
Red Wine & Burgers

There was a reason why she would only say those things to Luca. Even if it was only in jest. It was a promise her original self had made many lifetimes ago.

It was during her college days that something inside of her triggered. Something had awakened that couldn't really be explained. Not at first.

Witch. Wuism. Shamanism. Sorcerer. Whatever you wanted to call it. She had the ability to do things that people didn't believe existed. Magic.

Her first life. The first time her soul was born. She was known as a healer and seen as a deity. Someone who could cure those that doctors of that time couldn't even begin to understand let alone attempt to undo. It was strange. The first time witnessing a glimpse of her past life. Being there but unable to do anything but watch. Watching as she had promised a man who had taken her under his wings. A great general of the old country.

Selena didn't care about what was going on around the images playing out in her mind. How could she when it was her first trance she was experiencing? All she could focus on was the man with wrinkles and the signs of war marring his skin. Gazing down at her with a doting look that a parent would only give his child. She could hear her own voice telling him that his death was soon and that she couldn't prevent it. For if she did, the great king would die instead.

"You have granted me love and have brought me from death himself. I promise that your descendants will forever be protected by me."

A single tear fell down his face as he cupped her face.

"It saddens me to hear not that I will die, I have long accepted the fact a general has a short life-span, but that you still refuse to take my son as your husband and become my true daughter."

She patted the hand that was so rough and worn out.

"He is not the descendant of yours that I am destined to be with. The fates deal their cards and I can only do so much."

She felt her body move away. Holding two fingers before her nose and then her lips, curled into a fist, before kneeling. Her face burned and tingled. Her voice became deep and grave.

"By the laws of nature, the fates, and by this gift. I swear to you that this soul will forever look over the descendants of General Wang. Use my gifts to ensure they are protected and live a fulfilling life. Only when the great General Wang is reincarnated can I be released from this oath."

She had spent that night researching about General Wang. After pulling an all-nighter and using the minimal resources from her yet established company. She had found out that Luca and his family happened to be part of that general's family lineage. Which had explained the nagging feeling that had wanted her to be his friend.

From then on, Selena had stayed by his side and protected him. Even at times, he wasn't aware of what she had done for him. She rather liked it that way.

Since the first trance. She would get snippets of her past lives. Her body being reborn to help those of the Generals family whenever strife would be there to end the Wang family tree.

Worry etched itself between her eyebrows as she glanced briefly at her dancing partner. Luca's eyebrows rose in response. Trying to place where her thoughts had led to.

"Did he say anything to you?"

The way Luca said he and the glare shot over her head. She knew who exactly he was talking about. Way off topic but a welcome distraction.

"That requires me to care to even listen to him let alone allow him to speak to me."


She rolled her eyes.

"I overheard that your sister would be officially taking over your family's company soon and has..." She saw him watching her out the corner of his gaze. Gauging her reaction. "Has been seen dating. . . Theo."

"Where did you hear that? From your little gossiping entourage?"

"Ha. Ha."

"My sister has impeccable taste to be going after my seconds."

Luca scoffed.

"Anyone can see that he's only with your sister to get back at you after you mercilessly dumped him... publicly."

Selena mocked gasped.

"Did I just hear you say something negative about someone else?"

"Oh shut it.

If what he said was true, things at home were going to get interesting, at least when her mother finds out that the charming snake Theo was an ex of her elder daughter. She has no plans on bringing it up but if he so much as harms her sister or brings dishonour to her parents and grandparent. Then he can say goodbye for a second time. If it angers her sister then so be it.

"I'll keep an eye on it."

He gives her a side glance which was retaliated with a pointed look.

Releasing his hands from her waist. He holds them up in mock surrender. Waving the figurative white flag.

"Just making sure."

She hummed.

Just as she was about to get into position to take them both into another dance. A commotion by the door caught everyone's attention. It seemed that while they were discussing the couple, those in speaking had decided to finally arrive. Nadia stood to the side, her dress stained with red wine, a weeping woman with her head down was asking her forgiveness and Theo stood to the side brandishing a hankie.

In sync, Luca and Selena parted and headed towards the gathering crowd. There was wine splattered on the floor. The new bag her mother had bought Nadia was ruined. Trampled on by a certain pair of heels that seemed to have remained clean from the ordeal. Theo who was gazing at the woman before him with a heated look was tightlipped to conceal the anger that was apparent in his gaze. Unable to speak the harsh words in favour of keeping his image pristine.

Selena and Luca broke through the crowd. Her hand reached out behind her where Luca had already taken his jacket off. Wrapping it around her soiled sister's shoulder. She gave her a look to make sure she was okay. There were no tears just a stunned expression and the slow stir of anger emerging.

The crowd that had merely stood there watching and whispering became quiet the moment Selena had entered the scene. The atmosphere turned cold, the air static with unbridled anger ready to be unleashed, and her eyes grew cloudy. A white sheen obscured her iris's.

Selena's slim finger lifted the girls head. Not missing the flare of terror when their gaze connected. She blinked and the white eyes that were staring at her were gone. A detached set of bright green peered down at her. She mentally calculated how many drinks she had tonight, wondering if she had reached her limit, for her to see such a strange thing.

"How predictable..." she drawled. Canting her head to the side as the tip of her nail dug into the woman's chin. Giving her a slow once over.

Releasing the girls head. Selena turned her gaze towards Theo who hadn't taken his eyes off the Devereaux that wasn't his date.

"You need to handle your affairs more efficiently." Was all she said as she nodded to Luca to take her sister away.

Before either Theo or the girl could refute. A booming voice could be heard across the crowd.

"What's going on here?" General Rafari stamped her foot. Everyone immediately shuffled to give her a pathway.

Selena inclined her head.

"Merely a moment between the past and the present." Selena filled her in.

Riza took one look at Nadia's retreating back, Theo who still stood there with his hankie in hand, and the woman who was wide-eyed.

"What comes of women today to disregard their pride for a bit of meat?" She shook her head in disgust.

She heard a few people choke on their drink after hearing Riza's remark. Selena smirked as she bowed her head and turned away. Following the path of Luca and Nadia. Theo stretched out his hand as if to grab her but seemed to change his mind.

Panic began to set in before a single thought flittered through his mind. She wasn't wrong that the woman before them was a past fling. Which meant that she still cared enough about him to keep tabs on his romantic life. Even going as far as stepping in to frown upon his tastes.

Unaware of the thoughts brewing in her date's mind. Nadia was fuming. Pacing up and down. Luca leaned against the wall. Watching her, twisting the ruined clutch in hand, waiting for her to finish venting.

"Sister," Selena called.

She picked up her dress so her pace can quicken. Nadia's eyes turned towards her elder sister. Glancing behind to her find that no one followed after her. She wanted to strangle that man who had left her standing there after being drenched in red wine.

"Are you okay?" Gone is the detached and emotionless voice in favour of a more affectionate tone.

"Okay? Okay?" She repeated. "I am humiliated. That ... that woman.." She huffed.

"You can only be humiliated if you allow them to make you feel that way," Selena said.

"Even though you are the eldest doesn't mean you are older than me. I don't need your so-called wisdom. I want that woman to pay."

"What are you going to do? Slap her, pour a bottle of wine on top of her? That will only allow her to make you stoop to her level."

Nadia laughed.

"I will be satisfied to see her get the same treatment times ten."

"You are above that, Nadia. We are Devereaux's. You will become the CEO of our family's company soon. It will not do well to your reputation or to the companies if you retaliate in that way."

She rolled her eyes but finally stopped pacing.

"Come. I have a spare outfit in my car."

By the time Nadia had changed and returned back to Luca who had been waiting for them. Theo had emerged from the party after dealing with the woman and appeasing the owners of the mansion. Nadia had calmed down now and was ready to return. Even if she had to face that woman again and be the laughing stock of the party.

"Selena," Theo greeted. "Nadia."

Selena turned to her sister. Gave her a pointed look before turning to Luca who shrugged and left the party with her. Theo glanced at the retreating backs before turning back to his date.

"We don't have to go back. Let me treat you to dinner. An apology for tonight."

"No," Nadia took a deep breath. "I will be the new face of Catiive Corp. If I do not go back and network. There is no point in me taking over and I might as well hand it over to my sister."

Theo glanced behind them again before he finally offered his arm and they re-entered the party.

While her sister ignored the glances and the whispers that followed after but never spoken to her face. Her elder sister but younger in age was seated in a small fast-food restaurant. Enjoying the cheap Halloween decorations littered about and absentmindedly playing with the fake cob-web on the window pane. Luca, who had taken of his jacket for the second time that night, dug into his burger. Cherishing the atmosphere and the taste of his food. All his other friends preferred places that only those that can afford to waste a couple of thousand dollars. It was only with Selena that he could enjoy sitting in a place like this, with a tuxedo on and her in heels and an expensive dress, and enjoy a meal that wouldn't cost him a hundred dollars.

"I don't know if its cause I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. But I hate rich people food."

Luca's snorted. Almost swallowing his food the wrong way.

"We weren't there long enough to try any of the food."

She waved her hand.

"It's always the same with these things. Unedible and overpriced."

Shaking his head. He grabbed a napkin and handed it to her. She dabbed away at the sauce that had clung to the side of her mouth.

"You just have good taste."

"I really do." Selena agreed.

"Shameless." He rebutted.

"You love me for it."

"You going to be busy tomorrow night?"

She nodded.

"But I will be free in the morning."

"Of course you will be. It's our annual Halloween brunch."

No set chapter schedule. Pretty much going to be whenever inspiration hits. That could mean a single chapter or two or three a day. I'm going to try and get most of the story out while the contest is going.

11 days - hopefully, I can do it.

Just a reminder that this is edited by myself. I try to give myself a bit of time before coming back to edit but chances are I might gloss over some things.

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