and was one of the largest companies in the world. However most people didn't know that that Sean never had the luxury of using the family company for his own purposes as the company went to his great uncle instead to his grand mother. The only thing Sean received from the family company was a $50,000 investment that was lack of a better term a way to keep him satisfied and away from fighting for a right to run the family company. Little did the family know, other than those he let close to him, that Sean was not only the CEO but also the majority shareholder of Dearborn Industries, a company that almost everyone in the world wanted to work with after they realized that the mysterious CEO was practically Midas when it came to business deals. The company had never reported a loss and profited on almost every deal even when making deals with at-risk companies.

"John, call Sebastian back and tell him he can report as 'acting CEO' on Monday. Your new task will be assisting the new CEO of Hughes. Also inform the staff that they do not need to return after lunch today and to enjoy their weekend. Find a way for Director Sarah Morgan to attend the board meeting vote."

"Yes Sir" John said originally devastated when he heard that Sebastian was coming back however he say the scheming look in his bosses eyes and knew the situation wasn't this simple. Now as to the second task having a lowly director attend a board meeting instead of the VP would be a difficult task but not impossible. "anything else sir?"

"Report to my office at end of day as you will not only be the PA of the New CEO but also my representative at the board meeting. If I remember correctly my cousin is still an investor of the company and I can't risk revealing my identity to them just yet."

Later that day....

As rain descended on the city, Sean stared out of his office windows. John standing in the office had the thought ' he looks like an Emperor staring at his domain.' Sean turns around and hands John an envelope and folder. "Remember you need to appear at the last possible moment as the board has already learned that even though we are an absentee member we are now the majority shareholder and they can't do anything to overturn our decision. I want to see what these old men are scheming."

"yes sir." John stated accepting the documents and walked out. As he walked out he looked at his boss and had a realization 'he doesn't look much like a Emperor he just looks lonely now'

Sean, unaware of what his assistant was thinking' sat down at his desk and opened the desk drawer and pulled out a photo from the drawer. He looked at the photo of a women in her early teens smiling over her shoulder at the picture taker. ' I never forgot about you and what you've done for me. Its time that I payed this debt to you and fufilled my promise.' Sean sighed

"I'm coming for you...."

Next chapter