
The CEO has a mistress

When they met, he was a mysterious man who was extremely wealthy while she was just an ordinary college student. He appeared in front of her when she needed help the most, and so he would give her money as long as she slept with him. Since he was generous, she soon had enough money to have surgery on her brother's kidney. When they met again, he became the richest man in the entire United States, president of one of the most desired technology companies in the world, while she was a small manager in a five-star hotel. She once thought that there would be no more intersection between them and also chose to completely forget that terrible past. But she never thought that two years later, this man would reappear in her world in this way.

DaoistnLGUEE · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

- I don't think we have anything else here, now, for the moment, let's go back to the company. - Nicholas spoke to his secretary, Luna, who nodded, and the butler, seeing this, spoke.

- Mr. Nicholas, will you… won't you have a look at the madam? - Su Nicholas' steps stopped, he turned and said: - No need, say hello to her for me. Just tell her I still have important matters to attend to.

When the sleeper heard this, a trace of regret crossed his eyes: - If that's the case, I think she'll be a little disappointed to hear about it. - He spoke, and then, without looking back, Nicholas just took a deep breath and left the house.

After seeing Nicholas leave, the sleepy family friend named Stevie turned and walked into a room on the west side.

A dignified and graceful noblewoman wearing a white dress stood by the window, she held a kettle in her hand and watered a bowl of white jasmine, and beside her, a maid helped her with a cutting tool.

- Madam Olivia? - Stevie shouted softly after entering the door, but the noblewoman didn't turn her head, and just continued to water.

His voice was as calm as the surface of a lake: - Has he left?

- Yes, Mr. Nicholas told me to say hello, and only informed him that he still had urgent matters to attend to, so he left first. Stevie bowed and spoke carefully.

- I asked myself, what's the surprise with that? After all, he never had a mother like me in his heart. - And he put the kettle in the hands of the maid and mocked: - He is the same as his dead father. He is heartless and ungrateful.

- Mrs Olivia, I really think you misunderstood Mr. Nicholas, he really must have something urgent to attend to, he didn't even wait for his grandfather to wake up before leaving. - Stevie didn't want the mother and son to have a deeper misunderstanding, so he helped explain.

Who knew the other party wasn't already interested in listening: - All right, you don't need to speak for him, I know better than you who he is. Now, you can leave, and don't bother me unless it's something serious. - Stevie didn't dare say more, nodded and left silently.

He also knew in his heart that the twenty-something years of enmity between mother and son was not something that could be resolved with just a few words from a stranger.

On the way to the company, Nicholas was sitting in the back, his face pale, and Luna could see he wasn't in the mood and didn't dare provoke him.

All of a sudden, her phone rang, and she immediately picked up her phone to check and the caller ID showed Melissa Roberts, the caller.

"Manager Roberts? What had happened to make her call?" - Nicholas thought to himself when he saw who it was, his eyelids twitched slightly, but he still remained calm and collected.

Luna answered the call and put the phone to her ear: - Hello, Miss Roberts... Oh, are you looking for the President? He is here. Wait a moment … - Luna turned a little from her body and held out the phone to Nicholas, and said: - Sir, Miss Roberts said she wants to talk to you.

Nicholas looked at Luna, his eyes were cold to the point of making people's hearts flutter, but he still reached out to pick up the phone.

- What there was? His voice was low and his tone was emotionless.

On the other end of the phone, Melissa originally wanted to call him to ask why he had secretly taken her picture and even posted it on the internet, but when she heard his cold voice on the other end of the phone, she felt weak.

- I... I have something to ask you. - She tried to cheer up, telling herself not to be afraid, after all, it wasn't her who did the wrong thing.

- You can talk, what do you want to ask?

- You... Why did you secretly take my picture and... and put it on the Internet. You know because of that, I was...

- Did anyone recognize her?- He asked surprised by this.

- Yes, I was recognized by my co-workers. - She sounded a little wronged.

- And they created problems for you? - He was more concerned about this issue.

- It hasn't been a problem yet, but there are some rumors. about this! I just want to know, why did you take the pictures and post them on the internet? - Melissa still wanted to hear an explanation from him.

- President, we're here. - Luna told the man who was behind her talking on the phone.

Nicholas looked out of the car, then lowered his head and spoke into the phone, "I'll tell you about that later. - He answered, and without waiting for a response from Melissa, he just hung up the call, and with that, Melissa stared at the phone in disbelief. He had hung up on her, and what did he mean, I'll tell you later? Would he call me?

Without the answer she wanted, and although Melissa was depressed, on the one hand, the good thing was that Nicholas wasn't in New York, and she still got a few days of rest, it wasn't much, just two days, but she wanted to take advantage of it. walk around a bit to places she would like.

Melissa had no friends in town, so during her days off, she would hide out in her small apartment and go online to video chat with her brother Roberto who was away in the US. She and Rob were not orphans, quite the contrary, both parents were alive and well. But when they were very young, they had already lost all the family's assets, their mother completely despaired of it, and she met a rich man, and simply, she gave money to her father and the two divorced.

And their father thought that if their mother married in the rich class, the children could have a good life, but that didn't happen, the stepfather not only cut off all ties with the family, but also forbade their mother to have any contact with her children, and since her life was based on that, she didn't think twice about accepting what her new husband asked for.

And, your father, after losing his wife and losing the money left by his mother, he ended up accumulating a lot of gambling debts and didn't dare to come home, and all he did was hide, and not having the heart to care about brother and sister.

For a moment, the two children who originally had healthy families were no different from orphans without their parents' care.