

Charlie takes photos of a model in his studio when his friends enters into the studio, they greet each other and Charlie finishes with his work and goes to meet them in the living room.

"Hey! Guys, you didn't tell me you guys were coming" Charlie said.

Micheal said "seriously?"

" Wait! Wait! Wait! Like seriously! Do we need to get an invitation or permission for us to visit our friend" Victor said.

"No! No! Guys, that's not what I meant, I am just surprised about your visit to my studio, you guys know you never visited me at work" Charlie said.

"Me and Ginger are getting married" Michael said happily.

"Wow! Congratulations Mike, really! Congratulations dude, am so happy for the both of you. This calls for a celebration men" surprised Charlie said.

Victor face becomes serious and said "And......we also came for another issue and it concerns you".

Charlie becomes curious" and what is that?"

"Hmmm.....the thing is you need to get a girlfriend for yourself dude, God! You will be thirty in a month yet you don't have a girl you can show as yours, guy come on! You really need a girlfriend" said Victor.

Charlie frowns " No! No! No! Not that topic again please" said Charlie and he turns to leave and is pulled down to the seat.

"See, Charlie seriously, you need to get a girlfriend, for God's sake you are almost thirty!" Said Micheal.

Charlie laughs and said "And what is wrong with being thirty and single".

"See, you always think not having a girlfriend isn't wrong, Charlie" Victor said.

Charlie shakes his head and said "See, you guys know my life motto " JUST HAVE FUN" so having a girlfriend is not on my list okay?" He looks at his friends waiting for their response.

" You need to get someone to talk with, vibe with, and do other things like...... you know" Victor said.

"Guys, I can do all that without getting a girlfriend for myself, to talk and vibe I have got you guys for that and as for having sex, I....I....do have ladies at my beck and call, so anytime I need to have sex I just call them" said Charlie pouting his lips.

"Listen dude, you can't be be very sure you are safe out there, guy you need to stop being an asshole and get a girlfriend before it's too late" said Michael.

"Yes Charlie, Michael is right, you need to stop, you are kinda a popular guy so all this tends to fire back someday, there is what they call karma you know" said Victor.

Charlie laughs and said"All that is not for me so when the time is right I will get a wife, no even a girlfriend"

Micheal said "You never can tell the future now bro".

Both his friends raises their hands in agreement and said "Okay! Okay! If that's what you want" both sighs and follows Charlie out of the house.

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